Cyria Coentro

Cyria Coentro

Рождение : 1966-04-14, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil


Cyria Coentro
Cyria Coentro


Fralda and Tito only think about enjoying the graduation party. However, for different reasons, plans for the big night go awry. To improve the situation, Tito proposes a trip.
Impuros: O Filme
Following in his deceased brother's footsteps, power-hungry drug lord Evandro embarks on a ruthless rise to power in Brazil's crime-ridden favelas. Evandro's ascension puts him on a collision course with Victor, a reckless detective with nothing to lose.
O Avental Rosa
The Seamstress
Tia Sofia
In the thirties, two sisters separated by fate face prejudice and sexism, one by the high society in a big city and the other by a group of renegades in the countryside. Despite the distance, they know that they can only count on each other and both of them will assert themselves in their own and surprising way.
Luzimar cycles each day to and from work at the local cotton mill in his hometown of Cataguases, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is a hard-working man, trying to make the most of what he has. One day, his childhood friend Gildo reappears, driving a fancy car and boasting of his successful life in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. As the two sit down for a beer, memories, regrets and old resentments slowly resurface.
Время и ветер
Henriqueta Terra
На дворе 19 век. Всю Бразилию будоражит, точатся кровопролитная война между Испанией и Португалией. В центре сюжета история двух семей: Амарал и Терра Камбара. Между ними тоже сильное напряжение. Многолетняя вражда окутавшая их сердца не дает им спокойно ужиться друг с другом. Не видя другого выхода они яростно сражаются свои права, и преодолевают трудности возникшие по пути.
Gonzaga: From Father to Son
Luiz Gonzaga decides to change his destiny and leaves his childhood home for the big city to overcome a romance. When he arrives, he meets a woman he falls in love with, the Odaleia (Nanda Costa). After the birth of his son and his wife's health complications, he decides to return to the road to ensure a better future for his son. He has a friend in Rio de Janeiro and with him leaves the little one and heads to Brazil. He didn't imagine that this distance between them would develop into a complicated relationship, enhanced by the strong personalities of both. Based on conversations between father and son, this is the story of Luiz Gonzaga, a singer and accordion player known as Rei do Baião or Gonzagão.
Once Upon a Time in Rio
Situated just above the awe-inspiring Ipanema beach in Rio is the Cantagalo slum. Every day, floods of Cantagalo residents make their way down the mountain, only to disappear into their surroundings as part of the invisible working-class that cleans apartments, works in restaurants, and sells food along the scenic, sun-drenched shores. Young Dé (Thiago Martins) is just such a man. Dé lives with his mother Bernadette (Cyria Coentro) in a cramped Cantagalo apartment, selling hot dogs on the beach in order to make the rent. His brother Beto was killed when Dé was just a young boy, and his adopted brother Carlão (Rocco Pitanga) has been jailed for a robbery that he didn't commit. One day, while working on the beach, Dé meets Nina (Vitória Frate). Nina is the only child of a successful lawyer named Evandro (Paulo César Grande), who's none to happy to discover that his daughter is dating a member of the lower class. How...
3 истории штата Баиа
Maria da Paixão
Дона Флор и два ее мужа
The 20 episode miniseries edited into a 141 minute TV film. The beautiful Flor marries Vadinho and soon finds out he's spending all their money on gambles and has mistresses all over the city. Vadinho suddenly dies while partying during Carnival, and Flor, left helpless and full of debts, ends up marrying Teodoro, who's the exact opposite of her late husband.