Karen Bailey


Столик на троих
Executive Producer
Молодой парень Скотт, привыкающий к роли холостяка, приглашает «идеальную пару» Райана и Мэри разделить с ним его огромную квартиру. Как оказалось, Скотт поступил весьма опрометчиво, поскольку парочка тут же начинает вмешиваться в его жизнь и новые романтические отношения.
Пески забвения
Великий фараон прогневал богов. В наказание они наслали на Египетское царство демонов пустыни. Чтобы защитить своего правителя и его народ от темных сил, жрецы совершили тайный обряд. Принеся человеческую жертву и захоронив в песках священный амулет, они попросили защиты у Анубиса, бога загробного мира. Приняв дар, Анубис усмирил демонов пустыни, и в Египте воцарился мир…Но тысячи лет спустя археологи нашли древний амулет. И, чтобы вернуть себе символ абсолютной власти над темными силами, Анубис вновь появляется в мире людей…
Death Row
Haunted Prison - AKA Death Row - a horrifying live action film based on the short story by Kevin VanHook-takes place at Isla de la Roca Penitentiary. Rumor has it the Devil himself spat up the place out of the depths of hell, and man turned it into a prison for the most dangerous prisoners in the South. The monstrous building is steeped in the evil created by centuries of murder and injustice and is haunted by vengeful ghosts. Isla de la Roca was abandoned after being soaked in blood by a horrific massacre of inmates and guards. A gang of fugitives from a cop-killing robbery seek refuge within the razor wire of the prison walls at the same time as a documentary film crew arrives to tell the story of the penitentiary. When these groups cross paths within the cruel walls of Isla de la Roca, will anyone get out alive?
An elite commando squad led by longtime soldier buddies Hawk and Grives run afoul of lethal and powerful vampires in a South American rain forest. Grieves gets turned into a vampire and becomes leader of a savage roving herd. Moreover, Hawk has to rescue his scientist ex-wife Dr. Laurie Williams from the bloodsuckers' evil clutches.
Frost: Portrait of a Vampire
Nancy McKenzie
San Diego, present day: The murders are starting again. A girl has been found with two holes in her neck and her body totally drained of blood. Lt Dan Richardson [Shane Pliskin] knows what it is but doesn't believe it, so he calls in blind art-dealer Micah [Gary Busey]. Micah confirms the lieutenant's suspicion that a vampire is at work and reminds him of the previous lesson learned by Jack Frost, who was forced to kill his best friend Nat McKenzie when Nat became a vampire.