Lad Allen


Living Waters
LIVING WATERS: Intelligent Design in the Oceans of the Earth is a fascinating exploration of life in the liquid universe that covers more than 70% of our planet. Filmed in Canada, Bermuda, Polynesia, Mexico, and the United States, this remarkable documentary celebrates the beauty and brilliance of the biological systems that make life in the oceans possible. A spectacular tour of a dolphin’s internal sonar system—a mechanism so powerful and precise, the animals can locate and capture small fish buried in the sand. The magnetic compass embedded in the head of a sea turtle—a biological wonder that guides these long-distance travelers as they journey across thousands of miles of open sea. A Pacific salmon’s amazing sense of smell—an elaborate navigational aid that leads the fish back from years in the ocean to the gravel stream bed where it was born. The power and majestic grace of a humpback whale—a creature whose existence defies the theory of Darwinian evolution.
Flight: The Genius of Birds
Filmed in North America, England, Peru, Greenland and Antarctica, FLIGHT explores mysteries of a bird's anatomy, instinct, and behaviors to reveal stunning evidence of intelligent design in the living world.
Metamorphosis: The Design and Beauty of Butterflies
Throughout history, butterflies have fascinated artists and philosophers, scientists and schoolchildren with their profound mystery and beauty. In Metamorphosis you will explore their remarkable world as few ever have before. Spectacular photography, computer animation and magnetic resonance imaging open once hidden doors to every stage of a butterfly's life-cycle. From an egg the size of a pinhead to a magnificent flying insect. It is a transformation so incredible biologists have called it "butterfly magic." How did these extraordinary creatures come into being? Are they the products of a blind, undirected process? Or were they designed by an intelligent cause? Filmed in North, Central, and South America, Metamorphosis is an unforgettable documentary filled with the joys of discovery and wonder.
The Case For Faith
In THE CASE FOR FAITH journalist Lee Strobel investigates two of the most emotional objections to Christianity. Barriers to faith confronted by believers and skeptics alike: Why is Jesus the only way to God? And, how could a loving God exist if there is evil and suffering in the world?
The Privileged Planet
This 60-minute video documentary explores the conditions on Earth that allow for intelligent life and also make it a strangely well suited place for viewing and analyzing the universe.
The Privileged Planet
This 60-minute video documentary explores the conditions on Earth that allow for intelligent life and also make it a strangely well suited place for viewing and analyzing the universe.
Unlocking the Mystery of Life
Unlocking the Mystery of Life represents a unique programming opportunity for local stations. Its broadcast release coincides with the 50th anniversary of one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs in history-James Watson and Francis Crick's discovery that the DNA molecule carries hereditary information in the form of a code that many scientists have likened to computer software or a written language. This discovery (announced on April 25,1953) sparked a scientific revolution. But it also left a fundamental question unanswered. Where did the information in DNA come from? How did the software in the cell arise? Unlocking the Mystery of Life explores these questions through the stories of a growing number of scientists who no longer believe that natural selection or chemistry, alone, can explain life's origin. Instead, they think that the microscopic world of the cell provides evidence of purpose and design in nature.
The Exodus Revealed
During the Exodus, one of the most famous miracles of the Old Testament took place. More than 3000 years have passed since Moses led two million Israelites across the Red Sea and out of the bondage of Egypt. Christians, Jews, and Muslims throughout the world still embrace the accounts of this remarkable event. It is an epic that so fascinated Hollywood director Cecil B. DeMille that he made THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, twice. Now THE EXODUS REVEALED follows the footsteps of the children of Israel in an unforgettable journey of discovery. A journey that reveals physical evidence for the Exodus including: the remains of 3800 year old Hebrew settlements in Egypt's Nile Delta; Egyptian records of the Israelites bondage under Pharaoh; the precise route they may have followed to freedom; their crossing site on the shore of the Red Sea; and the location of Mt. Sinai. THE EXODUS REVEALED brings to light the first significant archaeological "find" of the 21st century.