Johanna ter Steege

Johanna ter Steege

Рождение : 1961-05-10, Wierden, Overijssel, Netherlands


Johanna ter Steege is a Dutch stage and screen actress. She won the European Film Award for Best Supporting Actress for her movie debut in The Vanishing (1988). Among her other films are Robert Altman's Vincent & Theo (1990), István Szabó's Meeting Venus (1991) and Sweet Emma, Dear Böbe (1992), Bernard Rose's Immortal Beloved (1994), and Bruce Beresford's Paradise Road (1997). In 1994, after Julia Robert and Uma Thurman declined, Stanley Kubrick cast her for his adaptation of Louis Begley's novel Wartime Lies. Kubrick abandoned the project after Steven Spielberg's success with Schindler's List.


Johanna ter Steege


Zo doo wiejleu dat: een eeuw Twente op film
Twente op Film - Zo doo wiejleu dat
A century of change in pictures (1915-2015). What makes Twente Twente? What changes have taken place in the last century? Twente op Film is a project by filmmaker Erik Willems, actress (and co-producer) Johanna ter Steege and producer André Oude Weernink. They used film archive images to make a film about what has changed in Twente in a century. In city planning, in industry, in every day life, in the countryside and in the city.
Побег из брака
В семье Яна царит полный матриархат: мужчины пляшут под дудку своих жён, которые всегда лучше знают, как нужно жить, зачем вести здоровый образ жизни, как спать и как организовать семейный досуг. Однажды глава семьи приходит к осознанию, что больше не может жить по законам «идеального брака». Чтобы избавиться от тяжких оков и сбежать от своей жены, Ян решает предпринять радикальные шаги, симулируя симптомы слабоумия.
Фильм рассказывает историю французского военного корреспондента Габриэля, который после нескольких месяцев жизни заложником в Сирии едет в Индию, чтобы научиться жить заново.
Что нас не убивает
Максимилиан популярный психотерапевт, он справляется со своими заботами и проблемами, а также помогает пациентам.
50-year-old Victor Ganz owns a thriving civil engineering company that operates worldwide. But when some very costly problems on a site force him to go to Morocco, he is confronted with memories from his youth, that he had so far managed to bury. Between his meetings in ministries, the reappearance of a lost love who had mysteriously disappeared and an investigation into the local underground, Victor Ganz plunges into a labyrinthine world where present and past intertwine.
One Life is Not Enough
Herself / Fien de la Mar
Fien de la Mar (1898-1965) was a Dutch actress with exceptional allure and extraordinary talent. With this she celebrated many triumphs, but her life ultimately ended in tragedy.
History's Future
Losing his memory after a mugging, a man known only as 'MP' (Missing Person) leaves his home and sets out on a journey - in search not only for his memory but perhaps also for a new identity. MP finds himself confronted by a world in which there are no longer any certainties; an era of crisis on many levels. On his travels from country to country, portrayed via an associative image montage and through a series of strange, illuminating, sometimes comic encounters, MP attempts to gain insight into the complexity of life in the 21st-century West - into what commentators have called an age of 'rolling catastrophe'.
Het mooiste wat er is
Sam and Do (short for Dominique) have been together for five years. They enjoy life and are very happy. But then Do gives birth to their son Max. Their whole life is suddenly upside down. Can their love survive after the arrival of their baby?
To Life
Helen, Rose and Lili have survived the Holocaust and have never seen each other since the war has ended. In 1960, they meet again in Berck, France. They learn to enjoy together simple pleasures in life: nice meals, ballads on the beach, playing in the waves.
De Baby
Lilet Never Happened
Lilet Never Happened is the rollercoaster story of how a young girl, struggling to survive in the streets of Manila, spirals down into child prostitution. She is a fighter. She is a dreamer. She is a rebel and she thinks she can handle the world with her wits. But she has to face up to reality when she runs out of innocent dreams.
The Contract
Emma, a dissolute young woman with a strong desire to become a mother, has finally found the love of her life to settle down with. When she receives a mysterious postcard her new life is turned upsidedown. Her shady past has caught up with her: she has been traced by the company that wants from her what was agreed upon. She’s forced to pay her debt by making an impossible choice.
Housewife Katalin Munk (Johanna ter Steege) has her world torn apart when her lecturer husband János (Andor Lukáts) arrives home to tell her that he’s leaving her for a younger student of his. Katalin falls into a state of shock and wanders about the streets of Budapest in just her dressing gown carrying a pair of scissors. After a series of misadventures, Katalin eventually ends up in Turkey, where suddenly Katalin is awakened and decides to start a new life after meeting local man Hilal (Yavuz Bingol). Meanwhile her son Zoli (Norbert Varga) tries to hunt Katalin down.
Хорошие дети не плачут
Akkie's Mother
Шестиклассница Акки настоящая хулиганка: она любит футбол, дерётся с мальчишками и ничего не боится. Ничего, кроме любви. Однако, когда ей ставят диагноз лейкемия, именно любовь дает ей силы бороться с болезнью и принять неизбежное.
Мир Йоргана рушится. Его досрочно оправляют на пенсию. Единственная радость в его жизни — это дочка. Но когда она пропадает, находясь в отпуске в Намибии, он отправляется следом, чтобы найти её. Единственный союзник и помощник в поиске — это маленькая девочка — проститутка Кайса. Вместе с ней он отправляется в пустыню на поиски своей дочери.
Le Bel Âge
At 18, Claire is torn between swim practice and the pangs of first love. The elderly and eccentric Maurice Reverdy takes her in in his big house, but the girl carefully avoids this faraway figure, who is none other than her grandfather. Proud, rebellious, solitary, they represent two generations that are simultaneously attracted to and repelled by one another. Their lives will intertwine, as one seeks out her future and the other is tormented by his past.
Last Conversation
A woman drives in her car, wearing a grave look on her face. In the background, we hear the sounds of the freeway. The camera often captures her face, but occasionally we look at her from behind. Hypnotising lines on the road whiz by. Just like trees and other elements surrounding the road. Some short telephone conversations alternate with long silences. Meanwhile, the spectator travels along with the woman for many miles. Next, her phone rings for the third time. It turns out to be her lover. Gradually, the nature of the conversation becomes clear. It is their final, but intense and extensive talk. One time, the tone is very impersonal, another time defiant or even particularly emotional. More and more becomes clear about the two characters and their past relationship.
Ruwe honing
A tense father and mother prepare a visit to their son, whose birthday it is. The father is sent out to find a gift. When he comes home, his wife points out that he has chosen something inappropriate. That would only scare their son. They will have to bring something else. Their teenage daughter decides to stay home. It is soon clear that things are not going smoothly with the son and this family.
The Trap
What at first appears to be a surprise family holiday turns into a kidnapping and ends in a nightmare, when Simone discovers her father is on the run from serious problems. As she slowly realises that he is losing his mind and on the verge of doing awful harm, she decides to protect her family. Loosely based on a family drama in the Netherlands.
Magic Paris
Kate comes alone to Paris for the week-end. In this city she doesn't know, she is going to meet a man and his dog.
Guernsey is the story of a woman who suddenly looks at her own life and wonders how she became miles apart from the people she is closest to.
Sergeant Pepper
Anna Singer
A dog who was named after the Beatles album, inherits his master's fortune. His owner's two children, however, devise a plan to make off with his wealth.
Sea of Silence
Ita Werner
1969. Nine-year old Caro lives on a pig farm in a small town with her four other siblings and another on the way. She is curious and determined to understand the mysteries of the world around her. But her devout catholic father can't explain the new world and her mother is too busy for philosophy so she converses to God. One day at school she is horrified to learn that man will soon set foot on the moon. In her eyes it's not possible that God would allow anyone to get so close to Heaven. Her clowning father agrees and, unable to cope with modern-day progress, hits the bottle. Caro is preparing for her first holy communion to become 'a bride of God' but before that she seals a pact with her father to overcome her fear of swimming in exchange, he will not touch a drop of alcohol.
The Year of the First Kiss
Tristans Mutter
31 year-old Tristan remembers the time when he was 15 and had just hit puberty. But he is not alone in this, he is with a large group of friends: Specki, a fat kid who is always stuffing himself, Streusel, a cheeky boy covered with spots, Tümai, a pretty Turkish girl, Kerstin, best friend of Tümai and very sporty, Elrond, with a heavy stutter, but regardless extremely popular and good looking, Lars and Simone, so far the only couple in the class who spend most of their time smooching and Long Jana, a girl who is at least 6 foot tall and extremely skinny.
A family film, based on a well-known Dutch story from the Middle Ages. Mariken tells the compelling and poetic story of spirited young girl named Mariken. The orphan Mariken lives in a secluded forest with an eccentric old hermit. One day, she decides to leave her surroundings and sets off for town to buy a new goat. On her adventurous journey into the 'real' world, she finds out about the good and bad sides of people.
Hanna lacht
A Woman of the North
Emilie van Thuile
Young Dutch widow Emilie travels to a seaside resort in Italy, where she falls in love with Italian officer Aldo. Meanwhile, her deceased husband's assistant Hugo plans to propose to her as soon as the period of mourning is over.
Saskia Uylenburgh
Фильм - ожившая рембрандтовская картина, как бы многокадровый автопортрет художника - от молодости и до самой старости. И все это - на фоне страстей, которые кипели в Амстердаме в XVII веке...
Дорога в рай
Sister Wilhelminia
В центре сюжета фильма группа женщин из разных уголков Земли. Во время Второй мировой войны они попадают в плен к японцам, после чего решают объединиться, чтобы создать жизнеутверждающий хор.
Forever and Ever
Susanna Eggers
A life of little Maria who lives in a foster family breaks after a sudden appearance of her mother Melanie who was absent for five years...
Призрачное сердце
После развода с женой, которая ему изменила, художник Филипп начинает новые отношения с юной Жюстиной, но не находит душевного покоя – его мучают угрызения совести из-за того, что он оставил своих дочерей.
Tot ziens
A woman falls in love with a married, Belgian man. She finds out that he's married too late... although it's the second thing he says. The rest of the film is about the struggle of the man between his two loves, and of the woman not able to finish the hopeless and dangerous relationship. The title "tot ziens" (au revoir, a farewell greeting that implicates that one will see eachother again), is the ironic description of the film, which is about going away for good and then coming back again, because something is always stronger than your ratio.
Бессмертная возлюбленная
Johanna Reiss
Этот фильм — попытка рассказать истинную историю любви Людвига Ван Бетховена.
The Birth of Love
The unhappy love lives of Paul and Marcus, two artists and friends who are neither particularly young or successful anymore.
De bunker
Dear Emma, Sweet Böbe
The story shows Emma's and Böbe's fight for survival, for keeping their position in society which they achieved with hard work in the previous regime. They don't want to lose their place and become village girls again.
Встреча с Венерой
Все готово к репетиции: утрясены профсоюзные проблемы, успокоены непокорные музыкантов, укрощены вздорные творческие темпераменты. Теперь, кажется, и "волки сыты, и овцы целы"... Но потом заходит ОНА! Примадонна, большая международная звезда, великая певица... В роли оперной дивы Кэрин Андерсон - непревзойденная Гленн Клоуз. Появление знаменитой женщины наносит решительный удар по хрупкому согласию в оркестре, которого с трудом добился главный дирижер Золтан Санто. Постановка оперы Вагнера "Тангейзер" становится эффектным фоном для бурного романа женатого маэстро и его главной исполнительницы! Наперекор досадным "накладкам", завистливым козням и скверным несуразностям, фонтан страсти дирижера и певицы преобразился в грандиозный творческий триумф.
I Can No Longer Hear the Guitar
For those who were young, living under the delusions of love and soft drugs in Paris, May 1968 - even if the guitar is still playing, they can't hear it any longer.
Винсент и Тео
Jo Bonger
В центре сюжета художник Винсент Ван Гог и его брат — Тео, на чьих трех письмах и основана эта история.
Saskia Wagter
Двое влюбленных, Рекс и Саския, едут из Амстердама во французскую провинцию, чтобы вместе провести отпуск. На одной из заправочных станций Саския решает забежать в магазин за напитками и бесследно исчезает средь бела дня. Проходит три года, и Рекс, у которого к тому времени появилась новая возлюбленная, вдруг решает возобновить поиски Саскии. Он расклеивает плакаты в месте исчезновения девушки, и однажды получает загадочное письмо…