Patricia Hirschbichler

Patricia Hirschbichler

Рождение : 1954-05-06, Kufstein, Austria


Patricia Hirschbichler


Im Schatten der Angst - Du sollst nicht lügen
Ursula Eckhardt
Im Schatten der Angst
Trauung mit Hindernissen
Renate Koch
Everything could be so nice between Katrin and Philip, if it were not the love (patchwork) family! Philipp surprises Katrin with a marriage proposal. But the disappointment of her last marriage has not yet been overcome. And promptly, the events turn over. Julia, her ex-husband's new wife, moves in with her unasked and with children. Not only her pointed-tongued ex-mother-in-law Diana, but also Katrin's own mother Renate, come to help. When Philipp takes her by surprise with a spontaneous surprise wedding, Katrin bursts the collar. A marriage now seems a long way off.
Gruber Is Leaving
John Gruber is in his mid thirties, an egocentric, living life in the fast lane and sparing no expense. But all of a sudden he is thrown off track by a cancer diagnosis and by the person who unwillingly delivers the news: Sarah, a DJane from Berlin, who is not his type at all. Feelings just aren’t Gruber’s cup of tea and now, without having asked for them, he has more than ever before…
Liebe ist nur ein Wort
Dr. Hildebrand
Oliver Mansfield, son of a corrupt industrialist, is young, handsome, charming and intelligent, and he believes in nothing, least of all in love. That changes when he meets the woman of his dreams: Verena, twenty years older...
Das Geheimnis des Königssees
Anna Vogt
The owner of a hotel at the river of a lake lives deeply embittered since his girlfriend disappeared in mysterious circumstances more than 20 years ago. But when one day he sees on television a young woman with a remarkable resemblance to her, he decides to hire her. Her presence increases his sick obsession to recover his lost love.
Donau, Duna, Dunaj, Dunav, Dunarea
Письмо незнакомки
История о женщине и мужчине, в котором она – воплощение любви, жертвенности, преданности и нежности, а он – эгоистичное, легкомысленное и поверхностное существо, не знающее настоящих чувств.
71 фрагмент хронологии случайностей
Sabine Tomek
Финальная картина «трилогии замораживания» трансформирует в 71 разобщенную сцену реальную историю об австрийском студенте, который в один прекрасный день вдруг в ярости набрасывается на первых встречных. 71 фрагмент выделяется отходом от расширенного исследования отдельной семьи, как это было в первых двух частях трилогии. Вместо этого, вспышка жестокости контекстуально помещается в некий срез общества: одинокий отец, пара с расстроенными взаимоотношениями, женщина, которая хочет усыновить ребенка, румынский иммигрант…