Rokeya Prachy

Rokeya Prachy


Rokeya Prachy is a Bangladeshi theater, television and film actress and director.


Rokeya Prachy


Mujib: The Making of a Nation
Old Women
Biopic on the father of the nation of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The film will showcase his growing up as a child to his standing up against all injustice in his youth to fighting for the independence of his country. How he led a country to it's independence with his inspirational presence and fight for the justice.
Ei Muhurte
Brown Mom
Every now and then, occurrences take place on the streets, alleys and highways of this city like the accumulation of moss on a concrete wall. Though majority of these fresh deposits appear true to us, they could really be otherwise. Nonetheless, wrapped under the folds of these truth and lies, three tales are carved to be called “Ei Muhurte”.
No Bed of Roses
As a noted filmmaker’s infidelity becomes a media firestorm, his fractured family privately navigates the fallout of his actions for years to come.
Kingdom of Clay Subjects
Majeda Begum
10-year-old Jamal loves his carefree life with his mum in rural Bangladesh, until the day his childhood friend and playmate is forced to become a child bride. Isolated and lost, Jamal finds the world a harsh reality when his hopes of getting new friends and attending school collide with his mother's past.
The Cart
Habil-Kabil's Mother
This is the story of the indomitable dream of two young brothers and their incredible journey in life and their car that has never been defeated. The story of human spirit, sufferings and simple joy.
Shikhandi Kotha
A story of general boy who turns into third gender during his adolescence and neglected by the society.
Душа человека
Фильм о жизни и духовных исканиях Лалона (1772г. – 17 октября 1890 гг.), известного бенгальского поэта, певца-баула, композитора, факира, философа, мистика и социального реформатора. Его поэзия считается классикой бенгальской литературы. Лалон повлиял на многих мыслителей своего времени, включая Рабиндраната Тагора.
Beyond the Circle
A political fable in which a village musician gets swept up in the market economy of big city Dhaka.
On the Wings of Dreams
A poor villager finds some high priced foreign notes. For exchanging notes easily, he secretly tells his friend. They both trying to get the money & change their poor condition.
A mother and her son return to their home in Sylhet, Bangladesh after 15 years abroad and try to retrace their roots. Beginning with the death of the father of the family, the film proceeds with the central characters seeking a link to their lives.
Глиняная птица
Действие разворачивается в небольшом городке в 1971 году и затрагивает одну семью. Её глава — врач, который не столь давно стал рьяным мусульманином, а потому полагающийся на волю Аллаха более, чем на лекарства. Его брат — молодой марксист-интеллигент, проявляющий интерес к индуистской культуре. Старший сын Ану был послан учиться в медресе, однако он не разделяет отцовского религиозного пыла. Как, впрочем, и остальные члены семьи: его мать и младшая сестра.
Natural disasters are a regular feature of life for people living on the coastal area of Bangladesh. This is a saga about the vicissitudes of these people and their eternal struggle for life.