Seo Young-hwa

Seo Young-hwa

Рождение : 1968-01-01, South Korea


Seo Young-hwa


The Novelist's Film
A novelist visits a bookstore run by a young colleague who's been out of touch, then takes a walk with a film director and his wife. She meets an actress and tries to convince her to make a film together.
Прямо перед тобой
Женщина из провинции гостит в столице у сестры, которая живёт в небоскрёбе. Появляется кинорежиссёр, с которым она охотно выпивает, но сниматься в его кино отказывается.
Ju-won's Mother
Молодой человек по имени Ён Хо переживает кризис, вызванный расставанием с любимой девушкой, из-за которой он бросил актёрскую профессию.
Go Back
Jiwon, a motivated new police officer, is strangely bothered after meeting Osun, a social worker. On a hot summer day, a kidnapper sends a message saying, ‘If you want to save the kidnapped child, donate money to the welfare center.’ The incident becomes a national concern as the media report it. Somehow, Jiwon doubts the link between the case and Osun.
Winter's Night
A middle-age couple visit a temple in Chuncheon where they spent their first night together 30 years prior. On the way, one of them cannot find their phone and hurries to find it. As the night unravels, they will come across an ex-lover, a friend, and a young couple who resemble them 30 years ago.
Женщина, которая убежала
Пока муж в командировке, женщина едет в пригород Сеула встретиться с тремя подругами. В непринуждённом общении все три пытаются затушевать свои проблемы, только у нашей героини Гам Хи всё хорошо — за пять лет счастливого брака она впервые разлучилась с супругом. От чего же убежала женщина?
Film Adventure
An actor lives happily with his lover and cat but can’t shake this feeling that all is not as good as it can be. When he quarrels with his girlfriend and is kicked out of the house, he meets three people in a strange day where memories seem to overlap with the present.
Я дома
Ын Со живет одна, и не очень хорошо общается со своей семьей. Ее родители давно развелись, и никто из родственников не связывается с отцом. Однажды срок ее договора аренды квартиры начал истекать, и Ын Со занялась поиском новой. Вот только она объездила уже больше десятка квартир и ни одна ей не понравилась. И тогда, чтобы хоть где-то остановиться она решила приехать к отцу в город, в котором росла. И именно там она осознала, что она наконец-то дома…
Areum sits in a small café, typing on her laptop. Around her, customers enact various dramas from their lives. Is she writing what she hears or is she hearing what’s been written?
After My Death
Kyung-min's Mother
When a school girl disappears, suicide is suspected, and one of her classmates is suspected of having goaded her into it.
107th Night
Jay, a woman who has lived as a vampire for 107 years without getting out of the city. In the hotel where the vampires live, other vampires including her are alive. There she receives fresh blood and everything she needs for her life, and her night, which seemed to be eternity there, begins to shake with the advent of a man one day. And as she recovers gradually, when she is a human, she tries to take the man out of the darkness.
A Tiger in Winter
On a winter day, when a tiger escapes from the zoo, a man is kicked out of his girlfriend’s house. Having no place to go, he wanders from here to there while working as a substitute driver and meets his old girlfriend. Can they start again?
On the Beach at Night Alone
Younghee, an actress reeling in the aftermath of an affair with a married film director, escapes to Hamburg. But when she returns to Korea and meets with friends for drinks, startling confessions emerge.
Eun-joo's Mother
A reverse comedy that tells the story of a perfectionist assassin who falls and hits his head in a sauna, giving him amnesia. When a down-and-out actor switches locker keys with him, they switch lives until the hit-man, who soon becomes an action hero on TV, starts to remember things.
If You Were Me 7
Middle aged woman
An omnibus movie consisting of three shorts by CHOI Ikhwan, SHIN Yeonsik, and LEE Gwangguk. A delightful dissection of human rights in this day and age through a student who gets punished for wanting to eat deokbokki, a man with delusions of grandeur, an insurance agent who spends a strange day.
Do-hyun, an artistic gymnastics player, is living with his mother suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. He decides to quit gymnastics, and he meets a beautiful girl at the library after he got sentenced to community service. They get closer and share their secrets and worries. Can they become ‘the Overman’ creating a new life?
Right Now, Wrong Then
Joo Young-sil
Chun-Soo arrives in Suwon one day earlier than scheduled. He has a special lecture to give the next day. Chun-Soo decides to visit a palace and meets Hee-Jung there. Hee-Jung is a painter and she lets Chun-Soo see her workroom with her paintings. In the evening, they go out eat and drink together. There, Chun-Soo reveals something unexpected to Hee-Jung.
Добрая Алиса в стране чудес
Непроста жизнь Су-нам. Она вышла замуж за глухого мужчину, который, к тому же, стал почти нетрудоспособен после несчастья на работе. Ради покупки общего дома женщине пришлось вкалывать на всевозможных работах 9 лет. Дом куплен, но новая напасть! Муж Су-нам в коме. Ей нужно оплатить огромный больничный счёт. И тут удача! В её районе запланирована реконструкция, а всем жильцам должны выплатить хорошую компенсацию. Женщина решает немного помочь районному офису в осуществлении проекта, однако определённые события "пробуждают к жизни" интересные и пугающие особенности характера героини…
A Matter of Interpretation
Older sister
One winter day, nobody comes to see a play. One of the drama’s actresses becomes angry and leaves the theater. She goes to a park, drinks and meets people.
Hill of Freedom
Kwon returns to Seoul from a restorative stay in the mountains. She is given a packet of letters left by Mori, who has come back from Japan to propose to her. Kwon drops and scatters the letters, all of which are undated. When she reads them, she has to make sense of the chronology.
Банда из пяти человек похищает мальчика и воспитывает его как своего сына. Мальчик вырос и превратился в настоящего убийцу. Теперь его зовут Хваи, и он решает выяснить, кто же он на самом деле.
A short film made for Venezia 70 – Future Reloaded (2013).
Juvenile Offender
16-year-old juvenile offender Ji-gu reunites with his young mom who he thought was dead, and the two try to make up for their time lost.
49th day
Family members left behind, who have played different parts in their lives, fail to disguise their habits and expectations.
Орудие смерти
Dong-pil's Mother (uncredited)
Фильм основан на реальной истории — нераскрытом убийстве, известном в Корее под названием «исчезновение лягушачьих детей». В 1991 году пять учеников начальной школы сказали своим родителям, что собираются наловить лягушек на близлежащей горе. Они никогда не вернулись домой.
Oki's Movie
Oki, a film student, is entangled in two relationships. One with a fellow student who pursues her and the other, her much older professor.
Like You Know It All
Oh Jin-sook
Delightfully comic exploration of the emotional and social geography of an art-house film director.
Sang-Woo's mother
A young boy experiences anesthesia awareness while undergoing surgery. Unable to respond because of a muscle relaxant administered to him, the boy is severely traumatized. The result is his killing of a young girl soon after the operation. The boy is admitted to a mental institution, and with the help of a team of psychiatrists, his memories are blocked and he is able to lead a normal life. Twenty years later a series of events unlocks his memories and once again transforms him into a murderer. As the killings continue, the secrets from twenty years earlier are slowly revealed.
Hearty Paws
11-year-old Chan-yi is looking after his lovely younger sister So-yi, by himself ever since their mother left them to find her own future. Despite their desperate situation of being abandoned by family and neighbors, these kids try their best to carry on life. One day, a little puppy joins this small family as Chan-yi steals it from an old couple’s kennel as a gift his sister’s birthday. Especially clever, this dog, whose name is “Ma-eum”, returns the love received from his new family with great loyalty and it seems as though their happiness would continue forever…only until a sudden accident brings them into collapse.
Making Memories of Murder
Made in 2004, this extensive documentary chronicles the production and release of Memories of Murder.
Rules of Dating
Language teacher
An introvert, indifferent woman joins a high school as a student teacher, under supervision of a shameless, nymphomaniac man who is a year younger than her. On a school trip, the supervisor tells the trainee that he wants to have sex with her. The movie deals with the woman willing yet indifferent to indulge in physical relationship with her professional senior. Ethics, morals, feelings, love show up and are turned down.
Воспоминания об убийстве
Woman from Hill
В 1986 году, в корейской глубинке, две местных женщины были убиты одним и тем же извращённым способом. Детектив Ду Ман Пак и его помощник Ён Гу Чжу, доброволец, вызвавшийся помогать в расследовании этого ужасного дела, со всевозможным рвением пытаются распутать таинственные обстоятельства происшедшего. Но скоро становится очевидно, что они не имеют ни навыков, ни характера для подобного рода оперативной работы. После неудачной попытки обвинить в совершении убийства невиновного человека, дело предаётся гласности и полицейские неохотно принимают помощь полицейского Тхэ Ён Со, который прибыл им на помощь из Сеула…
A story about a director, who, as a means of grieving the loss of his dog Popee, decides to make a film about his relationship to Popee along with that of other dog/person relationships.