Martin Stührk

Рождение : 1990-04-28,


Pilgerfahrt nach Padua
Michel Glöckner
Gundula Glöckner is very worried about the salvation of her daughter Lena. Again and again, the young woman gets to the wrong men. To help her child's happiness, the resolute widow shortly sets out on a pilgrimage: in Padua she wants to pray for Lena at the tomb of St. Anthony. However, the illustrious Pilgrims on their way to Italy are struggling with a whole series of mishaps and complications. Especially the brash bus driver Benno brings the God-fearing Gundula again and again to the white heat - until she realizes that hides behind its rough shell a vulnerable core.
Лесной разбойник
Приключенческий фильм для всей семьи о странных, волшебных и смешных событиях. Похожий на Бармалея лесной разбойник пришел из темного леса, напугал бедную бабушку и лишил ее любимого занятия - готовить кофе. С этим не могли смириться юные шалопаи - Каспер и Сеппел. Полицейский, такой же страшный как лесной разбойник, решил восстановить справедливость. К этой компании присоединились прекрасная фея, злой маг и чародей, гадалка и ее маленькая "собачка" Васти. Чем закончится это захватывающее волшебное приключение?
Die letzte Schlacht
The 13 days from April 20th to May 2nd, 1945, are unique in the history of Germany: They are the final act in the history of the third Reich which was supposed to last for a thousand years and succumbed after twelve in an orgy of violence and fire. In the catacombs of his bunker under the Reich Chancellery in the capital city of Berlin, which Adolf Hitler wanted to make to the centre of the world, the dictator operates with ghost divisions during the final days of the war. Only in the final moment, he takes his own life. Meanwhile, On the streets, in the ruins, and the basements of the destroyed city, the final battle wages on: Adolescents are sacrificed without purpose, women get raped, loyal party comrades commit suicide in the thousands, Jews who were in hiding for years hope for the liberation.
The Tenth Summer
Kalli Spielplatz
The tenth summer of Kalli is certainly one of these magical experiences. Along with his friends, he initially planned great things, including opening a zoo - however, one that not only offers the ordinary creeping or fluttering items in a preserving jar, but a true sensation...
Ein ganzer Kerl für Mama
Moritz Bergmann