James Algar

James Algar

Рождение : 1912-06-11, Modesto, California, USA

Смерть : 1998-02-26


James Algar


Фантазия 2000
Спустя почти 60 лет аниматоры корпорации «Дисней» вынесли на суд зрителей продолжение гениального фильма, создав рисованные этюды на музыку Бетховена, Респиги, Гершвина, Шостаковича, Сен-Санса, Элгара и Стравинского. Также в «Фантазию 2000» вошел классический эпизод из первой «Фантазии» — «Ученик колдуна».
The Bluegrass Special
Penny is a teenage horse trainer with a very special dream of becoming a jockey. She picks Woodhill to compete in the upcoming Bluegrass Special; Woodhill is a beautiful race horse with a bad reputation who threw and injured his rider during a race in Tijuana. Penny's devotion and determination are an inspiration to anyone who believes that dreams can come true.
The Bluegrass Special
Penny is a teenage horse trainer with a very special dream of becoming a jockey. She picks Woodhill to compete in the upcoming Bluegrass Special; Woodhill is a beautiful race horse with a bad reputation who threw and injured his rider during a race in Tijuana. Penny's devotion and determination are an inspiration to anyone who believes that dreams can come true.
The Best of Walt Disney's True-Life Adventures
Animals of all kinds are filmed in different moments of habitat.
The Boy Who Talked to Badgers
A young boy gets along better with the animals he befriends around his family's Canadian farm than with the people he lives with.
Mountain Born
A boy learns the duties of a shepherd from his idol, the ranch foreman, high in the Colorado mountains. When the foreman becomes ill, the boy has to take the sheep into the mountains where they will graze for the summer season. A fierce storm almost causes tragedy as the boy leads the sheep back home.
The Boy from Dead Man's Bayou
A comedy filled with tenderness as a baby raccoon snuggles his way into the life of a lonely boy. He becomes the boy's only companion during his father's frequent absences. Because of Rascal, both father and son realize their responsibility to each other
The Gnome-Mobile
An eccentric millionaire and his grandchildren are embroiled in the plights of some forest gnomes who are searching for the rest of their tribe. While helping them, the millionaire is suspected of being crazy because he's seeing gnomes! He's committed, and the niece and nephew and the gnomes have to find him and free him.
Les Chefs-d'Œuvre de Walt Disney
A Walt Disney anthology of eleven Academy-Award winning films: Flowers and Trees, The Three Little Pigs, The Tortoise and the Hare, Three Orphan Kittens, The Country Cousin, The Old Mill, Ferdinand the Bull, The Ugly Duckling, Lend a Paw, Seal Island, Water Birds.
Невероятное путешествие
Преодолевая трудности и опасности, трое домашних животных - бультерьер, лабрадор ретривер и сиамская кошка - путешествуют 200 миль через канадскую глушь, чтобы найти своих хозяев и вернуться домой.
Невероятное путешествие
Преодолевая трудности и опасности, трое домашних животных - бультерьер, лабрадор ретривер и сиамская кошка - путешествуют 200 миль через канадскую глушь, чтобы найти своих хозяев и вернуться домой.
Легенда о Лобо
О хитроумном волке, который по всем статьям обставляет человека, заботясь о безопасности своей дружной стаи.
Легенда о Лобо
О хитроумном волке, который по всем статьям обставляет человека, заботясь о безопасности своей дружной стаи.
Jungle Cat
This final True-Life Adventure would also appear to be one of the best, as we go into the South American jungle to observe the jaguar. Jungle Cat is more intimate than its kin, allowing individual animal characters to be developed. Central to the cast is a pair of jaguars (one ebony), whose fighting leads to love and, not long after, two babies (one resembling each parent).
Islands of the Sea
This short covers some of the wildlife (predominently birds) on four islands-the Galapagos, Guadelupe, Falklands and an island in the Midway chain. While touching very briefly on the turtles of Galapagos and a bit more in-depth on two varieties of iguana and a species of crab, the documentary focuses primarily on birds, including several species of penguin on at least two of the islands, cormorants, frigate birds and the albatross.
Nature's Strangest Creatures
We're off to Australia in the shortest of the short films found on this volume. There's lots of cute little baby animals to be found, but there's a little too much up-close footage of baby kangaroos in their mother's pouch. (It doesn't look so slimy and gooey when Roo does it!) There's also a few glimpses of the giant bat (so large it's nicknamed "the flying fox"), which happens to be the most terrifying animal I've ever known to exist. You'll also see some beautiful footage of a flying squirrel and rare underwater photography of the duck-billed platypus.
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon is a 1958 American short documentary film directed by James Algar and produced by Walt Disney Productions. It is a pictorial interpretation of Ferde Grofé's Grand Canyon Suite. Grand Canyon is one of Walt Disney's more unconventional and experimental works, as it has musical accompaniment, but no dialogue or narration. The short won an Oscar at the 31st Academy Awards in 1959 for Best Short Subject (Live Action).
White Wilderness
A fabulous new adventure in exciting entertainment.
The Best Doggoned Dog in the World
"The Best Doggoned Dog in the World" is an episode of Disneyland which aired on November 20, 1957. It was directed by Robert Stevenson and Larry Lansburgh. This episode provides a preview of Old Yeller, and also features Arizona Sheepdog.
The Crisler Story
A look at the people that shot the footage for Disney's True-Life Adventures.
The Crisler Story
A look at the people that shot the footage for Disney's True-Life Adventures.
Tricks of Our Trade
With examples from Disney feature-length films, Walt Disney gives a behind-the-scenes look at the improvements in animation made by his studio's in-house training and research that studied real-life motion and made technical innovations.
Secrets of Life
A feature-length documentary showing the changing world of nature, the sky, the sea, the sun, planets, insects and volcanic action. A story of nature's strange and intricate designs for survival and her many methods of perpetuating life.
Secrets of Life
A feature-length documentary showing the changing world of nature, the sky, the sea, the sun, planets, insects and volcanic action. A story of nature's strange and intricate designs for survival and her many methods of perpetuating life.
The African Lion
Part of Disney's True-Life Adventures series, this film focuses on the lives of lions in Africa.
The Vanishing Prairie
Story of the American Prairie as it was when vast herds of bison and elk grazed.
The Living Desert
Although first glance reveals little more than stones and sand, the desert is alive. Witness moving rocks, spitting mud pots, gorgeous flowers and the never-ending battle for survival between desert creatures of every shape, size and description.
Prowlers of the Everglades
Part of the "True-Life Adventure Series"; Disney filmmakers take their cameras to Florida, not to document the swamps that would become Walt Disney World, but to capture the lives of creatures in the everglades. Focusing primarily on alligators, we also see the behavior of animals such as snakebirds, raccoons, and even otters who like to "play" with the alligators.
The Alaskan Eskimo
Oscar Winning short documentary
Bear Country
Bear Country is a 1953 American short documentary film directed by James Algar. It won an Academy Award at the 26th Academy Awards in 1954 for Best Short Subject (Two-Reel).[1] The film was produced by Walt Disney as part of the True-Life Adventures series of nature documentaries.
Bear Country
Bear Country is a 1953 American short documentary film directed by James Algar. It won an Academy Award at the 26th Academy Awards in 1954 for Best Short Subject (Two-Reel).[1] The film was produced by Walt Disney as part of the True-Life Adventures series of nature documentaries.
The Olympic Elk
Part of the "True-Life Adventure Series"; The subject of this two-reel are the elk of Washington state's Olympic Peninsula. We see these deer learning to walk, climbing downhill in a herd, and braving local bears. Those, plus some colorful arctic flowers, are the nice bits. We also see the elk engaging in duels (something amusingly observed and "imitated" by marmots), athletic fights with deadlocks said to often end in death by starvation to both participants. If that brutish behavior isn't enough to turn you off, then wait until you see how the polygamous bull males gather up wives and do battle with another (with wives as a wager) before unmelodically announcing the end of their bachelorhood.
Nature's Half Acre
The strange and wonderful world that lies beneath our feet, under leaf, log and rock, peopled by millions of weird and fascinating creatures. Released theatrically alongside Alice In Wonderland.
Nature's Half Acre
The strange and wonderful world that lies beneath our feet, under leaf, log and rock, peopled by millions of weird and fascinating creatures. Released theatrically alongside Alice In Wonderland.
Beaver Valley
Produced by Walt Disney as part of the "True-Life Adventures" series of nature documentaries (1948–60). The film depicts a young male beaver who must defend his new family against hungry predators, mischievous river otters, and the ever-impending threat of winter.
Приключения Икабода и мистера Тоада
Это сказка о настоящей дружбе, о необыкновенных и очень опасных приключениях веселого лягушонка и его друзей, находчивость и смекалка которых помогают ему в самую трудную минуту. В деревушке под названием Сонная Лощина поселяется необычный человек по имени Икабод Крэйн. Как-то раз ему рассказывают легенду о таинственном всаднике без головы, который обезглавливает свои жертвы…
The Wind in the Willows
This animated fairy tale for kids tells the classic story of a dapper, automobile loving fellow named Mr. Toad, whose passion becomes a problem when he's framed for stealing cars by a band of rogue weasels.
Seal Island
Seal Island is a 1948 American documentary film directed by James Algar. It won an Academy Award in 1949 for Best Short Subject (Two-Reel).
Health for the Americas: Cleanliness Brings Health
The comparison of two rural families to demonstrate the need for proper hygiene and the consequences of its neglect.
Something You Didn't Eat
Animated short documentary film made to advance the cause of a balanced diet for the benefit of the public health and for the advancement of the American war effort.
Победа через мощь в воздухе
Документальный мультфильм, доказывающий обоснованность стратегических бомбардировок союзниками территорий гитлеровской коалиции во время Второй Мировой войны.
Однажды утром на маленькой, освещенной весенним солнцем, лесной полянке родился олененок. На нового лесного принца сбежались и слетелись посмотреть все звери и птицы. Олененка назвали Бэмби. Когда Бэмби научился ходить и разговаривать он обзавелся друзьями — кроликом Тампером и скунсом Цветочком. А однажды на лугу, куда привела его мама, Бэмби познакомился с маленькой веселой оленихой — Фэйлин. Но жизнь в лесу бывает опасной и жестокой. Впервые Бэмби столкнулся с этим, когда прозрачный осенний лесной воздух пронзили выстрелы из ружья — все звери начали в панике убегать, и тогда Бэмби впервые услышал страшное слово — Человек.
Four Methods of Flush Riveting
Flush riveting is a way of connecting two pieces of sheet metal together, using rivets whose heads do not protrude above the surface of the metal. In aircraft construction, a flush rivet reduces drag, thus increasing aircraft performance. This World War II-era Walt Disney industrial-training film teaches four methods of flush-riveting aircraft aluminum sheet metal: the Countersink method, the Double Dimple method, the Pre-Dimple method, and the Combination Pre-Dimple and Countersink method. The choice of method to use is based upon the thicknesses of the top and bottom metal sheets.
Необычайный, поражающий воображение мультконцерт, небывалое ранее единение музыки и мультипликации. Дисней и знаменитый дирижер Леопольд Стоковски решили воспроизвести на экране фантазии, возникающие в сознании людей при прослушивании музыкальных шедевров.Картина состоит из 8 классических композиций, проиллюстрированных сюжетными инсценировками и ритмичными абстракциями, предвосхищающими чудеса компьютерной графики.
Белоснежка и семь гномов
Экранизация знаменитой немецкой сказки братьев Гримм о Белоснежке, жившей в замке со злой мачехой-королевой, которая очень гордилась своей красотой. Узнав от волшебного зеркальца, что Белоснежка стала самой прекрасной девушкой на свете, завистница решила погубить прелестную падчерицу. Но бедная девушка не погибла в лесу, а наоборот, встретила там настоящих друзей — забавных семерых гномов: Профессора, Ворчуна, Весельчака, Скромника, Чихоню, Соню и Молчуна…
Broken Toys
A sailor doll, thrown into a toy dump, rallies the demoralized dolls that were already there.