Adriano Baracco


Don Camillo and the Contestants
Mayor Peppone might very well lose the elections and Don Camillo makes sure that the mayor's delinquent son gets his act together while his own niece makes Peppone think she is pregnant by his son.
Come Have Coffee with Us
At age 50, tax inspector Emerenziano decides to settle down and aims to the three Tettamanzi sisters, who, though not young or pretty by any means, have recently inherited a large amount of money.
A Brief Season
A young American agent living in Rome meets with a beautiful Swedish translator.
The Archangel
Comedy about a lawyer who is suspected of murder
The Black Sheep
Episode film about identical twin brothers. Mario is an honest government-minded deputy. Filippo lives by his wits, not quite legally. Eventually Filippo ruins his brother's career and mind, absorbs his wife and finally steps into his shoes as an honorable member of Parliament.
Уж лучше быть вдовой
Инженер Том Проби, представитель британской фирмы, приезжает в небольшой городок на Сицилии, чтобы добиться согласия землевладельцев на строительство нефтеперерабатывающего завода. Но вся земля здесь принадлежит двум мафиозным кланам, и их боссы по-разному относятся к этому предложению. Одни поддерживают этот проект, другие, наоборот, готовы сделать всё, чтобы помешать его осуществлению. Особый ажиотаж в городке вызывает любовный роман Тома с красавицей Розой, дочерью Калоджеро Миннити, одного из главарей мафии ...
Gangsters '70
An elderly gangster just released from prison plans one last job, and gathers a small crew to do the job, but the plan goes sour when one of the crew betrays the details of the operation to a rival gangster.
Неуловимый вор по имени Дьяболик крадет из-под носа полиции то мешок с долларами, то драгоценное украшение богатой особы. Всё полицейское управление в панике, дело доходит до министра, но никакие меры по поимке преступника не помогают. У Дьяболика также есть сообщница, которая всегда готова прийти на помощь в нужную минуту. После удачно провернутого дела они спускаются в свое подземное логово и предаются любовным утехам в окружении кучи 100$ банкнот. Неужели никто не в силах поймать этого злодея?
Operation San Pietro
Small time crook Napoleone falls into an unlikely gang made up of a gangster, called The Baron, and his two cohorts, Agonia and The Captain, where Napoleone takes them to Rome where they shack up with a shady used car dealer caled Il Cajella to help finance their new life of crime by planing to rob a statue from the Vatican. But a big-time American gangster, named Joe Ventura, hears about the heist and wants the priceless statue for himself by having his mistress, Samantha, come onto and betray the woman-hungry Cajella to give the statue away to her.
Operation San Pietro
Small time crook Napoleone falls into an unlikely gang made up of a gangster, called The Baron, and his two cohorts, Agonia and The Captain, where Napoleone takes them to Rome where they shack up with a shady used car dealer caled Il Cajella to help finance their new life of crime by planing to rob a statue from the Vatican. But a big-time American gangster, named Joe Ventura, hears about the heist and wants the priceless statue for himself by having his mistress, Samantha, come onto and betray the woman-hungry Cajella to give the statue away to her.
A young woman uses her womanly wiles to seduce older men in order to aid her debt-ridden grandmother.
Операция «Святой Януарий»
Золото Неаполя не дает покоя авантюристам из Нового Света. И вот, американцы решаются на ограбление века: их цель — сокровища святого Януария. Но что могут делать иностранцы в сердце Италии без поддержки местных авторитетов? Фотографироваться на фоне памятников. А воровать надо с согласия мафии. И вот, интернациональная бригада выходит на дело…
Ischia operazione amore
Gennaro runs a small boarding house in Ischia, the beautiful island in the gulf of Naples. Each member of his family is involved: his wife cooks, his daughter has a small boutique and his married son courts the old and rich patrons under his wife's enraged eyes.
Я, я, я... и другие
Сандро — известный журналист, размышляющий над статьей о нравах общества сегодня и вчера. Семья, дети, любовь, равнодушие, неприязнь, война, власть, церковь и, конечно же, красавица жена Титта со своим мужем — все это попадает в поле зрения журналиста и, так или иначе, относится к теме его статьи «Я, я, я и другие»…
Spy in Your Eye
A secret agent is assigned ot rescue the daughter of a deceased East German scienist, who discovered a valuable formula.
Intrigue in Los Angeles
F.B.I. agents David Blair and Thelma Avery are assigned to search for Professor Weiss, who had mysteriously disappeared after discovering an antidote for atomic radiation. Following a feeble lead offered by the mysterious death of two dancers, David and Thelma begin to investigate their supervisor, George. They discover that Professor Weiss is being held prisoner by George and his sister—the professor’s former assistant—who want to sell the precious formula to a foreign country.
Il treno del sabato
The film is a rundown of the songs sung by the stars of the time, chained to various shows such as strip and comic caricatures.
Beach Casanova
Mr. Edmond is a middle-aged playboy, living by his wits on the Riviera. Among the women with whom Edmond dallies are three gorgeous ladies.
Benito Mussolini: Anatomy of a Dictator
Gente felice