Henry Nielsen
Рождение : 1890-11-01, Copenhagen, Denmark
Смерть : 1967-05-12
Mr. Samuelsen, a teacher
An upper grade school class with its inter-relations, scheming and sniffing around for the scent of adult pleasures, all caught in near-cinema verité style.
Allan Thorsen er træt af sin kone, men han har svært ved at få sagt at han vil skilles. Derfor arrangerer han en skiferie, hvor hun skal blive forelsket i en anden mand, således at han kan slippe af med hende uden at han selv skal gøre noget. Hun finder da også en mand der er interesseret, men så bliver Allan jaloux og snart forsøger Allan at vinde sin kone tilbage. Sagen kompliceret dog af, at Allan elskerinde pludselig møder op på feriehotellet.
Sigfred dioecious is an acidic man. Teacher and can not really hate children. When he one day a tile in the head, change his behavior, however, significant. He is cheerful and have a huge appetite for life. Sigfred wife's first unhappy that he is so happy girl, but when she gets him made normal again, she will be disappointed. She wants her new husband back ...
Søren is looking forward to a relaxing camping holiday with his wife, Marianne. But nothing goes as planned, when his two daughters and mother-in-law join them.
Vognmand Christiansen
In the summer of 1913, 17-year-old Jacob (Ole Soltoft), a Danish high school student, lives in the frustrating limbo between boyhood and manhood. He worries about his excessive focus on masturbation and, although he is aware of the sexual overtures by the housemaid Sophie (Lise Rosendahl), Jacob doesn't know how to respond to her.
En forvalter
In the village Karrild, the Countess Sonia Hardenborg and a young unmarried woman, Marta, give birth to a daughter on the same day. Marta dies after birth, so Marta's daughter, Betina, come under the care of the countess. 17 years later, Betina and Countess Sonia's daughter, Maria, meet, as Betina is living in a home for orphaned girls, which is adjacent to the Hardenborg estate. The two girls become friends, and Maria invites Betina to visit her at Hardenborg, to greet her parents Sonia and Otto Hardenborg and her brother Count Flemming. Meanwhile, Betina's father, Frank Jensen, starts working in the estate's woods, and when the two girls come to visit him, he is shocked by the resemblance between the young countess and Betina's mother Marta.
The popular Danish family are vacationing on the island of Bornholm. Unfortunately, they have not been able to get hotel rooms, but Tiny Per, always resourceful, have come up with the idea that they must sleep in a tent. Father and Uncle Anders are not quite enthusiastic about the idea, but there is nothing else to do.
Tag til marked i Fjordby is a 1957 Danish comedy film directed by Poul Bang and starring Dirch Passer.
At home in the small family is nothing new. Tiny Per is the school's mischief maker, Sister has heartaches, Mie and Ole has to be in the school play, etc. But suddenly something happens. Good old Uncle Anders has a twin brother in the United States. He called Sofus, and now he comes home to celebrate 70th birthday. He was a troublemaker when he left and now he has become even worse
Medlem af sognerådet
Niels Pind er en drukkenbolt der bliver udnyttet af nogle af byens beboere. Dette får en ende, da hans søn, Jens kommer tilbage fra Amerika med en masse penge. Jens køber det lokale gods og begynder at udvinde grus fra jorden. Han får hurtigt et dårligt omdømme i området fordi han kun tænker på penge. Niels Pind slår hånden af sin søn. Jens ændres dog, efterhånden som han bliver mere og mere forelsket i Ingrid.
Three girls (around 20 years old) who have grown up in different parts of Denmark get a strange letter. It turns out they are sisters, and will inherit from their late mother, if the can stay together one month in the same house. They end up in a lot of (romantic) trouble, because of speculations of who their father(s) might be.
In the small idyllic town Randrup, lives on nature-loving and friendly thatcher Rasmus Thomsen (Oswald Helmuth). In addition to refurbish people's roofs, he runs a small "geschæft" that "The wise man". Son Ulf (Frits Helmuth), which reads the doctor's home on leave before the final exam in Copenhagen. Rasmus' big dream has always been that Ulf had to be "real doctor" and achieve what he always wanted so dearly. By thrift and income have gained through the many patients who seek Him from far and near, he has been able to afford his son's studies. His reputation as a wise man has knowledge of.
The Royal privileged ferry inn in Hørby is owned and operated by the two good friends Erik Hansen and Lars Tofte. In addition to the inn they own the small ferry, which keeps them in touch with the mainland.
Crime writer Rodian moves into a hotel which used to be the hideout for the thief Mathisen and his gang. However, when Rodian has gone to bed and fallen asleep, Mathisen reads the writer's manuscripts and copies the fictional crimes. This gets Rodian in trouble...
Danish Black & White Movie from 1956 starring 32 of the most popular danish actors...
Postbud Rasmussen
At Helene Dragstrup's 20th birthday, her grandmother Margrethe decides that it is time that Helene learns something about life outside the protective walls of the estate.
Chas - fyrbøder
Vores lille by er en ganske almindelig samling af huse et tilfældigt sted i Danmark beboet af ganske almindelige mennesker. Ingenting af betydning er sket indenfor de sidste 100 år eller deromkring, byen sover sin Tornerosesøvn med ansigtet vendt mod fjorden og ryggen mod det lave land, da alle tiders uvejr trækker ubemærket hen over dem, såsom tordenbyger og sommerskyer højt, højt oppe. Til denne by ankommer en dag en landstryger som er ret ualmindelig, Laust (Carl Ottosen) kalder han sig han har ikke ligefrem tænkt sig at blive hængende i byen, men er kun tilfældigt drevet denne her vej under sin lange søgen efter et sted og nogle mennesker han kan knytte sin skæbne til.
Overbetjent Peter Kvist
Kjeld Petersen plays a merchant who has stolen his clothes when he is out take a dip in the Sound. He stopped by the police, and they find a call to military service in his pocket, after further complications lands him at the barracks, where he came under the loving care of 66 (Dirch compatible) and 65 (Ove Sprogø). So the stage is set for lots of fun and games, in the right old style.
Fourteen-year-old Jan and his companion Erling appear as extras in a film being filmed at Nordisk Film's studios in Valby. A mysterious burglary at the studio's fine mechanics workshop gives the two healthy boys the opportunity to act as detectives.
Murer Jens Rasmussen
The good people of a small community in the countryside near Copenhagen enjoy life and find their way to love.
Landpost Villy Christensen
DSB medarbejder
Den gamle godsejer Vilhelm Stone har på grund af svaghed for kvinder og spil ødelagt sit ægteskab, mistet sin søn og sine venner. Men da han dør, vender sønnen Niels hjem fra Australien for at overtage godset. Så let går det dog ikke. Sagførere trækker arvesagen i langdrag, og i første omgang arver Niels kun galophesten Ibrahim. Niels satser hårdt på at vinde årets store løb på galopbanen, og det er her Poul Reichhardt synger den berømte schlager Ibrahim til sin hest.. I kampen for at få familie-godset får Niels utrolig hjælp af sin tro følgesvend, karlen Nicholajsen.
Jensen, mælkemand
At Vesterbros Torv in Copenhagen, Olsen has his newspaper kiosk. Here comes high and low in society: Homeless, a district attorney with pain in marriage, a barmaid and a writer. They all fight with theirs, while Olsen's good heart makes him interfere in everything he can.
Voss - lokomotivfører
Ølkusken Jochum
Behind the red gates lies Dyrehaven with the green beeches and the famous zoo hill - the motley world of clowns. Professor Labardi is behind the popular singer pavilion, where his young daughter, Gulnare, performs. After a rainy summer, there is an economic low tide on Bakken, and the family is tempted to seek help from Gulnare's enterprising suitor, Carlo Petersen. But Professor Labardi carries a secret: the clown family has family ties to the fine legal world outside the gates. There is conflict, money transactions, love, hypocrisy and villainous streaks when the fine world and the hill folk meet. Behind the Red Gates is a terrific folk comedy that takes us behind the attractions at the traditional amusement park in Klampenborg.
-Søren Holm bliver præst i den lille by Harslev. Sognerådsformanden fru Andersen blander sig i præstefamiliens privatliv, og da Søren, for at komme i tale med byens mandlige ungdom, spiller med i en fodboldkamp, bliver fru Andersen gal. Halvdelen af sognet vender Søren ryggen. Men Søren gør et godt arbejde for ungdommen og efterhånden bliver han med degnens mellemkomst både accepteret af sognerådet og af byens ungdom.
Filmen er en fortsættelse af Hold fingrene fra mor.
Dansk folkekomedie fra 1951. Berthe Quistgaard og Helge Kjærulff-Schmidt har hovedrollerne i dette dejlige kærlighedsspil. Lulu Vänner
står for at skulle gifte sig for fjerde gang. Hun er mor til fire med tre forskellige mænd, men måske er fjerde gang lykkens gang. Selvom
børnene godt kan lide Lulus tilkommende, John Carstensen, er de ikke vilde med tanken om giftermål.
Ole Post - landpostbud
The estate Hjortholm is rescued from bankruptcy, as the pleasant doctor Christian Riis fetches the young engineer Erik Kongsted to the estate.
Hjalmar Hansen
Andersen, Sogneraadsform.
Soya's satirist take on variations of Danes, who willingly or unwillingly came to deal with German troops during the five year Second World War occupation.
Valdemar Engblomme, natportier
Taxachauffør (uncredited)
Hansen, vicevaert
Directed by Danish filmmakers Bjarne and Astrid Henning-Jensen, THOSE BLASTED KIDS tells a story of a group of back-alley urchins that is considered Denmark’s first true children’s film.
Claus Havemand
Teltholder på Dyrehavsbakken
In order to supplement the family income, Marius Bastrup rents his unused rooms to young women looking for a "discreet stay." The drama in the film revolves around the young women and their circumstances, especially as it relates to one girl's abortion.
Eight old school friends meet at Tove's to discuss what has happened in the last 10 years. Some have made careers, others have become homemakers, some are married and others alone. The community is intact, but what no one knows is that Tove is hiding a big, unhappy secret.
En tjener
Portner på Metrodan
О борьбе датских патриотов с фашистскими оккупантами. Герой фильма Поуль тайно возвращается из эмиграции в Данию. Он активный член подпольной организации, члены которой совершают крупные диверсии: взрывают склады боеприпасов, мосты, электростанции. Друг детства Поуля, Эрген, не понимает смысла этой борьбы, которую ведет его друг и его товарищи. Однако. столкнувшись ближе с людьми, которые, не щадя своей жизни, борются за освобождение родины от фашизма, Эрген берется заменить погибшего Поуля в проведении очень сложной операции.
Albert Sivertsen
dansk film der skal ses
A lost hat brings a powerful director and an aspiring actress together.
En Gaardmand
Betjent Ludvigsen
The celebrated actor George Bergmann has four divorces behind him. When his four former wives get the impression that he is cozying up to a very young actress, they feel that they must take action. However, this leads to various misunderstandings and complications, which partly involves the former wives' new men and partly the young girl's strict parents.
After three long years, the young legal secretary Bodil is reunited with his former girlfriend Carsten. Their love affair flares up again, but unfortunately Bodil has meanwhile come a little too close to his boss' son, the skirt hunter Hugo. And he has no intention of making Bodil happy.
Det rige par Jytte og Ole bruger livet til fest og ballade. Efter endnu en aften og nat med fest beslutter ægteparret at blive skilt. Næste dag fortæller de dette til onkel Frederik, der i stedet foreslår et væddemål: i et år skal Jytte og Ole leve for 400,- kr. om måneden, for at de kan mærke hvordan almindelige mennesker lever. De går ind på forslaget og flytter ind i en lille lejlighed. Efterhånden lærer de at klare sig, men opgiver dog væddemålet efter en måned. Da Ole fortæller onkel Frederik, at de ikke vil være med mere, kan Frederik desværre fortælle dem, at han har sat deres formue over styr. Da Ole kommer hjem får han at vide, at Jytte er gravid. Dette ændrer i høj grad deres liv - Jytte og Ole har pludselig fået et livsindhold.
Danish movie
En anden Politimand
Nattevagt Andersen
Madsen, tjener
Kroejer Kristensen
Det lille lokaltog kommer møjsommeligt tøffende ind på Torslev station. Stationsforstanderen står iført tøfler på perronen og venter på toget. Da det standser, viser det sig, at der er en eneste passager med. En yngre fremmedartet, elegant klædt mand stiger ned på perronen med et par kufferter med en masse flotte mærker fra fremmede lande. Manden hedder Nelson. For mange år siden drog han udenlands. Nu vender han hjem for at se, hvordan det står til i hans fødeby.
Præsten i Solby låner 2.000 kr. i menighedsrådskassen for at betale for et af sine sognebørns hospitalsophold i Tyskland. Rigmandsdatteren Marianne skal være brudepige i Aalborg og tager fra København mod Jylland. I Solby kører hun for stærkt gennem byen, hvorfor hun kommer ud for et biluheld og lander i præstens have! Hun begynder straks at dirigere rundt med alle i præstegården, hvilket tante Marie bestemt ikke er glad for. Præsten er derimod tiltrukket af pigen. De bader i søen og går til bal sammen, hvilket medfører at fru Larsen tager ind for at tale med biskoppen. Efter at Marianne er taget tilbage til København melder Biskoppen sin ankomst i sognegården. Hvor skal præsten nu finde de 2.000 kr. ? Præsten har dog en del venner der forsøger at hjælpe ham, men han får også uventet hjælp af biskoppen.
Svend come back after a year of travel as a mate. Inger and Svend's father has been waiting him with longing. Conversely, Svends brother Thorsten, jealousy at Svend. Both of Inger's love for Sven and because Svend take over the family fishing boat. After a new argument in the family takes Svend space with another skipper, so that Thorsten can get the boat. Thorsten sabotage the radio, so that Sven and Inger can not talk. So reports Bluewater storm!
The Male Housemaid is a Danish film from 1938. With script by Fleming Lynge & Svend Rindom. Direction by Arne Weel.
En pølsemand
En Falckmand
Incognito is a 1937 Danish family film directed by Valdemar Lauritzen and starring Ib Schønberg.
dansk film skal bare ses
Fuld sømand
dansk film der skal ses
Arbejder på filmstudie
Snushanerne is a 1936 Danish film directed by Lau Lauritzen, Jr. and Alice O'Fredericks.
Anno 1826. Grethi Birger is 17 years old and is now all alone in the world. Her mother is dead, and she has never known her father. Grethi are now looking for the mother's only sister, aunt Birger who has a laundry in a remote provincial town. Aunt is of strictly religious disposition, receiving sister daughter with cool goodness. When the young county clerk Peer discovers that Grethi is heir to a large fortune from his father, he plans to marry her without telling anything about the legacy.
dansk film der bare skal ses