Diego Abatantuono

Diego Abatantuono

Рождение : 1955-05-20, Milano, Italy


Abatantuono was born in Milan to a father of Apulian origin and a mother from Como. The latter worked as wardrober in a Milanese jazz and later cabaret club, Derby, whose owner was Abatantuono's uncle. He started to work at Derby first in lighting, then as artistic director and later as an actor.


Diego Abatantuono


Improvvisamente a Natale mi sposo
Improvvisamente Natale
Il mammone
Noi siamo cinema
An Italian documentary about Italian cinema.
Доктор по вызову
Pierfrancesco Mai
У сумасбродного врача-алкоголика, работающего на вызовах, внезапно возникают проблемы со здоровьем, из-за которых он не может оказывать помощь своим пациентам. Поэтому он уговаривает простодушного курьера поработать за него. Однако, это непростая задача для обычного доставщика, который никогда не имел отношения к медицине.
Pupi Avati, la tavola racconta
10 дней с Сантой
Babbo Natale
Карло, Джулия и трое их детей отправляются в Швецию на рождественские каникулы. По пути они случайно сбивают на машине странного человека, одетого как Санта-Клаус, и решают подвезти его до ближайшего города. Но у незнакомца свои планы на то, как провести это Рождество, и отделаться от него теперь не так-то просто.
La mia banda suona il pop
Franco Masiero
The Russian magnate Ivanov dreams about having The Popcorn, his favorite Italian musical band from the 80s in Saint Petersburg.
Вся моя безумная любовь
Винсент — 16-летний подросток, страдающий аутизмом. Его биологический отец Уилли перед тем, как отправиться в музыкальный тур по Балканам, решает навестить мальчика впервые с момента его рождения. Глубоко потрясенный, Винсент сбегает из дома и прячется в фургоне отца, чтобы отправится с ним в поездку.
Compromessi sposi
A young fashion blogger and an aspiring songwriter seem to have not that much in common, but when Cupid’s arrow hits them, every difference fades away and overnight they decide to get married. Even their fathers do not have anything in common: Gaetano is a strict mayor from Southern Italy, while Diego is a rich entrepreneur from the North. Between the two forthcoming in-laws, instead, is hate at first sight. They seem to agree on one single common goal: prevent this marriage at any cost! After fighting by any means in a struggle that will also involve their two bizarre families, will they manage to say no to the wedding?
Лучший враг
Энцо - преподаватель астрофизики. Однажды он спасает раненого человека, который на самом деле оказывается киллером. В благодарность наёмный убийца предлагает своему спасителю "убрать" любого его врага. Энцо уверен, что его окружают только родные и друзья, а врагов у него нет. Но так ли это на самом деле?
Лучший враг
Enzo Stefanelli
Энцо - преподаватель астрофизики. Однажды он спасает раненого человека, который на самом деле оказывается киллером. В благодарность наёмный убийца предлагает своему спасителю "убрать" любого его врага. Энцо уверен, что его окружают только родные и друзья, а врагов у него нет. Но так ли это на самом деле?
My Big Gay Italian Wedding
A father, who calls himself "open" and tolerant and fights against any form of discrimination, reveals himself as not so liberal when his son announces the engagement to his partner. Overwhelmed by the news, he regresses into the most fierce opponent of same sex marriage, and tries to undermine his son's happiness with a series of embarrassing situations.
Super vacanze di Natale
A montage paying homage to old Cinepanettoni.
Мистер Феличита
dottor Guglielmo Gioia
Лень родилась раньше Мартино. Молодой итальянец предпочитает днями напролет валяться на диване и рассуждать о бренности бытия. Но все меняет случай: его сестре нужны деньги на операцию, и Мартино соглашается подработать в доме успешного психолога. Во время отъезда доктора Мартино отвечает на один из звонков, и когда он узнает про сумму, которые клиенты готовые отдать за помощь, он сам решает побыть психологом. На первых порах ему везет, и, благодаря природному обаянию и находчивости, он зарабатывает первые деньги. Но потом ему попадается действительно непростой случай: талантливая фигуристка Арианна Крофф, после неудачного выступления, ни в какую не хочет возвращаться на лед. В этот же момент возвращается из своей командировки настоящий доктор. Сможет ли Мартино выкрутиться и найти ключ, чтобы сделать счастливой Арианну?
I babysitter
Gianni Porini
On Andrea's birthday, his boss asks him to babysit his son while he's away for work: while Andrea is babysitting, his friends arrive and throw a big party.
The Strongest Weapon
Luigi Freddi (voice)
This documentary using images from the Luce Archive tells the story of Freddi a Fascist civil servant who had a profound love for cinema which he developed during his many trips to Hollywood where he carefully studied and observed important American productions meeting famous producers and directors. Actor Diego Abatantuono is the voice of Freddi on screen that takes us back to the period of 1934-1939 when he was the Head of National Film Office, his ties with the duce and will to replace old cinema and organize an actual state institution as well as the ambitious project of creating city of cinema with state of the art systems architectural designs by the famous architect Gino Peressutti.
Belli di papà
The wealthy businessman Vincenzo realizes that he is a father too absent, but also that his two sons and 1aughter are spoiled and unable to support themselves economically. So Vincenzo stages their fraudulent bankruptcy and runs with their children in Taranto, in his old house. The boys are struggling to settle, but Vincenzo is confident about them and hope that they will soon find a job in the city. Meanwhile, an impostor blackmailer, who wants to marry the daughter of Vincenzo, arrives in Puglia, to expose the scam.
Soap Opera
When the kooky tenants of an apartment block experience a sudden and shocking situation, they let their private lives, past secrets and crazy passions intervene as the confessions and absurd twists come thick and fast. Previous lovers, wild accusations, a possible murder and more boil to the surface days before New Year’s Eve, but can they even make it until then?
People Who Are Well
Patrizio Azzesi
Угадай, кто придет на Рождество
Giulio Sereni
Как изменилось празднование Рождества в итальянских семьях за последние годы? Что сегодня представляет собой самый добрый и светлый из всех праздников? Современная итальянская семья: родители ожидают на Рождество дочку, которая должна приехать со своим новым женихом... Помимо знакомства с родителями героя ожидает встреча с детьми своей девушки, которые совсем не рады встрече с новым ухажером матери. В том же доме под Рождество соберутся и другие члены семьи, от приезда которых не приходится ждать ничего, кроме проблем...
Самое худшее Рождество в моей жизни
Паоло и его семья получают приглашение встретить Рождество в замке. Героев ожидает масса приключений и недоразумений.
The Squallor
A documentary about "The Squallor", Italy's first and most successful "ghost band" project, created by four big bosses of 70's-80's Italian music business.
Area paradiso
Area paradiso
Area paradiso
Buona giornata
Romeo Telleschi
Ti stimo fratello
Things from Another World
Mariso Golfetto
Счастливая семья
Marta's Father
Переживающий творческий кризис драматург Эцио существует в окружении своих персонажей и пытается довести свое произведение до финала…
The Friends at the Margherita Cafe
Bologna, 1954. Taddeo, a young man of 18 whom everyone calls Kid, dreams of becoming one of the regulars of the mythical Margherita Café, located under the portico across from his family's home. Through a ploy, he manages to get work as the chauffeur for Al, the neighborhood's most glamorous and mysterious resident. Having been taken under Al's wing, Taddeo gets to witness the adventures of Bep, who is in love with Marcella the entraineuse; the trials and tribulations of Gian, an aspiring singer and the victim of a horrible practical joke; the crazy behavior of Manuelo, a small-time robber with a sex phobia; the meanness of Zanchi, inventor of the elastic necktie; and the bizarre manias of Sarti, a ballroom dancing champion who wears his tux day and night. And Taddeo's home life is no less out of the ordinary, considering his mother is being led on by the family physician while his grandfather has fallen head over heels for a well-built piano teacher.
The New Monsters Today
A pair of Italian filmmakers go to Rome to find a star for their first project.
2061 - Un anno eccezionale
In a post-apocalyptic future, the Italian peninsula is going through a dark moment due to a terrible energy crisis.
2061 - Un anno eccezionale
Professor Maroncelli
In a post-apocalyptic future, the Italian peninsula is going through a dark moment due to a terrible energy crisis.
A Dinner for Them to Meet
Actor Sandro Lanza is experiencing the most painful moment of his existence. After a suicide attempt, his three daughters, scattered throughout Europe, each with a different mother, come to his side. The sisters meet to decide what to do with their father, establishing a genuine tie for the very first time.
Eccezzziunale... veramente - Capitolo secondo... me
Donato Cavallo / Franco Alfano / Felice 'Tirzan'
The Milanese Donato returns from Spain, animated by the serious intention to go back to being the "ras della fossa". Second chapter of the famous 80s cult.
Eccezzziunale... veramente - Capitolo secondo... me
The Milanese Donato returns from Spain, animated by the serious intention to go back to being the "ras della fossa". Second chapter of the famous 80s cult.
Eccezzziunale... veramente - Capitolo secondo... me
The Milanese Donato returns from Spain, animated by the serious intention to go back to being the "ras della fossa". Second chapter of the famous 80s cult.
Christmas Rematch
Franco Mattioli
17 years after Regalo di Natale the same 5 players for a new challenge. Who can trust who?
Я не боюсь
Действие происходит в 1970-е годы в глухой итальянской провинции. 10-летний Микеле проводит летние дни в играх с друзьями. Однажды они забредают к заброшенному дому, где Микеле обнаруживает в земле загадочную яму, прикрытую сверху крышкой. Не сказав никому ни слова, он на следующий день возвращается к своей находке и, к своему удивлению, обнаруживает в яме мальчика, сидящего на цепи. Микеле приносит напуганному узнику воды и хлеба, и вскоре они знакомятся; из телевизионной передачи становится известно, что мальчика зовут Филиппо и он был похищен с целью получения большого выкупа. Тем временем Микеле узнаёт, что похищение было устроено группой взрослых, в которую входит его собственный отец...
In the Spanish island of Ibiza, porn filmmaker Sandro and Angelino, the manager of a beachside watering hole, find their very different lives overlapping. Meanwhile, the island police chief, who is currently at odds with his rebellious son Jorge, is investigating the death of a drug dealer (which was accidentally brought on by Angelino). Jorge's plans to move to America have so far been thwarted by his father, but when he finds out about the affair his dad had been having with a male nightclub dancer, he uses it as blackmail fodder.
Mastro Hora (voice)
Маленькая сиротка Момо нашла кров в развалинах старого амфитеатра, где обрела новый дом и новых друзей. Но однажды она почувствовала, что вокруг нее что-то изменилось. В городе появились могущественные «Серые лорды», живущие за счет времени, украденного ими у других людей. Только Момо понимает опасность, и только она может что-то сделать: ни у кого из ее друзей уже не осталось времени! С помощью черепахи Кассиопеи и Повелителя времени Мастера Хоры Момо начинает сражение против «Серых лордов», успевших захватить ее новый дом и подчинить себе ее друзей…
Южные моря
Alberto Brogini
Альберто Броджини многие годы приносил себя в жертву работе, и вот, наконец, собрался вместе с семьёй в заслуженный отпуск на море. Его жена, уставшая жить с растяпой и трудоголиком, подумывает о разводе, а дочь-подросток мечтает любой ценой вырваться из-под родительской опеки. В последний момент Альберто узнает, что его финансовый консультант сбежал со всеми его сбережениями. Альберто в шоке, – только в аэропорту бедняга решается сказать семье, что они остались без гроша и не могут поехать в отпуск. Чтобы не уронить свою репутацию в глазах соседей и сослуживцев, Альберто вынужден спрятать всю семью на две недели в подвале собственного дома. Тут-то и начинается головокружительный фейерверк невероятных событий и уморительных приключений. Добровольное заточение экстравагантной семейки и их тайные "вылазки" ставят на уши всех соседей и сеют хаос во всей округе!
Unfair Competition
Two linen fabric dealers with their shops close to one another, battle against each other for more and more costumers. Umberto constantly loses clients because of the tough competition brought by Leone, who offers the best prices in the neighborhood. But they leave differences aside when the rise of Fascism places Anti-Semitic politics which rigidly control business like the one conducted by the Jewish Leone, and those new regulations are viewed by Umberto as completely unfair. The long rivalry soon becomes a great friendship.
Vito La Monica / Zebrone
Four different stories about italian football team’s supporter.
Ugo "King" Conti
A montley group of free-lance photographers are desperate to grab a good shot of a celebrity.
Matrimony is a drama about the complexity of relationships. On Christmas Eve, perfect housewife Giulia Francesca Neri is worried about a family heirloom which has cracked and rushes to the junk shop to get it repaired -- little anticipating her perfect marriage is about to fall to pieces as well. While everyone in Bologna is making last minute preparations, Giulia runs into her childhood sweetheart, Fausto Paolo Sassanelli. The meeting rekindles old feelings and Giulia realizes that to create the perfect marriage which everyone adores, she has sacrificed her own personality. While waiting to meet her parents at the station, she climbs into a departing train and disappears. The family slowly disintegrates, as if she were the binding element.
Children of Hannibal
Unemployed Domenico robs a bank, but is forced to take a hostage when things go wrong. The hostage, Tommaso, is a man who hates his wife and job, and who was already planning to run away with his gay cop lover, so this seems to him like a good opportunity to disappear and start over again: the kidnapped becomes the kidnapper, and things get even more complicated when they're reached by Rita, Tommaso's daughter.
Children of Hannibal
Unemployed Domenico robs a bank, but is forced to take a hostage when things go wrong. The hostage, Tommaso, is a man who hates his wife and job, and who was already planning to run away with his gay cop lover, so this seems to him like a good opportunity to disappear and start over again: the kidnapped becomes the kidnapper, and things get even more complicated when they're reached by Rita, Tommaso's daughter.
Children of Hannibal
Unemployed Domenico robs a bank, but is forced to take a hostage when things go wrong. The hostage, Tommaso, is a man who hates his wife and job, and who was already planning to run away with his gay cop lover, so this seems to him like a good opportunity to disappear and start over again: the kidnapped becomes the kidnapper, and things get even more complicated when they're reached by Rita, Tommaso's daughter.
The Best Man
Angelo Beliossi
Incredibly, the bride at the altar falls in love with the best man on first sight, and even though he makes efforts to avoid her infatuation with him, she is determined to annul her marriage and marry the best man. And although she is able to dissolve her marriage, because she has never consummated it, the best man leaves... only to return to her many months later.
2005 год. Компания «Окосама Старр» собирается выпустить к Рождеству новую виртуальную игру «Нирвана», в которой возможно всё. Но игра дает сбои. Создатель «Нирваны» программист Джими (Кристофер Ламберт) решает уничтожить игру. Но чтобы стереть игру, талантливому программисту и его друзьям придется проникнуть в тщательно охраняемое здание корпорации, где хранится оригинал игры…
Camere da letto
Il barbiere di Rio
Matteo is a Roman barber whose business is full of debts. He decides to escape from this depressing reality by accepting his sister Angelina's invitation to Brazil.
Mario Tangaro
Viva San Isidro
Padre Pedro
Il toro
Franco Montagner
After being fired from his bull breeding job without proper compensation, Franco steals a world-class bull from his former company and smuggles it in Hungary to sell it for a large sum of money.
Per amore, solo per amore
In 1st century BC Palestine, Joseph is a carpenter who wants to travel and see the world, but destiny makes him meet young Mary. The two fall in love and marry. One day, Mary becomes pregnant and tells Joseph an unbelievable truth... He decides to stay on her side, but things won't be easy.
Arriva la bufera
Damiano Fortezza
Depressed magistrate Damiano Fortezza relocates from Milan to a small town in Campania, where the three Fontana sisters, owners of a chain of incinerators, dominate. The youngest, Eugenia, is about to marry a well-known crook Fortezza has to prosecute. However, he ends up falling in love with Eugenia and questioning the priorities of his job.
On the Dark Continent
Fulvio Colombo
In the 1950s, a big stir was made by a book (and its corresponding movie) called The Ugly American. Its subject was the grievous damage done to local cultures by well-meaning but essentially clueless (and frequently arrogant) representatives of the U.S. Since then, the phenomenon of cultural damage cause by arrogant tourists and visitors has been demonstrated to be something everyone is capable of. In this thoughtful, comic drama, the subject is Italians overseas. In this film, Malindi Kenya is the playground of rich Italians.
Puerto Escondido
Targeted by a dirty cop after witnessing a murder, ordinary bank clerk Mario flees to Puerto Escondido, Mexico, where a couple of oddball Italian expats drag him into a series of misadventures that'll make him revaluate his place in the world.
Puerto Escondido
Mario Tozzi
Targeted by a dirty cop after witnessing a murder, ordinary bank clerk Mario flees to Puerto Escondido, Mexico, where a couple of oddball Italian expats drag him into a series of misadventures that'll make him revaluate his place in the world.
Средиземное море
Sgt. Nicola Lo Russo
Восемь итальянских солдат — на греческом островке в Эгейском архипелаге. Где-то гремит вторая мировая война, а здесь жара, прозрачное синее море, потрясающей красоты девушки — и почти никого из местных мужчин. Вот уже составлен график посещения местной путаны, вот уже за купанием голышом следуют занятия любовью, вот уже жизнь перестала казаться одной сплошной казармой…
Christmas Vacation '90
Several characters coincide during the Christmas holidays in the winter season of Saint Moritz.
Dario Nigri
Two stage actors leave on a tournée, but there's a matter to be settled: one has become the lover of the other's girlfriend and since they are very good friends, cannot bring himself to tell him.
Marrakech Express
After a mysterious girl tells Marco her boyfriend (and estranged longtime friend of his) Rudy has been arrested in Morocco, he and four other friends leave for Marrakech with a large sum of money to get him out of jail.
La moglie ingenua e il marito malato
A thief caught red-handed tells the landlord a very strange fact that happened to him looking through the keyhole of another apartment where he was stealing.
I cammelli
Ferruccio, who knows everything about camels, and Camillo, who acts as his manager, go to Milan to take part in a telequiz.
Kamikazen (Ultima notte a Milano)
Man at the racecourse (uncredited)
A group of comedians are trying to be successful on stage. One night an important television network organises a public variety show to sort out some performers for their programs. Every one of them will try their hardest, but just a few will be chosen.
The Last Minute
Duccio Venturi
Strana la vita
A psychologist acquires wife and lover of a friend of him. But he has two more relationships yet. What will he do with four women following him?
Мальчик из Калабрии
Старая история про то, как мальчик хотел стать спортсменом вопреки воле отца.
Christmas Present
A group of former friends meets again after a very long time, in a Christmas night, with the intent of ripping off a rich industrialist in a game of Poker. Old hatreds and mistrusts conflict with the nostalgia for the lost friendships.
Il Ras del quartiere
Il Ras del quartiere
Domingo Ras
Arrivano i miei
Julio Navarro
Аттила, бич божий
В сельской местности Сеграте живёт племя варваров во главе с королем Ардарико. Пока мужчины охотятся, деревня разграблена римлянами, которые крадут еду, женщин и скот варваров. Когда Ардарико узнаёт об этом инциденте, он отправляется с дюжиной несчастных людей в Рим, к самопровозглашённому, страшному варварскому королю пророчества Аттилу, чтобы вернуть украденное вещи.
Viuuulentemente mia
Achille Cotone
Clumsy public security officer helps an adventurer (Laura Antonelli) to escape from Italy. In order not to undergo a punitive transfer to Barbagia, he goes back on the woman's trail to take her to prison.
Гранд-отель «Эксельсиор»
Il mago di Segrate
Тадеус - хозяин гостиницы Гранд-отель «Эксельсиор». Отелю исполняется 50 лет. По этому поводу приезжает множество почетных гостей, среди которых влюбленная в Тадеуса посетительница. Она всячески пытается завоевать его сердце, но безуспешно. Она дважды пытается покончить с собой, но Тадеус каждый раз ее спасает. Когда же она собирается покинуть гостиницу, то он чуть не умирает от любви.
Извините, если мало
Фильм состоит из двух новелл. Первая — «Последние пять минут» о странных взаимоотношениях бывших супругов, режиссёра Карло Реани и актрисы Ренаты Адорни, которые, вновь встретившись, готовы от полноты чувств избить друг друга, так что мало им даже не покажется. Вторая - «Тридцать минут любви» рассказывает о вроде бы благонравной матроне Грации Сириани, жене преуспевающего дантиста, которую всё семейство дружно уговаривает согласиться лишь на «тридцать минут любви» с ловким шантажистом, только бы не раскрылось, что она на досуге… сочинила весьма популярный порнороман «О, секс!»...
An Ideal Adventure
Patricia, a journalist, is fed up with all the stupid chores and being ridiculed by her colleagues. To show her talent, she challenges her director Eugenio to test her. She will write a good article, but if she fails she will sleep with him.
Eccezzziunale... veramente
Diego Abatantuono in the shoes of three huge fans: the Juventus truck driver Tirzan, the head of the ultra Milanese Donato and the Franco inter.
Eccezzziunale... veramente
Diego Abatantuono in the shoes of three huge fans: the Juventus truck driver Tirzan, the head of the ultra Milanese Donato and the Franco inter.
Eccezzziunale... veramente
Donato Cavallo/Franco Alfano/Felice "Tirzan"
Diego Abatantuono in the shoes of three huge fans: the Juventus truck driver Tirzan, the head of the ultra Milanese Donato and the Franco inter.
The Tango of Jealousy
Lucia has been married for ten years with Julius who is fond of horses and seems to prefer his wife. Lucy tries then ingelosirlo inventing a lover who sends flowers with tickets compromising and makes mysterious phone calls. But Julius seems immune to any kind of jealousy. Then one day is hired as a bodyguard by Lucia Diego, Diego, who has a passion for Rudolph Valentino and thinks he is a great seducer, Diego has a girlfriend away, Nunzia. And things start to get more serious.
I Carabbinieri
Brigadiere Esposito
Una vacanza bestiale
I Fichissimi
Romeo (Jerry Calà) e Felice (Diego Abatantuono), sono due ragazzi a capo di due band rivali che si sbeffeggiano di continuo. Il primo lavora con l'amico Renato (Mauro Di Francesco) in un garage dove l'avvocato Colombo (Ugo Bologna) lascia in custodia la sua Ferrari, Felice invece fornisce i fruttivendoli di Milano a bordo di un'Ape. Un giorno Romeo conosce Giulietta (Simona Mariani) in metropolitana, la ragazza fa la cassiera in un bar ed è la sorella di Felice, ma questo Romeo lo scoprirà solo dopo. Quando Felice, ad una festa mascherata, scoprirà la tresca, scoppierà il pandemonio: mentre Felice cercherà di far sposare la sorella col il proprietario del bar dove lavora (Renato Cecchetto), Romeo finirà in carcere per tentata rapina. Sarà l'avvocato Colombo a togliere dai guai Romeo durante il processo e quindi a permettergli di precipitarsi in chiesa per impedire il matrimonio della sua amata.
Фантоцци против всех
Cecco, il nipote del fornaio
Третий фильм о злоключениях бухгалтера Уго Фантоцци. К унижениям на работе, опять добавляются личные проблемы. Ночи, проведенные перед телевизором в поисках какого-нибудь эротического фильма… Забавная слежка за женой, увлеченной брутальным булочником. Существование туповатого Фантоцци — настоящая одиссея грустных, и в тоже время, необычайно смешных событий.
Индийский кактус
Capo delle "Belve"
В провинциальном городке местный ловелас решает соблазнить жену мэра, однако переоценивает свои силы.
Lend Me Your Wife
Alex Fortini, a transplant to Milan, lives behind his lover who owns an advertising agency. When his wife, who had left five years ago, reappears, fearing that she will want to ask him for a divorce and alimony, he unwittingly gets into a lot of trouble.
In the Pope's Eye
don Gabriele
The Pope is disturbed by the fact that today's youth are not as spiritually inclined as they should be, and so he decides to set up a Vatican television station and entice them back into the religion of their ancestors. In order to particularly grab the wandering flock, a priest invites the comedians from "The Other Sunday," an actual comedy program on Italian television, to perform on this new channel.
Arrivano i gatti
The chatty Guest at the restaurant
A young busker goes around in Milan with his saxophone, whereby he always plays the same tune and he experiences surrealistic adventures throughout the big city. Meanwhile, a wealthy woman from the local "jet set" falls in love with him.
Young, Violent, Dangerous
Paul, Joe and Louie are three young men from good families who decide to go on a bloodthirsty and pointless crime spree, much to the dismay of paul’s girlfriend (Eleonora Giorgi) and the local police commissioner (Tomas Milian). the group starts by robbing a gas station where paul guns down three innocent bystanders. When they later decide to rob a bank and a grocery store, paul ends up killing more people. It isn’t long before the entire police force is looking for the three criminals, who pick up the girl and hightail it to the Swiss border, killing everyone in their path.