Lasse Ulander


Beck 08 - Trails in Darkness
Sound Designer
A serial killer that decapitates people is on the loose in the Stockholm subway. Martin Beck and his colleagues try to catch the killer, while the panic in the city increases.
The Hunters
A policeman from Stockholm come to Norrbotten in Sweden, to join his brother, now when their father is dead. While there he starts to work on a long-running case where reindeers have been poached and soon discovers that his brother is involved...
Цветения пора
Стиг, 15-летний старшеклассник, влюбляется в свою школьную учительницу Виолу. Ей 37 лет, но разница в возрасте и тот факт, что она замужем, не могут остановить стремительно возникшее взаимное чувство.
Sky Above Malmö
Documentary depicting the city of Malmö, its inhabitants, and their life from 1984 to 1994.
The Dream House
Sound Editor
Göran buys a house in a suburb. It is in need of some repairs, but Göran believes himself capable of repairing it himself with the help of some cheap craftsmen. However, the house is much worse than he thought. At the same time, a gang of crooks is searching for the dynamite they hid in the basement some time ago. Göran has to rescue both his wallet from greedy craftsmen as well as his marriage with Tina.
Благие намерения
История родителей Ингмара Бергмана. В 1909 бедный студент Хенрик Бергман влюбляется в Анну — девушку из состоятельного семейства. После свадьбы Хенрик становится священником на севере Швеции, но спустя несколько лет жизни в сельской местности Анна срывается и решает вернуться в родной город…
The Secret
Sound Editor
Sam and Amanda are friends. One day, they accidentally throw Sam's sister's diaries in the garbage can and have to trace them to the city dump.
Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky
Sound Editor
This documentary offers a rare glimpse of the legendary Soviet filmmaker, Andrei Tarkosvky, at work. Tarkovsky made only seven films in his brief, but brilliant, career; Michal Leszczylowski's respectful movie chronicles him at work on his last film, The Sacrifice. Offering insight into Tarkovsky's working methods and transcendental aesthetics, the movie is a compelling account of the difficulties of film production. In the case of an uncompromising and visionary filmmaker like Tarkovsky, the practical problems of filmmaking are only magnified, as cast and crew struggle to realize the ambitious concepts in Tarkovsky's mind.
Sound Designer
A documentary on Sven Nykvist lighting the movie-set during the shooting of Andrei Tarkovsky's film "The Sacrifice."
Hip Hip Hurrah!
The life and times of the Scandinavian artists' colony who lived in Skagen on the Danish coast during the 1890s. Not so much a biographical account, rather a portrait of a way of life. The painters became famous for the way they used the light in their work, and this has also been mirrored in the cinematography.
Min pappa är Tarzan
Moa is seven years old and lives with her mother and her hamster. When her mother gets a new boyfriend Moa starts fantasising about her father's life in Africa.
Sound Recordist
Профессорская семья живёт в уединённом живописном уголке Швеции. Александр — в прошлом актёр, писатель, его жена — молодая актриса, его дети — дочь и немой сын («Маленький человек»), испытывают муки и ужасы приближающегося конца света, в связи с началом атомной войны. У Александра день рождения. Но он может стать и общим днём смерти, так как уже запущены ядерные ракеты. Александр заключает пакт с Богом… Чем надо пожертвовать, чтобы спасти мир от надвигающейся катастрофы? Своим имуществом, своим образом жизни, а, может быть, своей жизнью? Что положит герой фильма на алтарь Всемогущего Творца, если последний, конечно, существует? «Фильм и делается специально таким образом, чтобы быть истолкованным по-разному», — писал о нём сам Тарковский.
P & B
Pettersson and Bendel are both worn, run-down and broke. Despite this they decide to start a business and become rich. Unexperienced they are open to any deal. They tamper, scam and exploit loopholes that exist.
История о приключениях мальчика Расмуса, сбежавшего из приюта, и его друга — странствующего поэта Оскара. Действие происходит в Швеции в начале XX века. Расмус — мальчик, который живёт в приюте. Не выдерживая тюремных порядков и придирок управляющей фрекен Хёк, он убегает из приюта и присоединяется к бродяге и барду по прозвищу Оскар Перекати-поле. Они начинают вместе путешествовать по стране. Ему предстоит пережить немало неожиданных и таинственных приключений и наконец обрести счастье домашнего очага. По мотивам одноименной повести Астрид Линдгрен.
The Rooster
In 1944, Cederqvist comes to a small cloth factory to see how the all-women employees can work more efficiently. At the beginning he is greeted with suspicion and his efforts at courting the young ladies are futile. But as soon as he buys himself a car it becomes much easier, especially since he has the power to relocate people to an easier line of work. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
One Monday morning, a thousand children leave the suburb of Farsta and go to Stockholm to occupy the Royal Castle. The children have formed a group called S.O.P.O.R. as a protest against the way adults treat them and have destroyed their future. They demand that the robots in the industry are replaced by humans to create job opportunities. They take the royal family as hostages.
Мадикен из Юнибаккена
Sound Engineer
Мадикен — озорная девочка. Ей почти 7 лет, и она живёт в Юнибаккене вместе с мамой, папой, сестрёнкой Лисабет и работницей Альвой. В жизни Мадикен каждый день происходят интересные события — мамин день рождения, школьная экскурсия, Рождество, и весёлые школьные будни. Каждую Мадикен и Лисабет выдумывают что-нибудь новое, с ними невозможно соскучится.
Ты с ума сошла, Мадикен
Sound Engineer
Мадикен — озорная, упрямая и смелая девочка, полная жизни; радуется и печалится от души, проказничает и делает добрые дела. А еще у нее есть враги, друзья и любящая семья. Что еще нужно для счастливого детства?
City of My Dreams
Young Henning and his friends are struggling to stay alive in 19th century Stockholm, where he has ended up in search of employment. In the harsh city, he and his friends dream of the good life while struggling for their survival.
Håll alla dörrar öppna
Special Sound Effects
Steve works as a locksmith and one day he meets Lotta in his work. After helping her get back into her apartment they decide to see each other again. Though they are dating Steve still goes out with other girls, and in situations like this a big city quickly becomes a small town.
Håll alla dörrar öppna
Steve works as a locksmith and one day he meets Lotta in his work. After helping her get back into her apartment they decide to see each other again. Though they are dating Steve still goes out with other girls, and in situations like this a big city quickly becomes a small town.
New Mischief by Emil
Sound Engineer
Emil's reputation for being a troublemaker makes the Svensson family's neighbours take up a collection for sending the boy off to America. But even if he among other unfortunate mishaps causes his father to get stuck in the outhouse window and get bitten by crawfish, all is forgotten when he skillfully wins the family a free horse. And when Alfred the farmhand gets seriously ill, Emil puts his own life on the line, venturing into a snow storm to get his best friend to a doctor before it is too late.
Joe Hill
In the early 1900s, the legendary Joe Hill emigrates with his brother to the United States. But after a short time, he loses touch with his brother. Joe gets a few jobs but is struck by all the injustice and tragedy going on. He becomes active in the forbidden union IWW, a union for workers without trades. It is forbidden to demonstrate and to speak in public but Joe gets around that by singing his manifests with the Salvation Army. He manages to get more and more people to go on strike with him but he also makes powerful enemies doing that. Finally he gets connected with a murder and during the trial he fires his lawyer and takes upon himself to become his own defender.