la meilleure amie de la mère de Vanessa
Vanessa Springora tells how she found herself under the influence of a famous writer. In 1986, she was 13; him, almost 50. She explains how she was the victim of a triple predation: sexual, literary and psychic. But beyond her individual story, she also questions the excesses of an era, and the complacency of an environment blinded by talent and celebrity.
La femme de Renaud
In northern France, Juliette grows up alone with her father, Raphaël, a veteran of the First World War. Passionate about singing and music, one summer the lonely young girl meets a magician who promises that scarlet sails will one day take her away from her village.
Обвиненный в убийстве соперника и приговоренный к смертной казни Караваджо бежит из Рима в Неаполь. Когда до папы Павла V доходит слух, что талантливый художник бросает вызов церкви, используя в качестве моделей для написания библейских сюжетов нищих, проституток и воров, тот обращается к секретной службе Ватикана. В Неаполь с расследованием направляется Тень, тайный посланник, в чьих руках теперь находится судьба скандального гения.
История осла по имени Бальтазар, начавшаяся в польском цирке и заканчивающаяся итальянской бойней, является горьким, но и тепло гуманистическим парафразом «роуд-муви». Это паноптикум поведения человека по отношению к беззащитному животному, наводящая на размышления картина социальных отношений и культурных изменений, происходящих в современном мире.
It is the summer of 1982. Garance is eleven years old and lives in a remote hamlet in the Cevennes where her parents are trying to lead an alternative life. When two Italian activists rob a bank in the area, things go wrong. This event turns Garance and her family's life upside down.
Zoé's Mother
During the summer, Gabriel, a teenage father, falls in love with the mysterious Corey, the girlfriend of Joel, his best friend, who, deeply hurt, reveals the truth about Gabriel's past.
Culture shock between a pork butcher from the Basque country and a Parisian bohemian.
Corinne Dasi
Elisabeth and Charles search for a link between three very different murders.
School is over. Benjamin is five years old and goes on vacation to the sea with his mother and 12-year-old sister. "A comme Azur" is the chronicle of this summer which unfolds all the letters of the alphabet.
Invitée dîner
Наиме только что исполнилось 16. Этим летом ей придется решить, чего она хочет от жизни. Она встречает кузину Софию, которой 22 года — с удивительным телом и опасно соблазнительным образом жизни. Несмотря на предупреждения ее лучшей подруги Додо, она и София переживут незабываемые встречи в течение долгого лета, которое они запомнят навсегда.
Benedict missed Mother's funeral. He was stuck in the Eurostar. In the offbeat as always, and a little pitiful, he joined the family home to find his brother, his two sisters - and in a merry bazaar, many memories. There, in the remnants of his childhood, in the intimacy of his room, he sees her - She is waiting for him. And she will not let go.
Girl on the Road
Винсент Ван Гог одержим живописью и мечтает изменить мир. Он жил в Париже и водил дружбу с Полем Гогеном, который посоветовал ему искать яркий и тёплый свет на юге Франции. Переехав в небольшой город Арль и при финансовой поддержке брата там обосновавшись, Винсент заводит дружбу с местной трактирщицей и получает мощное вдохновение от местной природы. Именно тут и начинает формироваться его неповторимый художественный стиль, который, однако, пока не находит признания ни у знатоков, ни у публики.
Спустя десять лет отсутствия Кэтрин вернулась в Люксембург, чтобы наладить отношения с дочерью Альбой, которая росла у властной бабушки Элизабет. Девочка принимает мать настороженно. Кэтрин решается на крайнюю меру — похищает дочь и увозит ее в домик на озере.
Mavie is 27 years old and has just moved to the French capital from the provinces. She dreams of a future as a writer but is plagued by doubt and uncertainty. 76-year-old misanthrope Georges runs a bookshop in Paris – or has he merely been forced to take refuge there to escape his past? These are two peculiar creatures indeed. Georges is cynical and no longer expects much from life, while Mavie is still brimming with expectation. Yet something magical happens between them, until Georges' dark secret suddenly catches up with him – and Mavie is caught up in something very different...
Axèle is a photographer, Camille is a writer. They have been awarded an arts residency at the Villa Medicis in Rome. Camille is accompanied by her husband, the famous writer Marc Landré. When a strange rivalry takes shape between them, Camille bonds with Axèle. But who is Axèle really ? A total artist, who never compromises and confuses herself with her oeuvre ? Or a ghost ? This year at the Villa Medici, where bodies and souls free themselves, no one will come out unscathed.
Macha Tchekhov
Фильм охватывает пять лет из жизни писателя: 1885-1890 годы. Именно эти годы являются самыми яркими в его биографии: Чехов становится известным в писательской среде, он пишет свои первые пьесы для театра, теряет брата, отправляется на Сахалин, где узнает, что смертельно болен.
"L'emprise" is the story of a drama, adapted from the moving book-witness "Acquitted", by Alexandra Lange. The story of a mother of four children, which is found in March 2012 in the dock of the foundations of Douai for the murder of her husband. How does a woman manage to kill the father of her children with a knife? During the three days of the trial, panting narrative takes us into the daily life of Alexandra, a mother that the society has failed to protect, neither she nor her children from the control of a monster she has loved. Through this incident that made headlines and upset the public, an event movie that raises the question of the balance of justice. Will she be heard?
Gaby mustn’t be left alone at night. Yet that’s exactly what her boyfriend Vincent does, to test her love for him. She struggles against her natural instincts and quickly exhausts the patience of the local guys. But Gaby decides to turn to castle warden Nicolas, an expert in loneliness, for help.
A young woman invents the love she does not get and she needs. She has always done that, since childhood. It has become a disease. When Nicolas leaves her she refuses to believe it. He will love her anyway, it is needed, she needs it.
Marie 2
Marie and Eric, a couple in their thirties who have been together since college, buy their first apartment when Marie is suddenly overcome by doubt. Her encounter with a handsome, dark-haired man forces her to make a decision...
A gas station. Two women. Winter. Trips. Daily life. And then a risk. The hotel in Normandy. A step aside. The investigation. The red Lada. The beach. The death that works the living. A movement and a suspension. The brown girl. The love. A story of links that are woven.
In a loveless relationship, Zoé ditches her faceless boyfriend in a cheap motel room and sets off north without a penny to her name. She hitch-hikes, pilfers a meal from a gas station, encounters strangers who could be her next ride or a passing glimpse, ambling toward some unknown destination. At the end of her pilgrimage, Zoé reaches the English Channel; on the ferry a woman mysteriously disappears. A new coat gives Zoé a new identity, but even in a new country she's not quite sure she's escaped herself.
The French Trilogy showcases a series of 62 photographs taken by Philippe Terrier-Hermann with 25 actors in 6 French regions echoing his previous project, The American Tetralogy. Questioning the relationship between cinema, landscapes and representations, this project features a song by Edward Barrow and was visible in public space in France during the summer of 2013, through a distribution system borrowing from advertising strategies.
Three female friends recall their misadventures (more sexual than cinematical) attending the Locarno Film Festival.
Leslie Ricci
The wealthy Deville family loses their fortune at the same time the unassuming Ricci family suddenly become internet millionaires; things look bleak until their mutual banker suggests Mr. Deville goes to work for the Riccis!
14 июля 1789 года толпы восставших взяли Бастилию, но блестящий Версаль еще пытался отстоять свое королевское великолепие на пути урагана... Экранизация одноименного романа Шанталь Тома, написанного в форме воспоминаний Сидони Лаборде - придворной чтицы Марии-Антуанетты о 14, 15 и 16 июля 1789 года. О тех днях, когда была разрушена Бастилия и учреждена Национальная гвардия, когда началась кровавая революция и залы роскошного дворца опустели, когда свита и слуги оставили свою Королеву. Спустя 21 год, уже в Вене Агата Сидони Лаборде оглядывается назад и вспоминает...
Девушка встречает парня — беспроигрышная формула романтического фильма. В этой картине влюбленные подростки носят библейские имена — её зовут Сара, его — Захария, что ненавязчиво подчеркивает вневременное значение первых наивных чувств. Ей 18, она — лучшая ученица в классе, он всего на пару лет старше, но уже не прочь поиграть в пресыщенного жизнью «лишнего человека», этакого французского Печорина. Впрочем, разве это преграда для любви?
Aurora Corbelo
The short life of the Uruguayan poet Delmira Agustini is colourfully portrayed, not as a conventional biopic, but as a visual poem which evokes the turbulent life and complex personality of the literary heroine as she develops her genius for writing.
August in Paris' suburbs, seven friends are gathered to spend a week in the city where they grew up. The city is empty and the days pass by under a deep blue sky. Each of them has a reason to be there: some still live there, some come back to see their family, some are searching their childhood, some want to escape boredom or eventually searching for love. They are all bearing the fact that these moments they are sharing are maybe the last ones.
A silent, musical and sexy movie. A theme: the loving parade. Characters who make tours (of magic, sometimes). In each the reverse angle, the other, in each or almost their song, as a fiction (a decoration) surrounds their character.
There’s Evelyne who loves Albert, who loves Arthur, who loves the girl who plays the actress, who loves the man driving the convertible. There’s the night which only loves itself and death which only loves once. It would take more breath to kiss everyone and more time not to displease anyone.
Жизнерадостная и непоседливая Бабу всегда делала только то, что хотела, не оглядываясь на социальные нормы. Но однажды выяснилось, что её дочь Эсмеральда стыдится матери: стыдится настолько, что даже не собирается приглашать её на свою свадьбу… Чтобы спасти положение, героиня решает взяться за ум и быстро находит работу, которая выглядит достаточно престижной. Теперь ей предстоит продавать роскошные квартиры в Остенде — бельгийском курортном городе. Летом в Остенде кипит жизнь, но Бабу приступает к работе в «мертвый сезон». Порой ей хочется всё бросить, распрощаться с тихим замерзшим городком и окунуться в новые приключения… Но она борется с собой, ведь на кону — любовь и уважение дочери.
In fifteen minutes, Olivier receives a “quickie”. But is it as simple as that?
One night, three young women, the neon lights of the boulevards, empty streets, a mall, quiet gardens, the tower plaza, the esplanade of the station, a farewell coffee, a camera, a concert, a terrace, then the city waking up, Montparnasse.
A realist dramedy about dedicated social workers who devote their long shifts to helping pregnant women.
The newspapers announce the left's defeat in the upcoming elections. A confused young mother gets up in the night to take care of her child. Leftist teens, completely puzzled, throw themselves headlong into every kind of extreme behavior. The child asks his grandfather for advice.
Уильям нарушил данное жене обещание не играть в азартные игры... но на этот раз выиграл, и выигрыш велик - целое поместье в Южной Америке. Но радоваться удаче преждевременно - старый особняк оказывается не слишком гостеприимным в отношении новых жильцов.
It’s a tough winter for young Julien: he meets up with his mother and she asks him to write a statement against his father for the divorce trial; he meets up with his friend Arthur and he tells him that his girl, Lolita, slept with Demian, another friend; he meets up with Demian, who confesses the betrayal; he meets up with his father, who warns him that if he testifies against him, Julien will be a dead man for him; he meets up with the beautiful Lolita and she makes it clear that, for her, being with him or with any of his friends or with all of them is the same thing; he meets up with his sister, who cries over their parents’ fighting, and asks Julian for help.
Eva / Zelda
La sauvageonne
An emotionally cold man leaves the safety of his Alpine home to seek a heart transplant and an estranged son.
Yann and Lena are brother and sister, but they don’t realize it. Meanwhile, Yann wants to get closer to her…
Mia Hansen-Løve's debut begins her career-long chronicle of a family. In this short film, a father breaks the news to his children that he and their mother are separating - the repercussions of which surface everywhere elsewhere in Hansen-Løve's filmography, in particular her most recent feature Things To Come (2016), for which she won the Silver Bear at the 2016 Berlinale
The maid
The story of a woman who decides to kill herself. She puts herself through a series of experiences that test the limits of what is humanly bearable in an ultimate attempt to find a reason to live.
The lives of three people faced with an uncertain future. Marguerite, 17, is uncomfortable with her family enviroment and turns to God. Claire, who desperately wants a child, encounters again a former lover. Eva asks the unemployed Jacques, who has been left by his wife and his daughter, to find a missing friend.
A complex and enigmatic plot that evokes the life of Bachmann. The story develops around an unusual triangular relationship, a threesome between a woman of unknown name, a man named Malina and a Hungarian, Ivan, with whom she falls in love. Ivan will be his last great love, but their need for exclusivity in love is so strong that it can not be understood or matched. Malina is a struggle, a confrontation between two worlds strange and hostile.
Mouche 2
Франция, Вторая мировая война. Чтобы как-то свести концы с концами, мать двух детей Мари Латур делает подпольные аборты и сдаёт комнату знакомой проститутке. На вернувшегося с войны из-за ранения домой мужа она не обращает никакого внимания и живёт своей жизнью. Аборты постепенно начинают приносить неплохой доход, а скуку можно легко развеять заведя молодого любовника…