Torkel Petersson

Torkel Petersson

Рождение : 1969-08-19, Lund, Sweden


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Torkel Petersson is a Swedish actor born in Lund, Sweden, on August 19, 1969. Description above from the Wikipedia article Torkel Petersson, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia. ​


Torkel Petersson


Вне трассы
Шведская комедия от Netflix о брате и сестре, которые сталкиваются с совершенно разными жизненными проблемами, но имеют одну общую цель: они должны принять участие в лыжной марафонской гонке Васалоппет. Даниэль является генеральным директором и тренируется как элитный спортсмен, а Лиза новичок на трассе и находится в самом низу социальной лестницы. Она безработная, разведена и имеет дочь, которая бы предпочла жить с отцом, а не с ней. Однажды Лиза говорит своей дочери, что собирается покорить трассу Васалоппет, протяжённостью 90 километров и теперь, она при помощи своего крутого брата просто обязана выполнить свое обещание.
A Swedish Defence
In this satirical drama, an international arms deal is interrupted by teenage protesters. A Swedish engineer tries to prevent his activist daughter from embarrassing him at work and ruining Sweden's relations with Turkey.
High Sky Low Land
Under the summer high sky, on the low land of a barren island, a young girl tries to force her father not give up on what's left of their family.
The Adventures of Halvdan Viking
Halvdan is not a proper Viking. He's having a limp and is regarded by the other kids as a strange loner with no friends, except for the village blacksmith Björn who's taken care of him since Halvdan's father left on a plundering trip. Across the mighty river there's an enemy village that has been in a feud with Halvdan's tribe for as long as anyone can remember. One day during Halvdan's lonely excursions to the river he encounters Meia, the daughter of the enemy village ruler. A heart-warming and funny family adventure about bridging differences and forbidden friendship unfolds
Becker - Kungen av Tingsryd
Becker runs a business in Tingsryd, Sweden, specialized in garden furniture. In fact he sells everything you can make a profit from, including black labour from the Baltic countries. Becker, who is driven by his obsession with money and consumption, has built a local empire with his lucrative business. Now his business is being threatened, both from the in- and the outside.
Клубничные поля
Войтек — молодой поляк, который устраивается на клубничные поля. Он занимается сборкой урожая и рассчитывает хорошо заработать за это лето. Работой руководит строгий шведский фермер, у которого есть четкие правила. Войтек старается лишний раз не связываться с ним и выполняет все, что от него требуется. Но однажды он увидел дочь своего начальника Аннэли. Парень влюбился в нее с первого взгляда, и она ответила ему взаимностью. Так между молодыми людьми начался роман. Они общаются на английском языке, хотя и не очень хорошо знают его. Влюбленные едва понимают друг друга, но главным для них остается язык чувств, исходящих из их сердец... Смотрите онлайн фильм «Клубничные поля» в хорошем HD качестве на нашем сайте, бесплатно и без регистрации.
Eternal Summer
"Eternal Summer" is a road movie full of dreams, love, missteps and lawlessness. When Isak and Em meet one night in Stockholm they're finally in the right place, suddenly there is nothing else. Together, they leave everything and embarks on a roadtrip through the northern forests of Sweden. But what begins as a crazy adventure soon turns into a dangerous game. Eventually they reach a point when there is no turning back.
Just Like You
The day has arrived - the big operation! What will life be like with only one arm? Can you continue your life as usual and still be accepted for who you are? Tanja runs away from the hospital in a panic, tying her arm to her body with a belt and hiding it under the shirt. She needs to be convinced that nothing will change.
Банда Йонссона. Большой куш
Йонссон - мелкий мошенник, промышляющий угоном машин. Потеряв напарника, с которым проработал много лет, он решает переключиться на крупные дела. Он собирает команду из профессиональных жуликов и отправляется грабить банк...
The Hunt
A misunderstanding between some hunters leads to an extraordinary, mysterious hunt in the mountainous landscape of Lapland.
Эскиль и Тринидад
Рогер когда-то был хорошим хоккейным вратарем. Теперь его 11-летний сын Эскиль мечтает пойти по стопам отца, но пока он едва ли не худший вратарь школы. Жизнь его меняется в один день, когда он встречает таинственную женщину по имени Тринидад. После туристической поездки на тропический остров она считает, что рай на земле если и есть, то расположен он именно там. Поэтому в душе она лелеет проект создания судна, которое смогло бы увезти её и её последователей в Карибское море. И хотя близится финал Кубка по хоккею, Эскиль все свои силы направляет на помощь Тринидад.
Svensson, Svensson - In Sickness and in Health
Lars Runke
Gustav and Lena Svensson are facing their 30-year wedding anniversary , but Lena can't stand Gustav anymore and therefore wants to divorce him. The only thing Gustav does is to watch sport - any sport at any time - and doesn't give Lena any attention at all. Gustav however, thinks that everything is great and doesn't think they can give up just a week before their anniversary . Lena gives Gustav one absolute last chance and they go off on a love weekend where Gustav will have to prove that Lena is more important than football and TV. But at the hotel football legend Tommy Franzén shows up and messes everything up for Gustav!
A One-Way Trip to Antibes
When George (Sven-Bertil Taube), a half-blind widower, learns that his children (Malin Morgan, Dan Ekborg) have conceived an elaborate plan to get their hands on his assets before he dies, he must confront his life choices. After catching his young home help Maria (Rebecca Ferguson's screen debut) red-handed in the act of stealing, George blackmails her into assisting him in a counterattack, triggering off a chain reaction in the family. George's children discover that he has a secret mistress in France.
A heartwarming tale about a beloved father who is trying to cope with cultural clashes, loss and the search for love in average Swedish society.
A heartwarming tale about a beloved father who is trying to cope with cultural clashes, loss and the search for love in average Swedish society.
Nasty Old People
Member of a neo-Nazi gang, her day job is to take care of four crazy old people that all are just waiting to die. Her life becomes a journey into a burlesque fairytale, where the rules of the game are created by Mette herself. Mette is indifferent about her way of life, until she one night assaults a man, kicking him senseless. Waking up the day after, she realizes that something is wrong.
Патрик 1,5
Sven Skoogh
Шведская парочка геев решает усыновить ребёнка, но вместо ожидаемого 15-месячного младенца в их доме по ошибке оказывается 15-летний подросток-хулиган.
En uppstoppad hund
Per-Erik Ljungh
The North of Sweden. The action takes place in the 1960s and revolves around the families Cervieng and Ljungh, the night clerk upstairs and the inherent lecturer Mr Lampa.
In the sleepy town of Stensfors, the soccer team used to be something to be proud of , playing in the national league 30 years ago. Now the team will be dissolved if it can't win the rest of the games in the local league. Team member Kent goes on a business trip to Liverpool and meet Duncan Miller, the premier league football star of the 1980s who promises to come over to Sweden and play a few games just for fun. Unfortunately, when he arrives it is obvious that their saviour is both an alcoholic and very unfit to play. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Sanna has broken up with her boyfriend Jon. Because her father is in the hospital, she moved into her father's apartment. In his dresser drawer, she finds clipped obituaries of his colleagues, who all seem to have died prematurely. Sanna crosses one border after another, approaching a total collapse of her obsession with truth. In the end, she takes the law into her own hands.
Albert Speer
Rudolf Hess
The story of German architect Albert Speer, who became one of Hitler's closest allies.
Immediate Boarding
Two 11-year olds, Julia and Martin, decide to swap lives with each other.
Let's Play House
Married Jonny meets married Rebecka.
The Stockholm Syndrome
Jan-Erik Olsson
This is the true story of the failed bank robbery-cum-hostage taking in a bank at the square Norrmalmstorg in Stockholm, in September 1973. The Stockholm Syndrome is named after this incident.
A small Swedish village, Högboträsk, is so peaceful that crime is nonexistent. The police spend their shifts drinking coffee, eating hot dogs and chasing down runaway cows. This is all well and good for the village's own police, but the police management board wants to discontinue the local police force for lack of crime.
Дави на газ!
Крестный отец по кличке Монах смертельно болен, и напоследок хочет увидеть своего незаконнорожденного сына по имени Людвиг. Все бы ничего, да только сынуля – маньяк, и отбывает пожизненное заключение в тюрьме строгого режима за убийство 5 женщин. Желание Монаха невыполнимо, но его подопечные – фрики, и для них нет ничего невозможного. Они ревностно берутся исполнять последнее желание босса, и вытаскивают Людвига из тюрьмы...
The Best Man's Wedding
Roro and Måns who are best friends, work at the park management and get to do all the shit jobs - clean up duck ponds and pick up dog poop. Roro's Swedish girlfriend Lisa wants to be introduced to his family but he refuses for a long time because of his Lebanese family traditions. When Roro finally decides to introduce Lisa to his family, he walks into the apartment full of relatives who are...
Zero Tolerance
Johan is a two-fisted Gothenburg cop who finds himself in a shoot-out with jewel robbers. After the smoke has cleared, one robber, shot by his accomplice, and an innocent bystander, are dead. Three witnesses, including Helen, identify thug extraordinaire Leo Gaut as being the dead crook's trigger-happy colleague. Gaut soon threatens the three witnesses, and only Johan, the badge-wearing hero, can save them.