Payman Maadi
Рождение : 1970-07-30, New York, New York, USA
Peyman Maadi (پیمان معادی) was born in 1970 in New York City to an Iranian couple. His father was a lawyer. Peyman Maadi's family moved back to Iran when he was 5 years old. He graduated in Metallurgical Engineering from Karaj Azad University. Maadi started his film career as a screenwriter in late 2000s. He is the writer of several famous Iranian films. Peyman Maadi started his acting career in Asghar Farhadi's film About Elly (2009). Two years later, he received the Silver Bear award for Best Actor in Leading Role for his performance as Nader in Farhadi's A Separation (2011) from the Berlin International Film Fest.
Медсестра Софи воспитывает одна недружелюбно настроенную к ней дочку и тоскует о муже, погибшем годом ранее из-за пьяного водителя. Когда друг семьи физик Джабир однажды признаётся ей, что соорудил чудо-машину, которая способна влиять на прошлое, Софи, конечно, не верит. Но она соглашается на эксперимент, ведь результатом может стать воскрешение её любимого мужчины.
In the aftermath of a devastating rumor, Iman and his family have been forced to flee Iran. As refugees, they end up in a run-down hotel in northern Sweden. Despite feeling powerless, Iman tries to maintain his role as the family patriarch. To increase their chances of asylum, he breaks a promise to his wife and joins the local wrestling club. As the rumours start to resurface, Iman’s fear and desperation begin to take a hold.
At 40 years old, Leila has spent her whole life taking care of her parents and her four brothers. The family argues constantly and is crushed by debts, in a country caught in the grip of international economic sanctions. As her brothers are trying to make ends meet, Leila formulates a plan: to start a family business that would save them for poverty. While they are in desperate need of financial support, Leila finds out that their father Esmail has secretly been hiding a family heirloom. He had been saving it as an offering to become the new Patriarch of the clan, the highest honor in the Persian tradition. This uncovering will bring chaos to the already fragile family dynamics. As the father's health deteriorates, the actions of each family member will gradually lead the family one step closer to implosion.
A Film By Jafar Sadeghi
Asomidin Tohirov
Парижские полицейские Виржини, Эрик и Аристид вынуждены принять необычное задание — вернуть мигранта на границу. По дороге в аэропорт Виржини понимает, что по возвращении на родину их подопечному грозит смерть. Столкнувшись с этим испытанием совести, она пытается убедить коллег позволить ему сбежать.
В основе фильма лежат подлинные события, произошедшие в 1987 году. Курдский город Сардаш и прилегающие сёла на ирано-иракской границе подверглись химической атаке иранских войск. Крестьянин Гадер, его беременная жена в трое детей попали под действие химического вещества. В деревне и сёлах поблизости царит хаос. Гадер должен в одиночку попытаться спасти жизнь своей семьи.
Murat Alimov
Шесть миллиардеров фальсифицируют собственные смерти и создают отряд мстителей, чтобы самостоятельно вершить правосудие.
Самад, сотрудник отдела по борьбе с организованным наркотрафиком, одержим поиском неуловимого наркобарона Насера Хакзада. После серии беспрецедентных по размаху обысков и облав Самаду и его команде удается выйти на след и арестовать преступника. Насера приговаривают к смертной казни. Но отчего торжество правосудия не приносит чувства удовлетворения?
Law of Tehran is an Iranian crime thriller in which a policeman goes head-to-head with a drug dealer he is desperate to bring down. The city is brimming with drug addicts, many of whom are homeless. Samad, a member of Anti-Narcotics Police Task Force, is looking for a drug kingpin, Nasser Khakzad. After several operations, Samad manages to track him down at his penthouse. Nasser goes through legal steps that lead to his death penalty and execution, but along the way, Samad comes to realize that Nasser was drawn to this path because of broken down social conditions, imposed on him and questions whether all the arrests and executions in all these years, did not have any effect on society’s drug problems
Farhad tells the story of his life to a psychiatrist.
Payman Maadi
В Тегеране происходит серия убийств модных кинематографистов. Забытый режиссер Хасан даже опечален тем, что убийца его игнорирует. Но вскоре ситуация меняется, и Хасан становится главным подозреваемым в череде смертей.
It’s 1988 and, at the height of the Iran-Iraq War, Tehran is bombed relentlessly. The days that pass are full of foreboding, and yet, love, affection, hope and life itself manage to sweep away the fear of death from those surrounded by it. Love may often be difficult to comprehend, but death is a horrible certitude. ‘Bomb, A Love Story’ shows how, even when faced with the darkness of death, love and hope will find a way.
It’s 1988 and, at the height of the Iran-Iraq War, Tehran is bombed relentlessly. The days that pass are full of foreboding, and yet, love, affection, hope and life itself manage to sweep away the fear of death from those surrounded by it. Love may often be difficult to comprehend, but death is a horrible certitude. ‘Bomb, A Love Story’ shows how, even when faced with the darkness of death, love and hope will find a way.
It’s 1988 and, at the height of the Iran-Iraq War, Tehran is bombed relentlessly. The days that pass are full of foreboding, and yet, love, affection, hope and life itself manage to sweep away the fear of death from those surrounded by it. Love may often be difficult to comprehend, but death is a horrible certitude. ‘Bomb, A Love Story’ shows how, even when faced with the darkness of death, love and hope will find a way.
Rosie Ming, a young Canadian poet, is invited to perform at a Poetry Festival in Shiraz, Iran, but she’d rather be in Paris. She lives at home with her over-protective Chinese grandparents and has never been anywhere by herself. Once in Iran, she finds herself in the company of poets and Persians, all who tell her stories that force her to confront her past; the Iranian father she assumed abandoned her and the nature of Poetry itself. It’s about building bridges between cultural and generational divides. It’s about being curious. Staying open. And finding your own voice through the magic of poetry. Rosie goes on an unwitting journey of forgiveness, reconciliation, and perhaps above all, understanding, through learning about her father’s past, her own cultural identity, and her responsibility to it.
Somaieh, the youngest daughter of an indigent family, is getting married and fear is overwhelming each and every member of the family regarding how to overcome their difficulties after she's gone.
2012 год. Бенгази, Ливия. Группа террористов решает «отпраздновать» события 11 сентября нападением на американское посольство. Шестерке бойцов из элитного спецотряда приказано вмешаться только в крайнем случае. Но когда под угрозой десятки жизней, долг и совесть берут верх над субординацией. И мужественные солдаты без колебаний вступают в бой с яростной группировкой боевиков. Бой, который для всех шестерых, скорее всего, станет последним.
Средневековье, междоусобные распри раздирают королевство на мелкие анклавы, их правители наращивают собственные военные силы. Лишь истинный благородный воин — Король Барток — видит силу и будущее в единстве. При поддержке своих преданных и закаленных в сражениях рыцарей, он способен объединить земли. Но коварные враги уничтожают короля. И тогда его верные рыцари во имя высшей справедливости и отмщения чести своего господина выступают на штурм самой защищенной крепости королевства. Они готовятся взять реванш ценою собственных жизней.
Девушка по имени Коул вступает в ряды Вооруженных сил США и по долгу службы попадает в, пожалуй, самое жуткое место в мире — тюрьму для военнопленных Гуантанамо. Героиня знакомится там с заключенным Али, который сидит к тому времени уже восемь лет, и решается вызволить его оттуда.
Amir and Sara are a young couple on their way to Melbourne to continue their studies. However, just a few hours before the departure of their flight, they are unintentionally involved in a tragic event.
Taxi Driver
Рассказ о жизни семи простых людей. Молодая женщина с ребенком на руках садится в такси, но, как быстро выясняется, у неё нет ни денег, ни дома… Пожилая дама стоит в очереди в некоем учреждении. Она просит мужчину помочь ей заполнить бланк для получения пенсии, но мужчине совсем нет дела до какой-то старухи, у него хватает своих проблем… Неграмотный фабричный рабочий становится безумно ревнивым, когда его жена получает письмо от человека, который когда-то нанял ее для «временного брака»… Все истории связаны единой нитью страдания и борьбы, и все вместе эти истории складываются, как кусочки мозаики, в портрет страны, существующей в тисках бюрократии, наркомании, матерей-одиночек и массы других проблем.
Piano teacher Roya (Mahnaz Afshar) realizes that her marriage to Ali is in a deadlock when she discovers some of her husband's secrets. In the meantime she meets a young musician (Saber Abar) and has to make a painful choice.
Piano teacher Roya (Mahnaz Afshar) realizes that her marriage to Ali is in a deadlock when she discovers some of her husband's secrets. In the meantime she meets a young musician (Saber Abar) and has to make a painful choice.
Self - Actor
In March 2012, Iranian movie "A Separation" by Asghar Farhadi, won the Oscar Award for the Best Foreign Language Film. For the Iranian people this was more than a cinematic award. When sanctions and threats of war with Iran covered the world headlines, Farhadi talked about Iran's love for peace and the rich culture of the Iranians on the stage when receiving his award. This time the Iranians voice was heard through someone other than the government officials. This documentary shows the reaction of the Iranians to this Oscar award and has a general view on Iran's society of today.
Супруги Надер и Симин решили уехать из Ирана в поисках лучшей жизни. Но в один момент Надер все-таки решает остаться рядом со своим отцом, страдающим болезнью Альцгеймера. Симин подает на развод в надежде уехать с их 11-летней дочерью, но судебное решение оказывается не в ее пользу. Дочь, тем временем, надеется, что мама одумается и вернется.
После долгих лет, проведенных в Германии, Ахмад отправляется в отпуск на родину, в Иран. Сможет ли он начать новую жизнь на старой родине? Найдет ли в Элли, работающей воспитательницей в детском саде, новую подругу? Как устроено современное иранское общество?
Filmmaker Saman Moghadam details the struggles of three women living in an antiquated district of Tehran in this emotionally resonant drama. Fabria's husband has been morally corrupted, and now it's up to her to take charge of the small café that proves the only source of income to the couple. Saloomeh is a beautiful young woman who dreams of marrying Ebi, but how will the couple survive on the salary of a simple mechanic? Lastly, middle aged Moluk has fallen for a much younger man, and her heart breaks when she discovers that her love is unrequited.
Two youngsters from rich families fall in love and decide to get marry but they don't know that both their parents are broke. This creates funny situations for them and the two families.
This comedy narrates the many adventures of a millionaire's handsome, sassy son named Amir - born into a world of privilege, he is used to getting everything he desires. This time his eyes turn to a peerless lady but her untamable will, combined with a sudden rush of plucky hoodlums, makes his task harder than first thought. Will he prevail or will he be in for a rude awakening?
A trio of misfits - a hoodlum, a master of disguise, and a thief join forces to perform one of the biggest and most daring heists of their lives. The place? One of the most important hotels...
After being unjustly expelled from university, a young couple return home to parents who are against their union. After the young man is arrested and subsequently breaks out of prison, the two decide to go on the run. As they plan and move forward with their escape, the police hunt them at every turn. With the two ignorant to the extent of the trouble they are in, will they ever manage to get their happy ending?