Karin Miller

Рождение : 1925-01-29, Lysvik, Värmlands län, Sweden

Смерть : 1999-07-26


Meter Maid
A man wakes up in his apartment after a wild party. His best buddy comes by. They find a woman on the couch showing no signs of life.
En flicka på halsen
Lady in the shop
История о приключениях мальчика Расмуса, сбежавшего из приюта, и его друга — странствующего поэта Оскара. Действие происходит в Швеции в начале XX века. Расмус — мальчик, который живёт в приюте. Не выдерживая тюремных порядков и придирок управляющей фрекен Хёк, он убегает из приюта и присоединяется к бродяге и барду по прозвищу Оскар Перекати-поле. Они начинают вместе путешествовать по стране. Ему предстоит пережить немало неожиданных и таинственных приключений и наконец обрести счастье домашнего очага. По мотивам одноименной повести Астрид Линдгрен.
Мадикен из Юнибаккена
Мадикен — озорная девочка. Ей почти 7 лет, и она живёт в Юнибаккене вместе с мамой, папой, сестрёнкой Лисабет и работницей Альвой. В жизни Мадикен каждый день происходят интересные события — мамин день рождения, школьная экскурсия, Рождество, и весёлые школьные будни. Каждую Мадикен и Лисабет выдумывают что-нибудь новое, с ними невозможно соскучится.
A Summer of Love
David, a middle-aged researcher, lives happily with his wife Ingrid and their kids. By a coincident he meets and falls in love with a young woman named Eva. Their relationship will only last a few months.
Wide Open
A philandering cab driver decides to help his girlfriend's attractive sister, who is in trouble with drug dealers.
The Stone Face
After losing his son in a traffic accident and his wife to mental illness, Harry moves to a gloomy Stockholm suburb. A local youth gang is harassing the neighborhood and Harry comes up with the idea of hiring the gang to kill the bureaucrats who are responsible for the construction of the suburb. The film is a fierce critique of the political project of building suburbs designed only for workers to sleep in and also wants to have a say in the debate over nature vs nurture.
Dirty Fingers
A young woman dies from a drug overdose, and her brother and his friend try to find out who supplied her with the narcotics. Soon, they're chased all over Stockholm by the cruel but suave ring leader Harry and his thugs. Among the wildness is a fight in a brothel filled with naked girls, and when Servus, one of the thugs, fails to kill our heroes, Harry has his men kill Servus with a razor blade equipped glove. Oh, and the heroine is raped by a guy sucking on a comforter
On his death-bed, Per Henrik Pistolekors must promise his father two things: first of all to kill king Gustav III, which his father hates. Second, to take his half-sister Annarella to Stockholm to find her a rich and noble husband.
Fear Has 1000 Eyes
A priest, Sven, and his wife Anna live in a lonely vicarage in northern Sweden. Anna has been suffering from nervous trouble. With them lives her "self-sacrificing" friend Hedvig. Hedvig is a complicated character. At first sight she exposes dark sides. She has sworn her self to the devil, by carving a bloody cross onto her body. Hedvig is successfully performing a lot of sorceries, several of them with a strong erotic meaning Thus she sneaks naked to the priest's bed during night. Leaning over him she kisses his body. Sven is moving uneasily in his sleep but does not wake up. Carefully she sits astride him. There is a night of lust. Anna fins herself soon entangled in a net of wickedness.
The Lustful Vicar
During a witch trial in the seventeenth century a woman is accused of being a witch and burned at the stake. The witch curse the village priest who pushed through the accusations and promises that her offspring will avenge her. During the Caroline the priest's son take over as vicar of the congregation, and the daughter of the witch bewitches him so that he suffers constant erection. This is off course very embarrassing for the vicar. The local women has to step in and try to set things right
Swedish and Underage
Mrs. Svensson
A girl of 14 is embarrassing her foster parents. She exposes herself to a homeless and police. It turns out that the girl has had sex with various men in exchange for a little kindness and chocolate. At fornication trial she has to face the city's municipal chief, who also has abused the girl.
The Girls
A theater company rehearses Aristophanes play "Lysistrata" in which the Athenian women revolt to force the men to suspend the war and make peace. The three leading female actresses, Liz, Marianne and Gunilla, all live in humiliating circumstances to their men.
Hej du glada sommar!!!
"Hello Happy Summer!!!" - Valle and Bror are two fishermen brothers who lives in the remote archipelago. One day Valles wife receives a big inheritance from a distant relative and their lives takes a new turn.
Åsa-Nisse och tjocka släkten
Fru Oscarsson
Åsa-Nisse's brother Julius returns home from USA, apparently very rich. Also, Åsa-Nisse och Klabbarparen takes care of a little child which leads to all sorts of complications.
Åsa-Nisse på Mallorca
Åsa-Nisse and Klabbarparn has found an old pirate map that leads them to the island Mallorca in the Mediterranean Sea as they search for the hidden treasure.
Ljuvlig är sommarnatten
Mrs. Gehlin
Someone is murdered. Who is the killer? Members of all star cast are all suspects...
You Are My Adventure
Mother on the train
Two journalists marry each other but Tore is unhappy that his wife is ambitious in her career instead of their household.
Guest at One's Own Home
Eva Dahl, a doctor's wife, starts an affair with a younger man.
Count on Trouble
A common shoe-shiner inherits a castle. Something his mean relatives dislikes. They try to scare him away with the help of fictional ghosts and other pranks.
Resa i natten
Gösta is a lorry driver and has been married to Birgitta for eight years. Their marriage is only held together by their daughter. Gösta picks up girls along the roads and during a drive to Malmö he stumbles on the singing actress Irene. Gösta is captivated by her romantic presence and her joy of life. Besides picking up women, Gösta is sometimes affected by sudden seizures. His wife is unaware of this.
Flicka utan namn
A girl has been found murdered in her apartment. But who killed her and why? Through a series of flashbacks, the police investigation unfolds the murder mystery.
Путь к тебе
Vikström's maid
Они познакомились в ресторане — молодой служащий Эмиль и исполнительница эстрадных песен Гун. Голос и красота девушки покорили Эмиля. Молодые люди полюбили друг друга и вскоре решили пожениться. Но ни у Эмиля, ни у Гун нет денег на свадебное путешествие, которое они так хотели бы совершить. И как часто бывает, враги молодых влюблённых — ревность и неопытность разлучают Эмиля и Гун. Пути их расходятся. Но ненадолго: любовь и верность в конце концов помогают их сердцам найти дорогу друг к другу.
Фрёкен Юлия
Дочь состоятельного графа Юлия влюбляется в лакея отца и решает уйти с ним из дома родителей, чтобы избежать гнева окружающих.