Sandra Sade

Sandra Sade


Sandra Sade


Томас, молодой кондитер из Германии, отправляется в Иерусалим, чтобы встретиться с женой и сыном своего погибшего любовника.
A Bitter Mix
Hanna Goldfain
Benny, an Israeli living in Berlin is called back home following his grandfather death. He arrives to Israel with his girlfriend Sara and his family can't wait to meet her. But suspicions arise. The family realizes that Benny and Sara haven't actually met in a synagogue but in front of a synagogue and that the right pronunciation of her name is Zahra. Zahra Abdulla to be precise. Zahra was born in Germany to a German mother and an Egyptian father. As tension rises, the members of the family discover that Benny and Zahra were not the only ones who tried to lead a quiet life while keeping secrets.
Things Behind the Sun
Now that Itzhak's father is in a coma, and dying, Itzhak is finally willing to visit him, thus breaking a ten-year silence. During his visits to the hospital, Itzhak, a beaten and reserved man, is frustrated to find himself neglected by his own family: his wife, a long suppressed artist whose life's dream is fulfilled that same week; his twenty-seven-year-old son - a "philosopher" still living at home; and his twenty-five-year-old daughter - a tormented lesbian who has had no contact with her family for a long time. Itzhak doesn't realize, though, that his ten year old daughter, Didush, neglected and almost invisible to her family, is secretly visiting her grandfather whom she has never met previously and sets out to discover the old family secret.
Out of Sight
Ya'ara, a blind PhD candidate in Mathematics at Princeton University, hears of her cousin Talia's suicide. Ya'ara rushes back to Israel. They were best of friends and twin spirits. Talia saw for both of them, and was always the one who believed and led Ya'ara to believe, that in spite of her blindness, Ya'ara could see everything. Ya'ara joins Talia's family for the traditional 7-day mourning period and there, she discovers the secrets of Talia's life and embarks on an investigation trying to discover the reason that led Talia to commit suicide.
Картина рассказывает о странной судьбе талантливого хирурга Израиля Арье, еврея по национальности, который ребенком попадает в оккупацию, где, несмотря на ужасы военных переживаний, он встречает Первую любовь и первое предательство любви. Ровно через 60 лет, будучи известным хирургом, герою суждено вновь встретиться со своей Первой любовью, чтобы, незадолго до смерти, успеть понять истинный смысл жизни и передать это открытие близким ему людям.
Лето Авии
Aunt Alice
Главная героиня — выросшая в интернате девочка Авия, чей отец погиб на войне. Когда Авия превратилась в подростка, ее маму — бывшую партизанку, выжившую в Холокосте, поместили в психиатрическую больницу, а девочку отдали в интернат. Мама забирает Авию из интерната на лето, их соседями становится семья Гансов, и Авия решает, что Макс Ганс — её отец, не убитый на войне, как рассказывала мама, а выживший. Но семья Гансов уезжает, Авия понимает, что отца не вернуть, а в голове мамы снова начинают «ездить поезда»…