Gigio Alberti

Gigio Alberti

Рождение : 1956-06-19, Milano, Italy


Gigio Alberti
Gigio Alberti


Un altro ferragosto
Altiero Molino is a twenty-six-year-old digital entrepreneur who’s returning to Ventotene with his model husband in order to gather his old friends together around his ailing father so as to treat him to one last holiday in this place which is so special to him. He didn’t expect to find the island all abuzz with Sabry Mazzalupi’s marriage to her partner Cesare. This young woman, who’s the awkward daughter of Roman shopkeeper Ruggero, has become an online celebrity and her wedding is a global event attracting the media as well as mysterious emissaries from the new political regime. These two tribes of vacationers, two seemingly irreconcilable sides of Italy, are destined to come together during the Ferragosto holiday for an ultimate showdown.
Everyone on Board
Missing the train is very bad. Seeing it leave with your children and those of your friends you had to accompany on vacation is a whole other story ... that of the crazy pursuit from Turin to Sicily of a father and grandfather as different as they are unreliable.
Esterno Notte (part II)
The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists
Esterno Notte
The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists
Berni e il giovane Faraone
Lucien De Revel
Treno di parole, viaggio nella poesia di Raffaello Baldini
The œuvre of poet Raffaello Baldini (1924-2005) through the words of those who knew him, the poems he himself read, the fragments of his monologues, his beloved Romagna landscapes.
A broke mechanic turns a bank loan denial into an impromptu robbery that puts him on the run with his best friend and a starlet they hold hostage.
Giorgio and Tito, father and son. A successful journalist and a lazy teenager apparently impossible to understand. Giorgio's dream is to take Tito to the Nasca Hill in Liguria, but Tito prefers to spend his entire day with his group of friends, eating, talking about nothing and playing video games. Until one day when he suddenly informs his father that he would join him in this trip. After a series of accidents and misunderstandings, at the end, somehow father and son will find the way to communicate … or at least they will try.
L'età d'oro
Счастье быть одной
В жизни Флавии было два не самых счастливых брака и безнадежные отношения с женатым мужчиной. Теперь она снова одна и пытается разобраться со своей патологической неуверенностью в себе, сделавшей ее зависимой от всех подряд: бывших мужей, двух сыновей, подруг и даже новых жен бывших мужей. С помощью очаровательного психотерапевта, докторессы Грюневальд, Флавиа пробует вновь обрести внутреннюю гармонию, проходя череду казусных ситуаций и неожиданных открытий.
La Scala Theatre: the Temple of Wonders
Luigi Illica
Go inside the building that has been the source of some of the greatest moments in music, ballet and opera.
Цена человека
Озеро Комо, Италия. Велосипедист был сбит джипом в ночь перед Сочельником. Что произошло в ту ночь? Как изменит эта авария судьбы богатой семьи Бернаски и находящейся на грани банкротства семьи Ровелли?
Garibaldi's Lovers
Cazzaniga (voice)
A widowed working-class father falls in love with a struggling, poor artist.
Женщины против мужчин
dottor Pandolfelli
В центре действия картины «Женщины против мужчин» — три истории, в каждой из которых обыгрываются те или иные недостатки женщин. Первая история следует за супругами Анной и Пьеро, которые живут вместе уже двадцать лет. Отношения в семье давно стали скучными и обыденными, и, кажется, что уже ничто не может их исправить. Однако, в результате одного инцидента, муж теряет память. Воспользовавшись моментом, Анна решает переделать его в идеального человека. Второй рассказ — о мужчинах, вместе играющих в музыкальной группе. Их вторые половины, при этом, не одобряют подобного поведения, и героям картины «Женщины против мужчин» приходится водить их вокруг пальца. Третий сюжет посвящен пластическому хирургу Марчелло и его уже бывшей жене Паоле. Пара изображает из себя счастливую семью ради его мамы, восьмидесятилетней, больной женщины.
Кого хочу я больше
Dr. Morini, PhD
У Анны есть все для счастья: красивый дом, успешная работа и любимый человек. Но неожиданно у нее начинается роман с официантом Домиником. Оказывается, между ее рассуждениями о любви и настоящей страстью не было ничего общего! Ее невозможно планировать, ею нельзя управлять… Но Доминик женат, он отец двоих детей, и выясняется, что настоящая любовь возможна только два часа в неделю.
L'estate del mio primo bacio
Raimondo Florinelli Nardi
4-4-2 - Il gioco più bello del mondo
Antonio Colnaghi ("Balondòr")
La cura del gorilla
A bodyguard with split personality is hired to protect an elderly American actor sent to Italy to promote a western video game. They get on each other's nerves but eventually form a bond. He also meets a pretty social worker with problems.
Quo Vadis, Baby?
Andrea Berti
A private detective investigates her sister's suicide 16 years earlier.
Last Food
They are the only two survivors of an plane crash; two more different people you couldn’t imagine; an Italian Frenchman who’s always rushing about, always angry and who’s made a lot of money in his life and left his ideals by the wayside, together with a Japanese cook, who’s calm, relaxed and an aesthete. They find themselves abandoned in a desolate land and without help and so they’re forced to live together and confront, but above all battle with hunger which brings them face to face with extreme situations. And it’s from this experience that their lives radically change, especially the man who was frenetic and angry.
Renzo e Lucia
Loose adaptation of Italy's national epic, Alessandro Manzoni's “The Betrothed”. In war-torn 17th century Italy, shady feudal lord Don Rodrigo eyes young and beautiful Lucia, who loves—and is reciprocated by—commoner Renzo. The two lovers plan to marry in secret, but Rodrigo discovers it and they are forced to flee their village, becoming separated and each facing many dangers, includine the Plague.
Cuore scatenato
In Sicily, in a time not yet forgotten, in the heart of a small secluded town populated by cicadas, ticks and venomous snakes, that which made a man a real man was not riches or power, but his honor. He had to defend his dignity against insults and village gossip. It took little to stoke the fire once lit, and no one was immune. One of the worst humiliations a man can suffer was to have an adulterous wife. A man so disgraced would bear the mark of shame, with all eyes of the community upon him. It was said that "his horns were sticking out" for all to see.
I bambini sono di sinistra
My Mother's Smile
Ettore Picciafuoco
A celebrated painter receives a visit from a cardinal's assistant, who informs him that his mother could become a saint.
Paola, a double bass player at the last concert of her band's tour, discovers she's pregnant. But that's not the only problem she's forced to face. The relationship with her parents is problematic: his father is lost in alcohol and the future grandmother is becoming a mother for the second time. To complicate things further, the friends who play with her have just signed a contract for a series of concerts in Europe.
Lupo mannaro
Commissario Romeo
Lupo Mannaro, based upon the novel by Carlo Lucarelli, is a psycho-thriller revolving around the police commissioner Romeo who is obsessively convinced that the unsuspected Engineer Velasco, well known and respected in his milieu, is a dangerous serial killer. Romeo together with his determined assistant Grazia Negro and police superintendent Rago starts investigating with the help of the famous criminologist Del Gatto. The commissioner will often find himself in difficulty but won't give up the investigation due to his obstinacy and his strong vocation. The case slowly turns itself into a personal challenge between Romeo and Velasco, with unpredictable moves as well as strategies of defence and attack.
Tutti gli uomini del deficiente
Nearing death, videogame genius Leone Stella holds a contest to find an heir: all the people named like him will compete in a live-streamed reenactment of his most famous endeavors, and the winner will inherit his billionaire fortune.
E allora mambo!
After receiving a large sum of money on his bank account by mistake, a small-town thirtysomething dissatisfied with his life sees the opportunity of turning back the clock to when things were good, reliving the carefree life of an university student in a big city. Here, he falls in love with a girl and gets her pregnant. There's just one problem: he already has a wife and a daughter back home!
Film di Laura Belli
Упасть в любовь
Маттэо и Питероне - друзья-второгодники, заканчивающие колледж. Они мечтают не об учебе, а о девушках и вечеринках, поэтому на уроках попадают в нелепые ситуации. Маттэо знакомится с Маргаритой. Она старше его, у неё много друзей, в том числе бывших партнеров по сексу. Маттэо захлестнула любовь. Но даже самые хорошие отношения может испортить любая мелочь, например пропавший презерватив. Его воображение рисует мучительные картины измены, да и дела в колледже - хуже некуда.
Matrimony is a drama about the complexity of relationships. On Christmas Eve, perfect housewife Giulia Francesca Neri is worried about a family heirloom which has cracked and rushes to the junk shop to get it repaired -- little anticipating her perfect marriage is about to fall to pieces as well. While everyone in Bologna is making last minute preparations, Giulia runs into her childhood sweetheart, Fausto Paolo Sassanelli. The meeting rekindles old feelings and Giulia realizes that to create the perfect marriage which everyone adores, she has sacrificed her own personality. While waiting to meet her parents at the station, she climbs into a departing train and disappears. The family slowly disintegrates, as if she were the binding element.
Fiabe metropolitane
Speaker radiofonico
Cinque giorni di tempesta
La grande quercia
In 1943, Vincenzio and Maria take their children to his father's Tuscan farm. Vincenzio commutes to Rome where he's a physician and, in the hospital basement, prints an anti-Fascist paper. His brother is in the Resistance; his father supplies food to a local monastery where 12 fugitives hide. All is seen through the eyes of the oldest child, Paulo, who's about 7 and the only lad at school who doesn't wear a Fascist Youth uniform. For Paulo and his siblings, it's great fun playing with their nonno, finding herbs in the fields, watching a maid's tryst with a soldier, teasing a silent monk. Then the war reaches the farm when Italy surrenders and the Germans exact revenge.
Dr. Rauschenberg
2005 год. Компания «Окосама Старр» собирается выпустить к Рождеству новую виртуальную игру «Нирвана», в которой возможно всё. Но игра дает сбои. Создатель «Нирваны» программист Джими (Кристофер Ламберт) решает уничтожить игру. Но чтобы стереть игру, талантливому программисту и его друзьям придется проникнуть в тщательно охраняемое здание корпорации, где хранится оригинал игры…
August Vacation
During an August vacation on the island of Ventotene, two groups of Italians with diametrically opposed political views and social backgrounds find themselves living together as neighbors. An incident concerning an African immigrant triggers a series of confrontations that reveal hidden secrets, desires, and grudges.
Bits & Pieces
Dive into the Eternal City – see Rome like you’ve never seen it before. Storefront robberies, bizarre murders, career dreamers, and cameos from Italy's foremost directors and actors feature in this star-studded omnibus tale about life and love.
Bonus Malus
The life of a rootless insurance agent starts falling apart.
During a hot Sunday afternoon in a small Southern Italian town, a school serving as a polling place is occupied by a group of three locals and an Eritrean immigrant, all unemployed, desperate and armed.
Средиземное море
Eliseo Strazzabosco
Восемь итальянских солдат — на греческом островке в Эгейском архипелаге. Где-то гремит вторая мировая война, а здесь жара, прозрачное синее море, потрясающей красоты девушки — и почти никого из местных мужчин. Вот уже составлен график посещения местной путаны, вот уже за купанием голышом следуют занятия любовью, вот уже жизнь перестала казаться одной сплошной казармой…
Marrakech Express
After a mysterious girl tells Marco her boyfriend (and estranged longtime friend of his) Rudy has been arrested in Morocco, he and four other friends leave for Marrakech with a large sum of money to get him out of jail.
Kamikazen (Ultima notte a Milano)
A group of comedians are trying to be successful on stage. One night an important television network organises a public variety show to sort out some performers for their programs. Every one of them will try their hardest, but just a few will be chosen.
Atelier del cinema 2022