Harold 'Tommy' Hart


The Silent Call
Young Guy Brancato and parents have to move from Elko, Nevada to Los Angeles, California, they are unable to take Guy's dog Pete. Guy is angry at his parents and even more distressed when he learns that Pete has run away from the neighbor who was tending him. But Pete has plans to travel to Los Angeles on his own.
В джазе только девушки
Official #2 (uncredited)
Когда чикагские музыканты Джо и Джерри случайно становятся свидетелями бандитской перестрелки, они в срочном порядке смываются на поезде во Флориду, прикинувшись женщинами. Теперь они — Джозефина и Дафна, новенькие и хорошенькие инструменталистки женского джаз — банда. До поры до времени их маскировка срабатывает. Но вскоре любвеобильная солистка «западает» на переодетую мужчиной Джозефину, престарелый плейбой влюбляется в Дафну, а босс мафии, разгадав тайну маскарада, решает срочно разделаться со свидетелями…
Опасный перегон
После того, как Грант Маклэйн, работающий охранником на железной дороге, не смог задержать грабителя, его уволили. Он стал зарабатывать на жизнь игрой на аккордеоне. Неожиданно он получает предложение от Бэна Кимбела, шэфа ЖД, вернуться на старое место работы, так как банда Уайта три раза подряд ограбила поезда, везущие зарплату рабочим. Бэн Кимбэл поручает ему доставку $10000...
World in My Corner
Technical Advisor
A scrappy fighter from Jersey City named Tommy Shea -- "born in a dump, educated in an alley" -- catches the eye of wealthy businessman, Robert Mallinson, who allows him to train at his Long Island estate. Shea soon falls for Mallinson's daughter, Dorothy, but fears he doesn't have the money to support her in proper style. To get this money, Shea decides to work with crooked fight-promoter Harry Cram, even though this means dropping his honest manager, Dave Bernstein. As the big fight approaches, however, Shea begins to have second thoughts.
World in My Corner
Stretch Caplow (as H. Tommy Hart)
A scrappy fighter from Jersey City named Tommy Shea -- "born in a dump, educated in an alley" -- catches the eye of wealthy businessman, Robert Mallinson, who allows him to train at his Long Island estate. Shea soon falls for Mallinson's daughter, Dorothy, but fears he doesn't have the money to support her in proper style. To get this money, Shea decides to work with crooked fight-promoter Harry Cram, even though this means dropping his honest manager, Dave Bernstein. As the big fight approaches, however, Shea begins to have second thoughts.
Jail Busters
Convict Manicurist
Slip and Sach (Bowery Boys) go to prison to help a reporter with a story.