Akarin Akaranitimaytharatt

Akarin Akaranitimaytharatt

Рождение : 1981-10-20, Thailand


Akarin Akaranithimetrad (Nickname: Joke) is a Thai actor formerly known as Theeradanai Suwannahom.


Akarin Akaranitimaytharatt


Mysterious times and epidemics That has spread to young people who gradually disappear mysteriously. Joe, a young policeman, must find out the truth of the case. Especially when most of the missing people are from people in the fashion industry, including Panana, a rising young model who has been found. before the day that disappears She's with Bobby. Young model who spreads the epidemic And is the cause of the strange behavior of many people, whether they are obsessed with sex. changing sexual partners and especially disappearing into the forest without a clue.
4 Kings
Mod Prachachol
Inspired by the real story of the conflict between the student from four different technician colleges in the 90s, where violence can be used to build friendships and enemies at the same time.
Низкий сезон
Когда заканчивается туристический сезон, на горные курорты Таиланда съезжаются люди с разбитыми сердцами. Среди них и Лин, девушка обладающая жутким даром - она видит мёртвых людей. И не все из них дружелюбны, но всем очень срочно нужна её помощь. Осаждаемая призраками со всех сторон, Лин отчаянно пытается найти парня, который не будет относится к ней предвзято.
3 AM: Part 3
The new horror ensemble from Five Star continues the journey into the darkest and scariest hour of the night: 3AM. When man and spirit, the living and the dead, find each other again.
Fail Stage
Eve is like any other millennial, full of ideas, hopes and dreams. But her world comes crashing down when she loses her father, gets fired, and is dumped by her boyfriend. She feels like a complete failure. All she has left are the words of her deceased father, and the hope that they can inspire her to turn her life around. So Eve sets off on the ultimate challenge, to ride a bicycle up Doi Inthanon, Thailand's highest mountain. Along the way Eve makes some new friends. Dam, an avid cyclist, Nuea, a quirky taxi driver, and Arm, a bike shop owner. The challenge of cycling up Doi Inthanon tests Eve in ways she never imagined. Now Eve must overcome the physical and emotional obstacles she faces, or risk failing again. Will she finally reach her dreams and learn the true meaning behind her father's inspirational message?
Senses from Siam
A celebration of traditional Thai cooking with drama taking place in a high class restaurant and a cooking school.
Ror is a seller who has an interest in antiques and used goods. He believes the items called "Deadstock" are very valuable. Has its own value and can make money. So that Ror devoted all his time to these items and without realizing he had ignored his relationship with "Ann". He does not understand love can not wait and need to always be maintained.
Bangkok 13 Muang Kon Tai
Pia is a girl with a sixth sense. Her ability to see ghosts leads her to become the key to unlock 13 haunted secrets in Bangkok. She joins a paranormal TV show in hopes of finding out the truth behind her strange gift. The decision brings her to realised dark secrets of 13 locations, which are all connected to her in some ways. Could she find a way out of this mess, or even what’s setting everything in motion? Is it a gift or determination that brings upon her strange talent? Is this just one big game being dealt by fate’s hand?
Ghost Ship
At a dark pier in the middle of the night, a boat captain and his mate, Nong, are readying their vessel for the next trip. But what they discover is a shocking: the lifeless body of Mia, the wife of the boat’s owner, is hanged from a mast in a gruesome fashion. The corpse also sets off panic among other sailors. The captain orders everyone to calm down. He decides that he has to get rid of the body, and comes up with a plan to throw Mia’s body in the middle of the sea. But it’s not that simple. Once the ship sets sail, the body hidden in the engine room disappears. Mia’s spirit is set loose and wreaking havoc on the boat in the middle of the sea. The ghost terrorizes the sailors, who can’t escape anywhere except into the water that surrounds them. Things get worse when a storm hits. The only way to save the boat and everyone on it is to locate Mia’s body. But there’s more serious question that no one remembers to ask: Who murdered Mia?
Призрак в комнате
В квартире Дона происходит несколько загадочных убийств. Сам Дон в это время был совсем в другом месте, но все равно полиция не оставляет его в покое. Дон начинает подозревать, что в его квартире поселился призрак, тем более что прежняя съемщица квартиры внезапно исчезла несколько лет назад, оставив все свои вещи…
Arpa Pawilai is appealingly cast as Som, an ordinary young woman who works as a movie make-up artist. Her longtime live-in boyfriend Rang is also in the business. But the handsome musclebound prop guy – always wearing tight, biceps-baring vest T-shirts – captures many adoring eyes, like that slutty actress, but also his straight-acting gay boss and just about anyone else with a pulse. Som has about had it with Rang being distracted by all the flirting.
4 Kings
The film begins as a whimsical observation of Thai gambling culture, a culture in which gamblers will bet on anything, right down to what color underwear a mini-skirted woman will flash when she alights from a tuk-tuk.
Heaven and Hell
Preecha (segment Ghost Legacy)
Three short horror tales make up Heaven and Hell. The movie use images from surveillance cameras set up in a person's home and in a convenience store.
Друзья навек
Сон, обычный парень из Бангкока переезжает жить к своей сестре в Ченмэй. Он типичный интроверт. У паренька нет друзей, над ним все время издеваются окружающие. И вот.. в школе он знакомится с парнем по имени Ган, литером молодежной группировки «SPERM». Что не день, Ган с дружками затевает драку, ведь они считают себя королями всех гангстеров. Сон старается держаться от ребят подальше, но когда у него назревают неприятности, Ган со своими парнями приходят к нему на помощь. Вскоре, Сон понимает какие эти парни на самом деле.
Во время выполнения очередного задания профессиональный киллер получает пулю в голову, но остается в живых, пусть и с неприятными последствиями. Из-за травмы мозга киллер отныне видит окружающий мир вверх ногами. Две трети картины – это флэшбек к роковому выстрелу. История семи лет жизни человека, который был честным копом из агентства по борьбе с наркотиками, но однажды пошел против системы, был подставлен, предан, отсидел в тюрьме три года, после чего оказался наемным убийцей в подпольной организации тайных ницшеанцев и борцов с преступностью.
The Microchip
A group of friends have misplaced an important microchip that apparently holds top-secret information. They set off on a quest to find it.
Suphakorn (segment "Gift Shop for Hater")
Introducing to you a new kind of horror and scary storytelling with the 4 thrills, 4 surprises, 4 emotions, and 4 enjoyable stories.
Smiling Gangster
A former mafia boss 'Song' gets out of jail and wants to get for revenge on one of his gang members 'Tai' who married the woman that he loved twenty years ago. The woman is dead already and a daughter 'Thip'​ was born from the marriage. She is now a young girl in a music group and has problems with her father. The mafia boss and two of his gang look everywhere for Tai. This involves many people including a monk, who lost his way to his temple, Mongkhon, a former Song's gang member, Piek, a local gangster and friend of Tai, and Oe, Thip's boyfriend. Eventually they find out things weren't as they thought.
Vow of Death
Hipster Joke
Ake, Whan, Don, and Moe are four high-school friends who always misbehave and never focus on school. When the time for their college entrance exams comes along, all of them decide they'll need some special help in order to pass. They visit a holy banyan tree and pray for themselves to easily pass the exams. Their wish is granted. However, when they come back to the holy banyan tree to redeem their vow to the tree, they find that the holy banyan tree has been cut down and transferred to be made into toothpicks! The foursome must now struggle to collect every little piece of the tree before their fortune reverses.
Ahimsa: Stop to Run
Mysterious Man (Wen Gam)
Ahimsa is a young man who's haunted by his karma, which takes the form of a mysterious red-haired man who dishes out abuse when Ahimsa runs afoul of morality. When Ahimsa was a young boy, a shaman had the mysterious man removed, but the man returns when Ahimsa is a young man and starts taking drugs and getting involved in rave culture. Ahimsa's behavior soon causes trouble for his friends, Ukhoht and Einstein, and a female physician, Dr. Pattaya. The film was Thailand's official entry to the 79th Academy Awards. It was chosen after Pen-Ek Ratanaruang's "Invisible Waves" had been withdrawn by the Federation of National Film Associations of Thailand.
Happy Inn
In a run down inn, three groups of people is together for their own different goals and also a group of bank robbers that hide money in the inn. But then, the money is stolen and the inn owner is mysteriously murdered. Who is behind this event? The answer awaits you in Happy Inn.
The Story of X-Circle
The story unveils the mysterious world of Club X, one of Thailand’s most famous urban legends. Club X is a hidden community where people from all walks of life gather to discuss their most bizarre sexual experiences. The members include a photographer who supplies a special service for club members, a quiet student who runs a porn website, a porn retailer who loves to expose himself in public, a yuppie addicted to phone sex and a psychiatrist with a mental problem of his own. However, their activities soon start to attract attention when a Club X members stalks a famous actress and photographs her naked. The police send Ja, an experienced and sexy policewoman, to investigate the Club.
The parents of young Oui have been murdered, now the girl has to move into the haunted house to the inclined aunt. The operating a lucrative Heilpraktikerei, employs several employees and keeping up on the fourth floor under the roof spirits trapped, knowing how various gossip to report. Oui believes first no word, but then has to give in the first nights that the legends might be something after a few scary experiences. Together with the little cousin she goes the thing on the reason creepy.
Saving Private Tootsie
A local Thai flight crashes inside Burma in rebel held territory. Amongst the survivors are several gay men and transsexuals. The Thai Army is ordered by the Foreign Ministry to rescue them. One of their soldiers is a bit of a loose cannon and he hates homosexuals as his son is one. However he must do his duty despite his prejudice. The Shan rebels control the area. They capture the survivors but they manage to run away with the Thai rescue team. They are supposed to be picked up by helicopter but the Thai Foreign ministry changes their mind and refuses to allow the flight to take off. They have no choice but to trek through the jungle to reach the Salween river and cross with the Shan rebels in hot pursuit.
Goal Club
A group of teens gets involved in the underground football betting scene where lots of money can be quickly won or lost.