István Dégi

István Dégi

Рождение : 1935-08-20, Makó, Hungary

Смерть : 1992-11-08


István Dégi


Paths of Death and Angels
Reviewers found this somewhat surreal film so visually stunning as to be worth watching even when it was not clear to them what was going on. In the story, Jozef Schrevek is a man with unusual powers which he wishes to pass on to his son before his death, which is coming soon. Unfortunately, his son is much more interested in boozing and womanizing and being a well-known habitué of nightclubs, than in taking his father seriously and receiving his powers and the responsibilities which come along with them. The tension between the two escalates when a young woman enters their lives.
Blood Brothers
The story of two soldiers, Pici and Tulak, who go to prison for their unauthorized absence. Soon they escape, enjoying their new freedom. But their future looks bleak and it seems nothing can prevent a tragedy.
A Hungarian TV version of the play shot in just two takes.
A szerelem bolondjai
A csillagszemű
Orbán lovag
Пятая печать
Keszei Károly
События происходят во время нилашистского террора в Венгрии осенью 1944 года. Четверо обывателей, старых знакомых, один из которых хозяин заведения, сидят вечером в кабачке. Заходит пятый, случайный прохожий, инвалид войны фотограф Кесаи. На улице тревожно — бомбят, арестовывают людей. Разговор до того крутившийся вокруг пустяков, неожиданно приобретает серьезный характер. Часовщик Дюрица задает своим собеседникам странный вопрос. Кажется, что это просто шутка, игра воображения, но она никого не оставляет равнодушным. И на следующий вечер всем приходится ответить на вопрос всерьез, не словом, а делом.
Martin Cuckoo
Csurinyák Ferenc
Marci, an impertinent crook buries his drunk parents and chooses to wander instead of becoming an apprentice.
Hi, Junior!
III. bölcs
Everyone loves little Junior, but nobody has time for him. So Junior decides to find Time with the help of his friends - dwarves.
The Toth Family
Gyuri, postman
The Toth family resides in Northern Hungary. The couple has a daughter and a son, the latter a member of the armed forces. When his weary major is ordered to take a vacation, the son talks him into a visit to his family home. Comedy ensues when the Toths go overboard trying to make things pleasant for the visiting major in hopes of an easier life for their son the soldier.
The Lady from Constantinople
Fiatal férj
Persuaded by the janitor's wife, a lively, but lonesome old woman, who is only attached to the world through her cherished objects and memories, decides to exchange her two-room apartment for a smaller one. For a little while her everyday life is changed. She meets and entertains new people every day.
A kormányzó
The film takes place in the outskirts at the end of the fifties. Gabi and Vince meet at the factory party. As the man learns that Gabi raises her little son alone, he does no longer want to marry her. An unclear and for Gabi humiliating relationship forms between them until the old suitor of Gabi, Feri appears.
Окно в небо
Три брата — сыновья вдовы Фазекашне — совершенно не похожи друг на друга. Старший Фери работает на заводе и старается всем помочь матери. Младший по прозвищу Синица мечтает стать художником, а пока поступил учеником на завод и очень гордится этим. Юмбо не любит трудиться — его цель легко жить и получать побольше денег, а каким способом, для него не важно. Пользуясь влиянием на Синицу, Юмбо втягивает его в свои тёмные дела, привлекает к ограблению кассы. Трудная борьба происходит в душе паренька, но побеждает доброе начало.