María Adánez
Рождение : 1976-03-12, Madrid, Spain
María Adánez is a Spanish actress.
Candela, the headmistress of an elite school, after a traumatic divorce, returns to her old high school to lead a group of rebellious students through chess. There she will learn that in chess, and in life, it doesn't matter if you are a king or a pawn, because everyone ends up in the same box.
Martin is a finished actor, both professionally and personally. He is divorced, has no friends and a son he has not talked to for more than a year. But one fine day he will get a working offer his agent will not let him pass: to be companion of a 5 years old boy in a costume contest at the Amusement Park.
Гречанка Джорджия выросла в Америке и родной язык так и не выучила. Что не мешает ей работать гидом по достопримечательностям Греции и плохо скрывать своё неудовольство туристами, интересующимися лишь тем, где лучше купить сувениры. Проводя экскурсию с новым водителем, не говорящим с ней на одном языке, Джорджия думала, что потеряет рассудок, а нашла любовь.
Linda (voice)
Влиятельный бизнесмен собирается строить автомагистраль, а злобная миссис Д’Абондо только и ждет повода, чтобы избавиться от Леса. Деревьям Живого леса и старому Дубу грозит опасность, и те советуют животным, обитающим в Лесу, спасаться бегством. Однако кроты Фури и Линда, а также мышонок Пьорно не собираются сдаваться. К ним присоединяется маленький пугливый крот Себоло, недавно переехавший из города в Лес. На помощь друзьям также приходит клан диких кошек под предводительством храброго Тигра. Даже назойливые мухи Хи-Хи и Хо-Хо решают помочь им. Когда друзья обнаруживают, что миссис Д’Абондо боится привидений, Фури в голову приходит отличная идея… пробудить Дух Живого Леса.
A small village in Portugal, Águas-Altas, is being sued by a Spanish multinational corporation because the village hosts a website that uses the same name as an international brand of mineral water. A judicial battle for website begins, that quickly turned in to a media circus. Thus the residents of this small village, who are not even sure what the internet is, are forced defend their website and their villages honour.
This movie has any coherent plot. It is more the portrait of the lives of different people in the hard years of post-war in Spain (the 40's), and how people manage to survive in a country desolated by the war. Like other films: la colmena or roma (fellini) it shows us lots of characters and some moments of their lives.
Invitada fiesta (uncredited)
Just Santos, cabaret actor with a talent for imitation, receives the offer of a role in a movie that could change his life and his family.
Marisa Mallo
A story of love and obsession during the Spanish Civil War
The film tells the obsession of a policeman to find out who is the murderer of a young homosexual. The character played by Antonio Resines, is a cop who gets up in a strange house with a huge hangover and has no memory of what he did last night, when the homosexual was killed. He is the prime suspect.
Miguel is a child that loves her neighbour Ángela and enjoy working in the pastry-cook's shop of his family. He don't tell Ángela his feelings, and when they grow Ángela marry with another man and has two sons with him, but she continues her friendship with Miguel.However, she will not be happy with her husband and will return to the town with Miguel, and they will show their true feelings.
A single guy has a video recorder that when re-winded it rewinds his life too. One night He invites to dinner some friends and records the party and keeps rewinding the camera every time something goes wrong with unpredictable results.
Следователь, ведущий дело об убийстве, не может и предположить, что улики выведут его на человека, который на самом деле является любовником его жены. А его жена, как выяснится, имеет проблемы, о которых он и не догадывался…
This Spanish romantic comedy focuses on ad-agency career girl Lucia and her best friend, dance-teacher Maria. Maria's boyfriend is the sexist Pablo. One night Lucia puts away too much alcohol, sleeps with Pablo, and hatches a plan to have Pablo to herself by finding a new man for Maria.
It's summer 1970, and the hippie movement has taken over an entire generation. In a beach house, a very unique family begins their summer vacation, which will change everyone's lives: Fernando (the father) an actor, Lucia (the mother) devoted housewife, and their four children- Chucho (the eldest), Elena (the intellectual), Juan (car-crazy) and Veronica (the youngest).
Barbara, a journalist in the beginning of the 20th century, searches in the border between Portugal and Galicia a bandit called El Argentino. In her travel she meets two men that say that they belong to his gang.
Alberto lives with his parents and his brother Roberto, quite attractive, who tells him there are lots of girls. Alberto is a romantic guy, and doesn't find a girl for his own. He knew he was in love as soon as he saw Maria, although he was not very sure of what she thought. His brother told him he would help with her, but things get difficult when Roberto also likes Maria.
Детектив Херман Арета принимает дело, рекомендованное его бывшим комиссаром. Новый клиент, по имени Мигель Сампедро, является зрелым гомосексуалистом, которого после 20 лет связи, только что, бросил его партнер, и он хочет знать, есть ли между ними кто-то третий. Когда они оба оказываются мертвыми, кажется, что один убил другого, прежде чем покончить с собой.
Manolo is an electrician, plumber, bricklayer ... a hard worker. To his friends Manolo strange fate that gives as much money wins. And when asked, he answers laconically Oh, if I told you! What counts is that Manolo has a daughter in one of the inner most expensive schools in Madrid, and that it believes that his father is a senior executive, as any parent of her companions. The problem begins when the school closed by economic crisis, and the girl has to come live with her father. But Manolo find the collaboration of his friends, who will make the eyes appear currante small as a great man of finance. Adaptation "Spanish" the American film "A Pocketful of Miracles".