Jan Hårstad


Gompen og andre beretninger om overvåking i Norge 1948-1989
Gomp: Tales of surveillance in Norway 1948-1989 is a film from a staged hearing focusing on the surveillance of dissidents during the Cold War. Through its unique set of characters, the film depicts a complex image of Post War Norway as well as various aspects and consequences of being surveilled. Produced as a live event, it is simultaneously a documentary, a work of fiction and a piece of political theater.
Dark Souls
Doktor Hansen
A young girl, Johanna, is attacked and seemingly murdered. Her father receives a phone call from the police pronouncing her dead as he sees her walk in the front door of their house. Strange things begin to happen to Johanna; she is disorientated and becomes pale and unresponsive. Similar attacks begin to happen, and Johanna’s father takes it on himself to find out the truth. He embarks on a dark thrill ride of lost memories, conspiracy, and zombie-like symptoms. Finding the mysterious darkness within is the source of the bizarre world he has uncovered.
Lies Inc.
Von Schilmann
Amber city is the last city on earth with a breathable atmosphere. In this climate of fear and paranoia, Isan Epel finds herself trapped by her employers, Schilman's inc, after working in secret for two years. Without any memories of her past, she hides in order to escape from her pursuers, and tries to disclose the content of a mysterious microdisc. The narcotic agent Phil Comb is then hired to find her and the disc. But he is too damaged by the drugs he consumes, and loses more and more contact with reality while he begins to understand the machiavellian conspiration around him. His meeting with Isan is going to reveal to him much more than he could have imagined...
Jonny Vang
Three friends since childhood are trying to work out their complicated relationships. Jonny tries to be best friends with Magnus, Magnus tries to be married to Tuva, and Tuva tries to have sex with Jonny.
Я – Дина
Дина была еще совсем маленькой, когда случившееся по ее вине несчастье навсегда отвернуло от нее отца. Девочка жила в полнейшем одиночестве, и только забота друга семьи Джейкоба смогла остановить ее прогрессирующее безумие. Дина выросла и превратилась в красавицу, но так и осталась для всех странной девушкой, от которой можно ждать самых невероятных выходок. Однако влюбленного в нее Джейкоба это не пугало несмотря на значительную разницу в возрасте и общественное мнение, он женится на Дине. Что не принесет счастья ни ей, ни ему…
Høstens første bilde
Sara is seventeen and lives with her parents in a house by the sea. She has a dark secret.
Frida - Straight from the Heart
Teacher Skar
Frida, aged 13, has discovered a book by psychoanalyst Erich Fromm called "The art of loving". Using it as a reference she sets out to better the love lives of her family and friends. But love works in mysterious ways...
Sverre, Lillans nye kjæreste
A Handful of Time
Martin's Father
Gothic thriller about Old Martin who heeds the voice of Anna, who calls him back to the mountain cabin where he left her to die while she gave birth to their surviving son.
Orion's Belt
Live to tell the truth. What can one man do against the most lethal army on earth? Local fishermen/smugglers/tourist guides Tom, Lars and Sverre discover the Soviet Union aren't just mining for coal in the arctic archipelago of Svalbard. This is a secret too big for any of them, and soon they find themselves hunted down by Soviet forces and secret agents.
Paper Bird
The young Oslo lawyer Helen sees a man fall from a balcony, and realizes afterwards it's her father. Suicide or murder?
The Witch Hunt
Having gone through many personal struggles, Eli (Lil Terselius) returns to her native village and begins to work on the farm of Ingeborg Eriksdotter (Anita Bjork), eventually tending a plot that once belonged to her family. But Eli has been gone a long time, and the opaque villagers see her as an outsider—she is suspicious from the start. The year is 1625, and stories of witches conjuring up evil are a part of the daily culture. Eli unwittingly makes matters worse for herself when she is able to cure the sick with herbs, and when she begins an affair with Aslak (Bjoern Skagestad) a farmhand—clearly she must have cast a spell on him. This all adds up to a witch hunt with a ready-made "witch." Eli, in the end, is officially accused of witchcraft by a devious bailiff, while Ingeborg makes every attempt to save her, and Aslak himself does not survive the stress—hardly a good omen for the outcome of the trial.
Saken Ruth Vang
Bjørn Vang
Norwegian Mystery
Jonas Skaug
Gathered at a funeral for a successful business man, the testament is to be read. They will all inherit, with a big IF; if the family company is to be joint run by all the heirs.
The young kitchen maid Liv and the German officer Franz meet in the military camp where Liv works. They develop a friendship and decides to flee to Sweden.
The young kitchen maid Liv and the German officer Franz meet in the military camp where Liv works. They develop a friendship and decides to flee to Sweden.