Lajos Balázsovits
Рождение : 1946-12-04, Nagykanizsa, Hungary
Archbishop 1
Concerning the Mátyás era in Hungarian history, during the reign of Matthias Corvinus (1443–1490), the film focuses on three eras of the king's life: the young Mátyás fights for the throne, the older Mátyás as king, and the fate of the royal crown and the royal heir after his death.
Archbishop 1.
Concerning the Mátyás era in Hungarian history, during the reign of Matthias Corvinus (1443–1490), the film focuses on three eras of the king's life: the young Mátyás fights for the throne, the older Mátyás as king, and the fate of the royal crown and the royal heir after his death.
Professor Balázs
Jancsó’s farce, similar to the previous ones, is about our time and about death. Pepe marries into a family of mafiosi, with the father-in-law rolling in money. In a joint venture they establish the first Hungarian Prison Limited company, where there is a menu, the prisoners are residents, and they furnish the place of execution for those volunteering to execute themselves. It turns out that the first voluntary hanging should be demonstrated on Pepe. In 180 AD Emperor Marcus Aurelius is dying in Vindobona, being fed with blades of hay by uncle Miki himself, and his son Kornél Mundruczó. Kapa provides for communication: he insists on telling lies, lies and again lies. Furthermore, there are several to die and to revive, to win and to lose, and Melancholy Béla is still alive.
Minister of the Interior
By the notes of Fiáth Pompeiusz, the one-time friend of Kapa and Pepe, Professor Szirtes has solved the secret of the time machine, and he realizes the invention relying on "special" H2O. Kapa and Pepe shall return by it into the past in order to set time right, which is out of joint, that is, to correct history, to save King Louis II, and prevent the Mohács Disaster. Pepe yields to the not too tender persuasion to enter upon the great journey through time, dies and revives, and they arrive at the battlefield of Mohács in time. Kapa films the events. The Turks win and cut off the king’s, Pepe’s, head, still the Hungarians dictate the peace treaty. Kapa and Pepe want to return, they fill the time machine up with water from the well, yet it won’t start. Even so Kapa and Pepe hover over Budapest and quarrel.
High Sheriff
Удивительное внешнее сходство принца Эдварда и нищего Тома - завязка классической истории, увлекательных интриг, яростных дворцовых амбиций и человеческих страстей. Поменявшись местами, они стали вживаться в новые роли. Но беспечная игра обернулась нежданными последствиями. Том станет пешкой в руках алчного царедворца, задумавшего свергнуть английского короля Генри VIII. А Эдвард хлебнет слишком тяжких для стойкого принца переживаний.
Фильм демонстрирует историю Иисуса глазами его матери — Марии.
Янчо в этом фильме дает крайне пессимистический прогноз относительно актуальных событий современности. Одной из сюжетных линий картины становится просмотр телевизионных новостей из Москвы, свидетельствующих о политическом хаосе. В стране произошел политический переворот, власть оказывается в руках некоего Комитета спасения, Михаил Горбачев арестован и казнен. Вскоре в Венгрию вновь входят советские танки и всех убивают.
This story follows a young student, who is orphaned as she grows to adulthood in the shadow of the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Coming from the Communist intelligentsia, she sees her friends and family react differently. Her lover, a married factory manager, supports the patriots and later assists fellow workers in staging a strike. Meanwhile her sister and others express anger at being forced from their homes during the revolution and continue to express a hatred for the rebels afterwards. But in the end they realize that for all people, real life is not possible after the revolt and its brutal suppression by the Soviets and their collaborators.
Zoltai is a Hungarian professor who returns home after a visit to the United States. Following a television interview, he commits suicide and leaves a note for his longtime friend Dr. Bardocz. The doctor and Zoltai's colleague Komindi join the police in investigating what drove the man to suicide.
István, a király ("Stephen, the King") is a Hungarian rock opera written by Levente Szörényi (music) and János Bródy (lyrics), based on the life of Saint Stephen of Hungary. The storyline was based on the play Ezredforduló (Turn of the Millennium) by Miklós Boldizsár, who co-wrote the libretto. The opera was first staged in 1983 on an open-air stage in Budapest. This first performance was also made into a 1984 film, directed by Gábor Koltay, and its music released on an album. The musical became a smash hit and is still very popular in Hungary and among Hungarian minorities in neighboring countries.
Mici, a pretty young girl is a selected swimmer. Laci, her trainer looks after her jealously, mainly because of her condition.
The poor but carefree vagabond Johnny meets the princess Árnika and they fall in love. An evil witch casts a spell on them which turns one of them into a duck. In order to be free of the spell they embark on a long journey to meet King Ajahtan Kutarbani, the only one who can lift the spell.
Hannover István
When a young boy comes in to see a doctor abourt a red mark on his face, the doctor's wife welcomes him into the consulting room instead. As they talk, she offers him something to eat and then notes that his manner of eating is just like that of her previous husband, who died in prison many years earlier. It turns out that the young man had been his cell mate for a year, and he tells her the story of how her husband died. She then remembers (in flashbacks) how she had helped her first husband rid himself of his sexual repression, and how she had promised him she would marry her current husband if she were widowed. It seems her doctor-husband was a man who could remain untouched through any political climate, and was much admired by her first husband. Now that her memories have been awakened by the young man's account, she ignores the repeated phone calls of her current husband and decides to rid this young man of his own sexual repressions.
Noszlopy Gáspár, Kossuth egykori kormánybiztosa
Историко-приключенческий фильм, действие которого происходит вскоре после подавления венгерского восстания в 1848 году.
Kata férje
Во время Второй мировой войны мужчина и женщина живут вместе как муж и жена, спасаясь от нацистов. После освобождения они должны смириться с новой ситуацией и решить, как быть дальше.
A mediocre countryside actress is invited to a Budapest casting call. She hopes she might become the new Marilyn Monroe.
Zsadányi Gábor
Драма повествует о сложных этапах становления венгерской государственности. Венгерская Советская Республика 1918 года и Вторая мировая война — два исторических излома, два периода бед и надежд.
Zsadányi Gábor
Первая мировая война. Два сына крупного венгерского землевладельца Жадания отправляются на фронт. Они храбро сражаются и полны желания победить. Но война длится слишком долго, и солдаты больше не хотят воевать. В части, где служат братья, вспыхивает бунт. Старший брат Иштван приказывает расстрелять каждого десятого солдата. Вскоре в Венгрии происходит революция. Но новая власть продержалась недолго. В стране свирепствует террор, и братья принимают в нем активное участие. Но в душе Иштвана происходит переоценка ценностей, он пытается порвать со своим прошлым..
In a wealthy Italian home, the daughter of the family is trying to cut her mother's apron strings. Not only is she having difficulty with this, for her mother is extremely protective, but she cannot even cut vegetables skillfully. Despite that, she wants to go out and party, mother or no mother.
Kalmár Péter
A brothel in a small Hungarian town becomes the home of a medical student after his favorite working girls find out he's out of rent money. Trouble brews as they learn his mother is coming for a visit and they must transform the house.
Principe Rudolf
Пунктирно прочерченный сюжет лишь намекает на неясный характер конфликта императора и молодого наследника престола, который после неудачного заговора с умыслом устраивает чинную церемонию, затем превращающуюся в «сексуальную заварушку». И именно этот неприличный вызов заставляет власти принять крутые меры против нарушителей устоев общества.
A story inspired by a classic text of Tibetan literature, Milarepa moves back and forth in time between the story of the title character, a mystic of the eleventh century and a young westerner whose travails are not very different, both being torn between the search for knowledge and a quest for power.
Минуло 15 лет, как убили Агамемнона. Его убийца Эгист отмечает очередную годовщину правления. В устроенный по такому случаю День Правды каждый может сказать Эгисту все, что о нем думает. Но народ безмолвствует. Эгист приказывает говорить правду, а в ответ слышит лишь похвальбы. Бунтовать пытается только Электра, дочь Агамемнона.
Zeke Zoltán
Zeke, the agile young meteorologist finds out at once that the Szélervé Meteorological Research Institute is dealing exclusively with illegal poultry export. What is more, the genial director Keve invented an artificial hen laying 150 gigantic eggshells at a time.
Éliás királyfi
Öcsi is going to have a little brother. The little child is sulking, he is deeply hurt because he learns the great secret not from his parents but his best friend, Évike.
Young officer
Историческая драма о крестьянском восстании 1888 г. Этот фильм многие специалисты называют творческим пиком Миклоша Янчо. И не случайно, что, несмотря на острейшую конкуренцию, он был отмечен премией МКФ в Канне за режиссуру в 1972 году. «Красный псалом» можно выделить за наиболее последовательное выражение любимой стилистики Миклоша Янчо, сочетающей революционную форму киноязыка и сложнейшие моральные темы, связанные с обществом и революциями.
A kanonok
Фильм о подавлении революции 1919 года и возникновении фашизма в Венгрии. Отряд революционной армии совершает налет на деревню, оставив в живых только священника, который решается жестоко отомстить убийцам...
This film is a documentaristic dispute about the possibilities of young people to assert themselves, to make a career. Zsuzsa is a third-year university student studying pedagogy. She has been dating Zoltán for three years, and her thinking has been fundamentally shaped by this relationship. Yet now she would like to break up with him.
Géza, zenész
Savanyú and his friend work at a plant. After the monotonous shifts they engage in the pleasures of the afternoon and the night, i.e. parties and concerts. Savanyú dates Juli, they are already engaged. The young men live as sub-tenants, the young women in workers' hostels. None of these places are suited for spending time together. They are in need of an apartment. Out of the ruinous apartment which they lay siege on, however, they are sent away by the otherwise friendly policeman. At a concert held in the Park of Youth, Juli gets to know Géza. They flirt, then go to the country with a pop-group. Savanyú and his friends follow them. A minor fight cools the atmosphere.
Pásztor Balázs
An aspiring film student is denied a scholarship to the state-funded university when his father is thrown in jail. The man had stopped a train in order to facilitate the union between two old friends. The son then takes a job as a land surveyor and meets a Greek man who works towards the collective benefits of the peasants. The man is killed in a peasant uprising prompted by a bureaucratic boondoggle. The surveyor looks after the man's widow as his emerging political and social awareness leads him take a stand against government injustice. Another incident, in which gypsies are rounded up by state hygiene workers, further galvanizes the man's beliefs. He photographs the incident, and his work allows him to be accepted into the school from which he was previously denied admission.
Fekete Laci
Paralleling the dramatic student protests and riots that were exploding across the world in the 1960s at the time the film was made, The Confrontation is a story of protest and rebellion in 1947 Hungary when the Communist Party have just taken power. Jancsó's first colour film is another virtuoso display by a director at the peak of his powers, and eloquently explores the complex issues and inherent problems of revolutionary democracy.
Balassa István
Edit, who became the wife of a politician out of a simple peasant girl, suddenly becomes a widow as a result of an accident. She never loved her husband. She lives a wealthy and lonely life amidst false friends, facing one of the last alternatives of her life, i.e. having to face her past in the hope of an independent new beginning.
Anika, the daughter of the Greek partisan refugee and the Hungarian medical student, Zoltán fall in passionate love. But Anika's mother wants her to marry a Greek, for she is very homesick and wants to go home. The under-age girl cannot protest.