Doris Petrie

Doris Petrie

Рождение : 1918-01-01, Londonderry, Nova Scotia, Canada

Смерть : 2000-08-21


Doris Petrie


Сканнеры 2: Новый порядок
Susan Kellum
Во второй части трилогии речь идёт о «втором поколении» сканнеров. Для установления власти в городе коррумпированный полицейский Форрестер использует телепатические способности сканнеров. Его помощник, доктор Морзе, в ходе научных экспериментов разрабатывает наркотический препарат, вызывающий привыкание. Но он имеет побочное действие — сканнеры теряют свои экстраординарные способности… Форестер находит Дэвида Келлума, сканнера, не сознающего свою силу, который соглашается работать с ним. Сможет ли он вычислить истинные мотивы Форестера и препятствовать установлению «нового порядка»?
Where the Spirit Lives
Miss Weir
In 1937, a young First Nations (Canadian native) girl named Ashtecome is kidnapped along with several other children from a village as part of a deliberate Canadian policy to force First Nations children to abandon their culture in order to be assimilated into white Canadian/British society. She is taken to a boarding school where she is forced to adopt Western Euro-centric ways and learn English, often under brutal treatment. Only one sympathetic white teacher who is more and more repelled by this bigotry offers her any help from among the staff. That, with her force of will, Ashtecome (forced to take the name Amelia) is determined to hold on to her identity and that of her siblings, who were also abducted.
Перри Мейсон: Возвращение
Mrs. Lynch
Судебный адвокат в системе института американского правосудия - явление особое, не имеющее аналогов в европейской юридической практике. Герой Э. Гарднера не просто адвокат, он активно участвует в процессе расследования: собственноручно добывает улики, спешит попасть на место преступления раньше полиции, подчас даже скрывает на время вещественные доказательства. Когда бывшую секретаршу Мейсона Деллу обвиняют в убийстве, блестящий адвокат оставляет свою роль судьи ради того, чтобы доказать ее невиновность.
Mrs. Weinman
New York urologist Harold Lear gets a taste of his own medicine when he suffers a heart attack and is confronted with a medical institution which doesn't seem equipped to help. Wife Martha steps in to fight the system and get a measure of service and compassion. Ultimately the greatest battle is not waged against the medical profession, however, but against Lear's own failing body and his own mortal fears.
Hot Money
Mrs. Grayson
Burt, a clever ex-con, has changed his identity and has managed to land a job as a deputy in small town in upstate New York. On the 4th of July, while the drunken Sheriff Paisley is busy with the local parade and festivities, Burt quietly steals a million dollars in cash from the cellar safe in the local rich old widow's house. Unsuspected, Burt makes plans to live the rest of his life in the lap of luxury in a far off place with his attractive girlfriend, local hash house waitress Jeanette. But when a crisis of conscience hits him like a wave of ice cold water, he starts to think twice about his dastardly deed, and how that purloining of the old lady's money is wrongly affecting his friends as well as innocent locals. But will Burt do the right thing?
Ticket to Heaven
Mrs. Foster
David is a young man seduced by a religious cult that uses starvation, exhaustion, and brainwashing to mold recruits into money hustling disciples of a messiah-like leader. Chronicles David's chilling transformation into a gaunt, mindless shadow of his former self...and his ultimate salvation when friends and family launch a plan to kidnap and deprogram him.
The Olden Days Coat
While at her grandmother's house, a ten-year-old girl finds a coat in the closet. As she inspects it, she is suddenly taken back in time.
Cries in the Night
A young woman arrives at her grandmother's house, which used to be a funeral home, to help her turn the place into a bed-and-breakfast inn. After they open, however, guests begin disappearing or turning up dead.
Home to Stay
Mrs. Strickmeyer
A teenage girl sets off on an odyssey from her Illinois farming community with her free-spirited but frail grandfather to thwart her uncle's plans to put him in a home for the aged.
Wedding in White
Mary Dougall
A young girl's brother comes home from the army, and brings an army buddy with him. The three of them go out that night to celebrate, and after much drinking has been done, the brother's friend rapes the sister. After the two men have gone back, the girl finds that she's pregnant--and discovers that her parents don't blame the soldier, but blame her.