Basil Bartlett


Marcelle de Barthas is young French widow, who since her husband’s death some seven years previously, has lived a secluded life in her country house, with her four children. The eldest one, Emmy, is a beautiful and pure young girl of seventeen, who tentatively believes she has a calling to the religious life. The second child, Bertrand, aged fifteen, has been sent to England for an exchange holiday with a young English boy, Harry Fanning, and when the play opens, the French children are excitedly awaiting his arrival. Also living with the family is a French governess, and a tutor, Blaise Lebel. Lebel has a sombre power over the family, and it is the ‘intrusion’ of Harry that sets in motion in him a wave of resentment and fear.
Капитан Горацио
Capt. Elliott (uncredited)
1807 год. Британский военно-морской флот послан к берегам центральной Америки с секретной миссией по оказанию помощи лидеру латиноамериканской революции. Восемь месяцев продлится это опасное плавание, а возглавит военную экспедицию Капитан Горацио Хорнблоуэр. Отважному капитану предстоит пройти тысячи морских миль, вступить в бой с вражеским флотом, одержать победу и встретить свою любовь — красавицу Барбару
Secret Mission
World War II drama in which a member of the French Resistance and three British agents undertake a hazardous mission to infiltrate a German HQ in search of vital information that could lead to the overthrow of the Nazis.
The Next of Kin
Wartime propaganda piece giving the warning "Be like Dad, Keep Mum". A gossipy housewife is overheard talking about what her son is doing by a Nazi spy.