Это история про королеву, которая потеряла три королевства. История о жене, которая потеряла трех мужей. История о женщине, которая потеряла голову. Это история жизни Марии Стюарт, которая с младенчества была королевой Шотландии, в качестве жены Франциска II была королевой Франции и претендовала на английский трон. Ее судьба была трагичной и романтичной, полной борьбы, любви и страсти, королевских интриг и предательств…
Russell, a theatrical agent, is hoping to get his wife back after decades of family life as the kids have finally left home. His wife, Edie, is not happy about this. Their son Matt, is wrestling with a relationship in which he earns less than his successful girlfriend and daughter Rosa is wrestling with debt and the end of a turbulent love affair. Living on your own, it seems, may not be as glamorous as it's cracked up to be. Rosa is the first of the Boyd children to think she may have to move back in with her parents-just until she can make ends meet again. Set in Boston, Massachusetts, this is the empty nest, twenty-first-century style-with grown children coming and going just as parents are getting ready for their second honeymoon.
Pellini is too small, Mobo a paraplegic, Gilbert a klutz and Gus a loser. But they are about to put an end to this! Gus has fallen in love and his friends are willing to do anything to help him. However, the venture proves to be a lot harder than expected. Not only do they not have a clue about women, they soon find themselves dealing with strippers, babies, secret agents and the Mafia.