Yves Mourousi

Yves Mourousi

Рождение : 1942-07-20, Suresnes, Hauts de Seine, France

Смерть : 1998-04-07


Yves Mourousi (born on 20 July 1942 in Suresnes, Hauts-de-Seine – died on 7 April 1998 in Paris) was a French television and radio news presenter and journalist. He was the TF1 midday news ("journal de 13h00") anchor during 14 years between 1975 and 1988 and one of the most popular TV presenters at this time. His surname, Mourousi, comes from his mother, a Russian princess of Phanariote nobility. During the 1980s, he was a member of the Association de la Presse du Music-Hall et du Cirque, a French press organization gathering journalists, critics, chroniclers, and notable personalities such as Pierre Cardin, Guy des Cars and Jean-Pierre Thiollet, interested in Music-hall and Circus, presided over by a well-known journalist, Jacqueline Cartier. Yves Mourousi also produced special events such as the Festival de la Musique aux Armées on Paris's Place Vendôme, and Michael Stewart and Cy Coleman's hit Broadway musical, Barnum, at the Cirque d'Hiver of Paris, which he also directed (1981). Source: Article "Yves Mourousi" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Yves Mourousi


Georges Marchais, l’homme qui avait choisi son camp
Self (archive footage)
La TV des 70's : Quand Giscard était président
Self (archive footage)
In May 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing became President of the Republic and wanted to bring about a new era of modernity. One of his first decisions was to break up the ORTF with the creation of three new television channels: TF1, Antenne 2 and FR3. Three new public channels but autonomous and competing. It is a race for the audience which is engaged then, and from now on the channels will make the war! This competition will give birth to a real golden age for television programs, with variety shows in the forefront. The stars of the song are going to invade the living rooms of the French for their biggest pleasure. This unedited documentary tells the story of the metamorphosis of this television of the early 1970s, between freedom of tone, scandals, political intrigues and programs that have become mythical.
Mitterrand et la télé
Self (achive footage)
May 10th, 1981. François Mitterrand is elected President of the Republic. The “soviet tanks” supposedly coming upon the Champs-Élysées dressed in red, feared by some, did not march. Serge Moati takes a personal look at this episode, focusing on the relationship the president had with television, that he witnessed and played a role in.
Self (archive footage)
Нила — алжирка, проживающая в пригороде Парижа. С отличием закончив школу, Нила поступает на юридический факультет престижного парижского вуза. В первый же день занятий у девушки возникает конфликт на почве расизма с профессором Пьером Мазаром, грозой всех студентов. Чтобы оправдаться, профессор соглашается подготовить Нилу к ораторскому конкурсу.
Les Fans
Без четверти два до нашей эры
News presenter
Цезарь помпезно готовится принять Клеопатру, в то время как жители его страны находятся на грани полной нищеты.
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Un journaliste TV
Yves Mourousi
У каскадера Мишеля Гоше чудовищный характер. Поэтому ни одна киностудия не хочет иметь с ним дела, а невеста готова бежать из-под венца. Но вот, в Париж на съемки приезжает известный актер Бруно Феррари. В его новом фильме — сплошные трюки, один сложнее другого. И совершенно ясно, что с ними не справиться никому, кроме Мишеля. Стоит ли говорить о том, что актер и каскадер похожи друг на друга, как близнецы-братья?