Grigor Gyardoushian


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The well-known metropolitan novelist of the detective genre Grigory Vetlugin, who already has 36 novels behind him, comes to the provincial town of Ogarkov on the instructions of the publishing house to meet with his readers. By the will of fate, he meets Anna Gureva there - a woman whom he dreamed of all his life. The terrifying visions that visit him from the scene of the murder with the participation of this woman aggravate and make this acquaintance mystical and fatal. She goes to jail on charges of murdering her boyfriend ... After going through pain, hardship and hardship, the heroes of the picture come to repentance. There remains the hope that Love will heal the wounds and finally unite their destinies ...
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The well-known metropolitan novelist of the detective genre Grigory Vetlugin, who already has 36 novels behind him, comes to the provincial town of Ogarkov on the instructions of the publishing house to meet with his readers. By the will of fate, he meets Anna Gureva there - a woman whom he dreamed of all his life. The terrifying visions that visit him from the scene of the murder with the participation of this woman aggravate and make this acquaintance mystical and fatal. She goes to jail on charges of murdering her boyfriend ... After going through pain, hardship and hardship, the heroes of the picture come to repentance. There remains the hope that Love will heal the wounds and finally unite their destinies ...
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The well-known metropolitan novelist of the detective genre Grigory Vetlugin, who already has 36 novels behind him, comes to the provincial town of Ogarkov on the instructions of the publishing house to meet with his readers. By the will of fate, he meets Anna Gureva there - a woman whom he dreamed of all his life. The terrifying visions that visit him from the scene of the murder with the participation of this woman aggravate and make this acquaintance mystical and fatal. She goes to jail on charges of murdering her boyfriend ... After going through pain, hardship and hardship, the heroes of the picture come to repentance. There remains the hope that Love will heal the wounds and finally unite their destinies ...
Руд и Сэм
Русская эмигрантка перед смертью сообщает своему сыну Жану, сотруднику Интерпола, о том, что его отец, русский разведчик и живет в России. Рудольф Карлович (бывший разведчик) и Семен Иванович (бывший работник министерства финансов) живут в России и ничего не хотят менять. Как-то раз они становятся свидетелями криминальной разборки, благодаря которой оказываются счастливыми обладателями кейса с пятью миллионами евро. Теперь они могут позволить себе все! Даже знакомство с одинокой девушкой Машей, которой предлагают стать их внучкой. Но деньги принадлежат мафии, и теперь за ними охотятся криминальные структуры, ФСБ, МВД и Жан, у которого на то есть свои причины... И начинаются головокружительные приключения, которым нет конца.