Berndt Frithiof
Рождение : 1943-03-04, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden
Mixing Engineer
An often humorous documentary about the building of the Öresund bridge, connecting Copenhagen in Denmark to Malmö in Sweden. We meet the people who work on production of the bridge, as well as opponents to the idea of such a bridge.
Sound Mixer
Beck and his men investigates a murder of a Russian woman. At the same time as SÄPO (The Swedish Security Agency) sees a chance of getting a Russian in the embassy deported.
Sound Mixer
Fanny and Zack is back, after she inherited Änglagård last year. Everytone looks forward to their new stay. Axel has told Fanny he is her father, but who else? Ivar also thinks he is her father. Be ready for expectations and confusions.
Sound Mixer
Misfits to Yuppies is the last of three films (Dom kallar oss mods, Ett anständigt liv, Det sociala arvet) that shows conditions for addicts in Stockholm and try to find out how social legacy have been transferred to their children from previous films.
Sound Mixer
Девушка, унаследовав усадьбу в шведской деревушке, прикатила туда с молодым человеком на мотоцикле, одетым в черную кожу и шипы. Дальше - история стара, как мир - в деревеньке переполох. Кто - осуждает, кто - одобряет, а кому - просто интересно...
Mixing Engineer
Something strange has been spotted over the tree tops in the forest where Charlie Strap and Froggy Ball live, and Plåt-Niklas quickly builds a monocular to examine it. It turns out to be an emergency signal and the two friends together with Plåt-Niklas and The Parrot set out on an expedition to resque whoever is sending the signal.
Sound Mixer
Хельге Росс тайком убил быка, принадлежавшего своему хозяину. У крестьянина не было иного выходы - его жена и совсем крошечная дочь должны были что-то есть. Но вскоре Хельге стала мучить совесть. Он отправился на исповедь. Но даже викарий не смог его успокоить, Хельге решил наказать себя за проступок.
Sound Mixer
The stationmaster is trying to prevent his station from being closed. The train isn't coming and he has to explain to the waiting trainpassengers why it's late, while other people is trying to get the station for their use; for example the italians, who want to make a pizzeria out of it.
Sound Mixer
Roy and Roger decide to close their gasstation for the summer, to try to find where, what and how their lost father is. Roger also falls in love and much more.
Sound Mixer
Kaj, Lennart and Robert are 30-somethings who go out to dance every weekend. At one dance they meet Inger, whom Kaj falls in love with. Kaj has some friends who are playing in a band. The drummer Tommy is known for being the local Casanova, seducing women when ever he gets the chance. It doesn't take him long to have an affair with Inger, behind Kaj's back.
Sound Mixer
John is the owner of a small publishing company. One day John meets the poet Clara and falls in love with her. A movie about jealousy and death.
Sound Mixer
Interwoven with scenes that are meant to grab attention by their stunning composition, this biographical look at Finland's violinist Arto Arsi is not so much a narration of his childhood and early years, as an attempt to artistically show what was happening inside his psyche during that time. Literally sold to a master teacher, Sergei Rippas (Tarmo Manni) by his mother when he was still a child, the violin prodigy was forcefully and strictly raised to practice, practice, and perfect his technique. Once an adult, Arsi finds a way to escape the rigors of a U.S. tour and drowns his overworked self in drink, or seeks out one-night stands, or otherwise lets off steam. The tightly-wound spring that has been coiled since he was forced into his grueling training and work sessions -- shown through symbolic images -- eventually snaps in a healthy way, freeing Arsi at last to continue on, simply for the love of music.
Sound Mixer
The Swedish 19th century engineer Salomon August Andrée sets out to become the first man on the north pole. His idea is to launch a polar expedition using a hydrogen balloon, together with two friends. The balloon, "The Eagle", takes off from Svalbard in 1897, but the three men are not heard of again.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
One Monday morning, a thousand children leave the suburb of Farsta and go to Stockholm to occupy the Royal Castle. The children have formed a group called S.O.P.O.R. as a protest against the way adults treat them and have destroyed their future. They demand that the robots in the industry are replaced by humans to create job opportunities. They take the royal family as hostages.
Sound Mixer
Eva is 18 years old and decides to go inter railing through Europe after she has finished school. She has decided to meet up with Klaus in Amsterdam but things get more complicated when she meets Bosse on the way.
Sound mixer
Мадикен — озорная девочка. Ей почти 7 лет, и она живёт в Юнибаккене вместе с мамой, папой, сестрёнкой Лисабет и работницей Альвой. В жизни Мадикен каждый день происходят интересные события — мамин день рождения, школьная экскурсия, Рождество, и весёлые школьные будни. Каждую Мадикен и Лисабет выдумывают что-нибудь новое, с ними невозможно соскучится.
Sound mixer
Мадикен — озорная, упрямая и смелая девочка, полная жизни; радуется и печалится от души, проказничает и делает добрые дела. А еще у нее есть враги, друзья и любящая семья. Что еще нужно для счастливого детства?
Sound Mixer
Bosse works at an advertising agency while working on the novel of the century. At a burger restaurant he meets Lena, and before he knows it, she is pregnant. Bosse starts thinking that his life is all over, he won't get any more career opportunities, and never again will he have time for late night parties.
Sound Mixer
Фильм охватывает период наивысшей популярности группы, между альбомом 1976 года «Arrival» и альбомом 1977 года «The Album», песни из которых представлены в виде видеозарисовок.
Sound Mixer
Conventions of civility among family members are severely strained by the very real breakup of the bonds between them. During a few days at a vacation home, Katha, a woman in late middle age, tries to cope with an influx of discontented, disconnected relatives. Her divorced daughter brings all sorts of people to the house, including a woman-friend accompanied by her psychotic son; the grandfather of the house is convinced he is dying and is satisfied by nothing; and some friends drop off their angry teenage son to stay with her, while they go on a long trip abroad. Her friend Emma doesn't help much with keeping a lid on things, as she is a social worker who is fascinated by the awfulness of these situations.
Sound Mixer
Mania is a new employee at a mental hospital, where she meets a young man with mutism. He gets her to realize that it is a fluid boundary between being healthy and being regarded as sick.
Sound mixer
Emil's reputation for being a troublemaker makes the Svensson family's neighbours take up a collection for sending the boy off to America. But even if he among other unfortunate mishaps causes his father to get stuck in the outhouse window and get bitten by crawfish, all is forgotten when he skillfully wins the family a free horse. And when Alfred the farmhand gets seriously ill, Emil puts his own life on the line, venturing into a snow storm to get his best friend to a doctor before it is too late.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Вторая часть экранизации тетралогии «Эмигранты» Вильгельма Муберга.
Семейство Нильссонов прибывают из Швеции в Северную Америку. На берегу живописного озера Миннесоты, они начинают осваивать земли и собирают вокруг себя небольшое поселение из шведских эмигрантов. Люди попадают в суровую и жестокую действительность, и вынуждены терпеть лишения, трудности и голод. Ведя строительство нового дома, Нильссоны занимаются земледелием и скотоводством, рожают детей, хоронят стариков, до боли в сердце привязываясь к новой земле...
Sound Mixer
Фильм рассказывает о домохозяйке Кэрин, которая заводит роман с иностранным археологом Дэвидом и осознает, что ее супружеская жизнь до этого момента была обманом…
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Первая часть экранизации тетралогии «Эмигранты» Вильгельма Муберга.
19 век. Семья Нильссонов из южной Швеции, уставшая выживать на клочке принадлежащей им неплодородной земли, продает все свое имущество и вместе с другими фермерами на корабле отправляются к берегам Северной Америки.
Sound Designer
Судья устраивает допрос с пристрастием актерам, принявшим участие в номере, который оскорбил чувства зрителей.
Boom Operator
Ян Розенберг — композитор и руководитель симфонического оркестра, а его жена Ева — скрипачка. У Яна болезнь сердца, и врач рекомендовал супругам поселиться на острове в Балтийском море. Тем временем, начинается война, которая затрагивает супругов, и их спокойной жизни настаёт конец.