Josh Randall

Josh Randall

Рождение : 1972-01-27, Pacific Grove - California - USA


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Josh Randall (born January 27, 1972) is an American television actor. He is best known for his role as Dr. Mike Burton in the NBC sitcom Ed and the recurring guest role of Jake in Scrubs in 2005. He was married to Claire Rankin on 10 September 2000. Josh has a brother Nathan and sister Joanna. His father died in 1997 of colon cancer and was commemorated shortly after by having the gym at Monterey High School (Monterey, California), named after him. That gym was where Josh played basketball and his father taught. (His father also taught Chemistry and Physics at Monterey High). Josh was co-Editor-in-Chief of the school newspaper, The Galleon, his senior year.


Josh Randall


Остров фантазий
Valet Chester
Загадочный мистер Рорк воплощает в жизнь самые смелые и тайные мечты своих постояльцев на роскошном труднодоступном тропическом курорте. Но будут ли готовы гости разгадать тайну острова и спасти свои жизни, когда их фантазии обернутся кошмаром?
Conrad & Michelle: If Words Could Kill
Joseph Cataldo
Two suicidal teenagers, Conrad and Michelle, turn to each other for support, communicating via text messages. But when Conrad expresses his desire to end his life, instead of trying to stop him as she had previously, Michelle encourages Conrad to take his life, even providing him suggestions on how to do it.
Натали, бывший агент британской разведки, решила отойти от дел, столкнув лбами две преступные группировки. Теперь она в бегах, но вот незадача - уличный фотограф снял ее на свой фотоаппарат, тем самым подставив себя под удар. Теперь они вместе спасаются от преследования колумбийской мафии и британской разведки.
Dr. Edward Pierce
A struggling actress must play the role of a detective in order to save an adorable Maltese puppy from a murderous group of Goth Thugs, a Devilish Dominatrix, and a handsome, lying doctor.
The Bad Penny
Jack Sr.
Six years ago Jack "The Ripper" Stemmons, an American boxer had his career destroyed by a St. Louis bookie. After Jack seeks revenge he is forced into hiding. Jack disappears half way around the world in Thailand. There he falls victim to the addictive spell of Bangkok's exotic and dangerous underworld. Eventually he finds solace in the arms of a beautiful prostitute who has been set in his path by a Russian gangster in order to get Jack back in the ring, This time in Bangkok's notorious underground fight clubs. No matter how hard Jack tries to distance himself from his past, it always hunts him down like a Bad Penny. When a mysterious fight fan appears, it's only a matter of time before Jack's past, present and future accelerate and collide into a twisted climax.
A Good Funeral
At her father's funeral, Junior Talmadge remembers back 30 years to the last time she saw her Dad: the summer of 1979. Junior was graduating from college and had just gotten engaged. Her dad surprises the family when he arrives with a brand new motor home. He entices his kids into a final "family summer vacation," the only way he knows how: he tells them he has cancer. Thus begins the family's road trip to California, and their quest to become a real American family, the old-fashioned way, by being on a real American TV game show. As the family arrives in LA to audition for the show, secret after secret is revealed about their dad, forcing Junior and her brothers to confront the reality of who their Dad really is.
Чужой лес
Решив устроить себе увлекательный отдых, Майк и Шерил отправляются в горы. Но долго наслаждаться отдыхом им не суждено: утром Шерил бесследно исчезает. Разыскивая любимую, Майк отправляется вглубь леса, где прекрасная природа, так радовавшая вчера, вдруг превращается во враждебное и полное опасностей место. Он буквально физически начинает ощущать чье-то присутствие и неожиданно попадает в капкан. Очнувшись, он понимает что попал в руки жестоких маньяков, которые не отпустят его с Шерил, пока не выполнят все их требования.
The Day The Dead Weren't Dead
Sheriff Randall
A broken man searching for purpose.
One of Our Own
In this ironic, twisting tale of family planning gone wrong, the pursuit of the perfect nuclear family turns into a battle of wills for two couples and an unborn baby they cannot share.
Romancing The Bride
Twenty-four hours before she is set to exchange vows with the man of her dreams, a flustered bride-to-be wakes up next to a complete stranger who claims to be her husband in this south-of-the-border romantic comedy.
Снежное чудо
В канун Рождества в США стоит необычайно теплая погода. Все мечтают о снеге, и вдруг он действительно начинает идти, засыпав даже самые жаркие штаты. Неожиданный снегопад ломает планы людей на праздник: вылет самолетов откладывается, автомобили застревают в пробках. Но для кого-то он меняет жизнь в лучшую сторону...
The Aviary
Julian - Captain
The life of a flight attendant is glamorous and exciting, but as The Aviary follows Summer Pozzi from city to city we discover that when the uniform comes off, things can get very complicated.
Lucky 13
A man revisits the previous significant girlfriends in his life in order to win over the girl of his dreams.
Secret Santa
Newspaper reporter Rebecca Chandler, who feels she got no fair chance to prove her worth in her thee years career, looks forward to a Hawaian holiday with her fiancé Ryan, but instead of a ring he brings her- walking orders, he found better. So she accepts again to be the bachelor on duty in the Christmas season, and write the annual romantic non-news feel good-story, once more about the elusive Secret Santa in small-town Hamden, where the Christmas spirit it said to last all year. Bad luck follows her from Indianapolis: her car breaks down, she can only get lodgings in a home for the elderly without Internet, and nobody wants to help her unmask the secret Santa. Soon she guesses it must be the only rich philanthropist, but the popular Mr. John Martin Carter doesn't grant her an interview and isn't tricked either, in fact meets her at the worst repeatedly without her knowing him...
Guard #2
Картина описывает отрезок жизни легендарного Нила Кэсседи ловеласа и романтика, ковбоя с душой поэта и искателя приключений, личность которого послужила прообразом для героев многих книг. Вместе с ним зритель будет влюбляться и страдать, бродить по барам и соблазнять школьниц, угонять машины и просто «валять дурака»…