Mareike Lindenmeyer

Рождение : 1981-02-12, Starnberg, Germany


Rat mal, wer zur Hochzeit kommt
A young woman called Fiona shows up in a city in the Ruhr area to work for the Bauer family as a housekeeper. Father, mother, daughter and son all live their own lives, co-existing without communicating. Nobody realizes that Fiona has made a decision.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Liebe gegen den Rest der Welt
Anne O'Brien
At Kingscove Manor, Emma ,the aunt of Rachel falls in the stairs and sprains her ankle.So she needs the help of Rachel to manage the manor.Some years ago Rachel loved deeply Luke Folder whose wife died by suicide.Rachel arrives at Kingscove and meets with Luke telling him that their love is impossible.When she goes to the village all people are looking at her curiously.At the harbor she meets with Reverend Michael who tells her that Luke still loves her and that she must be patient.Mary, the mother-in-law of Luke reproaches him the death of her daughter Tara.Also when Rachel meets Mary she reproaches Rachel the death of Tara.Rachel and Luke fall again in love.One day Rachel has an appointment with Mr. Ripley and finds him dead in his house.Mary accuses Rachel to be responsible of the this death.
König Drosselbart
A king has a daughter, Princess Isabella of Geranium, who is so beautiful that kings and princes come from miles around in hopes of winning her hand in marriage. But although she is beautiful, she is also proud and arrogant, and constantly insults and rejects her suitors. She even rejects noble Prince Richard of Begonia, and mocks him as "King Thrushbeard," even though she secretly likes him. Finally, her father loses patience with his rude daughter and declares that since she has rejected every man who has come to court her, she will be married to the first beggar who comes to the gate.
Sex Up Your Life!
Ziege, Häschen and Max have now moved to Berlin for studying. They ain't got no money till the mystic plant reappears. Soon they have enough money for champagne, a penthouse and a nice car. But everyone's got private problems. Häschens girlfriend Valerie is in Sevilla, Max is too shy to go into Berlin's gay-clubs and Ziege is in love with the girlfriend of a manager of a big company. But being very boyish they don't just sell the SexUp pills, but also use them for themselves. Of course the old problems reappear.
Unser Pappa – Herzenswünsche
Im Zweifel für die Liebe
Elena Beerlitz
A widower man wants to cancel the lease of a religious orphanage, but when one of the nuns turns into the babysitter of his children, changes opinion.
Wasted Youth
Отведайте этот новый безотказный рецепт и забудьте об американских пирогах и муравьях в штанах. Мечты сбываются... и не сбываются... Антон, Свен и Кролик мечтают, сами знаете о чем, всего 2 процента своего времени, остальные - приходятся на раздумья, как склеить девчонку. Пока что все их попытки переспать с девушками неизменно терпят неудачу. Неужели им суждено навечно остаться девственниками? Правда у Свена есть девчонка, но у них почему-то ничего не получается. Кролик влюблен в блондинку, настолько красивую, что в ее присутствии теряет дар речи. А вот Антону не везет даже в этом... пока его родители не привозят из отпуска тропическое растение, из которого можно получить приворотное зелье. Любой, кто его попробует, испытает неконтролируемое сексуальное влечение к первому попавшемуся ему на глаза. Похоже, что заветные мечты друзей вот-вот сбудутся...
Beach Boys - Rette sich wer kann
Биби – маленькая волшебница
В маленьком городке Нойштадт праздник. Начинающая волшебница Биби спасла двух маленьких детей из огня, «наколдовав дождь» и потушив пожар. Ее мама Барбара, потомственная колдунья, гордится своей дочерью. А главная волшебница Вальпургия решает раньше, чем положено по традиции, вручить Биби самую ценную награду мира колдовства и магии — «Хрустальный Шар». Теперь с помощью этого шара она сможет путешествовать в прошлое и будущее, но самое главное — станет настоящей волшебницей. Но злая ведьма Рабиа, умирающая от зависти к Биби, клянется, что «не будет знать ни сна, ни отдыха», пока не отнимет у юной волшебницы ее сокровище…
Mein Vater und andere Betrüger
Charlotte Mueller
Bitter Innocence
Eva Brandt
Andreas Brandt is the head of the research department in a pharmaceutical company. He earns enough to build a future with his wife Monica and his daughter Eva. But a merger puts his position in jeopardy. Brandt randomly observes Larssen, who’s responsible for the merger, raping the waitress Vanessa. Instead of helping her, he takes a file which has previously been stolen by Larssen. It contains incriminating evidence against Larssen. Brandt tries to blackmail Larssen, but Larssen is capable to shift the buck back to Brandt. Slowly Brandt’s family becomes involved...