Winston Chao
Рождение : 1960-06-09, Taiwan
Winston Chao Wen-hsuan (born 9 June 1960) is a Taiwanese actor. He came to international attention for his performance in the 1993 film The Wedding Banquet. He is also known for his roles in Red Rose White Rose and Eat Drink Man Woman, and for his five portrayals of Sun Yat-sen, notably in the films The Soong Sisters (1997), Road to Dawn (2007) and 1911 (2011). His notable television roles include the adaptation of Cao Yu's play Thunderstorm (1997), a double role in the historical drama Palace of Desire, the biographical mini-series The Legend of Eileen Chang (2004), the historical drama Da Tang Fu Rong Yuan (2007), the adaptation of Ba Jin's novel Cold Nights (Han ye, 2009), and the portrayal of Confucius (2011).
Description above from the Wikipedia article Winston Chao, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
An experimental "dream yoga" master Li Shihao experiences a stroke and falls into a coma. His daughter decides to go to his dream world to drag him out and wake her father up.
Wan Heping
Бывший некогда популярным автогонщиком Чжан Чи пять лет назад попал в дурацкое происшествие, вылетел из профессии и все эти годы управлялся только с лотком для уличной еды. Когда суд разрешает ему получить водительские права и вернуться в спорт, единственное, о чём мечтает Чжан, это одолеть молодую звезду ралли Ли Чжэньдуна, а тот, в свою очередь, тоже не против посоревноваться с кумиром детства. Теперь дело за малым — надо где-то раздобыть гоночный автомобиль.
A pianist, who has already lost his real audience, is searching for his fans via performing music in a world controlled by Artificial Intelligence. However, his only audience is a deaf and dumb cyborg girl, who is raised by data and has no actual experience with real humans. Can they identify each other’s feeling by the signals of music? As AI rises, how can the last generation of Homo sapiens and posthuman face their fate of desolation?
Профессор палеонтологии Джонас Тэйлор, в прошлом элитный пилот глубоководных аппаратов, уже много лет пишет о меге и читает лекции, стараясь забыть незабываемое — трагически окончившуюся экспедицию, которая убедила его в том, что первобытное чудовище существует и в наши дни. При секретном погружении в самый глубокий океанский каньон Тэйлор едва спасся от огромных челюстей доисторического чудовища, способного поднять из воды даже тираннозавра. Тэйлору предлагали совершить еще более глубокое погружение. То, что он, возможно, найдет, должно заставить умолкнуть скептиков, но, когда эта находка будет поднята со дна, океанские приливы станут кроваво-красными до скончания времен.
Tony Lee
A gangster in Malaysia goes in search of his family after 25 years of imprisonment.
Victor Wong
Чтобы обезвредить преступный синдикат и спасти свою племянницу, самый честный коп должен взять в напарники красавчика-афериста. Они полные противоположности, но у них одна опасная миссия. Они в бегах, но им не избежать друг друга.
Emperor Taizong of Tang
Buddhism-themed Chinese-Indian historical adventure film based on Xuanzang's seventeen-year overland journey to India during the Tang dynasty in the seventh century. Xuan Zang (c. 602 - 664), was a Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and translator who described the interaction between China and India in the early Tang dynasty. From boyhood, he took to reading religious books, including the Chinese classics and the writings of ancient sages. He later travelled throughout China in search of sacred books of Buddhism. Subsequently, he developed the desire to visit India. This is when he became famous for his seventeen-year overland journey to India, which is recorded in detail in the classic Chinese text Great Tang Records on the Western Regions.
Murong Hao
A monster crosses paths with the foursome from the classic Chinese story Journey To The West.
Zhang Daoxian
The story of Chinese legendary anti-hero Zhong Kui, a young man endowed with mysterious powers who is forced into a battle among the realms of Heaven, Earth and Hell in the course of his attempt to save his countrymen and the woman he loves.
Kangxi Emperor
In Qing Dynasty, Chen Xiang and Liuli became maids and friends in the imperial palace. Liuli wanted to be famous whereas Chen Xiang just wanted to live a normal life. Liuli attempted to change her life by knowing the prince, even at the cost of betraying Chen Xiang.
In 1932, as Korea is occupied by Japan, Chu Fucheng, an important figure in the city of Jiaxing, China, is asked to help in hiding exiled Korean nationalist Kim Gu.
Sun Yat-sen
Китай, 1911 г. Период политической нестабильности и революционных настроений в государстве. На фоне общей неразберихи и неопределённости, некто Сунь Ятсен поднимает восстание и направляет мощь своих войск с одной единственной целью — свергнуть правящую династию Цинь и установить новый, социально направленный режим управления республикой.
Based on the story of Dr Sun Yat Sen’s revolutionary efforts and his love affairs while he was in Penang in 1910.
Hu Weichen
Yin's Father
Во времена великой опасности монахи из монастыря Дунь Хуан решили спрятать хранимую ими священную древнюю реликвию. Бесценное сокровище поместили в такое место, где никто никогда не смог бы его найти. Когда пришло время вернуть реликвию обратно в монастырь, монахи обратились за помощью к труппе акробатов, виртуозно владеющих своим искусством. Века спустя красавица Ин и ее брат Тонг — последние из рода великих акробатов, в руки которых попадает загадочный медальон, отправляются в древний монастырь, чтобы узнать его тайну.
The story of a part-time opera troupe in coastal Fujian province of China and their struggles.
At the end of WWII, the Japanese decide to build a secret submarine base in Hong Kong for a last point of resistance. The mariners on a Chinese cargo boat are interned and forced to be labourers. When the Japanese commander orders that the laborers are to be killed on completion of the base, the captain of the cargo boat leads his crew in a fight for survival.
Minister Feng
A gutsy police detecive and his team of cops probe into the widespread illegal dealings of a criminal mastermind who schemes to redeem himself by running for government office in taiwan.
Foon escapes an arranged marriage by walking the road of a Ji Sor. After an affair with Shing, she becomes pregnant. An attempted abortion nearly costs Foon her life. Wan, the young owner of a silk factory, rescues her. Wan and Foon share their romances, reflecting the experience of women during the 40's.
Chin Ching
A father and daughter struggle with relationships as China regains control of Hong Kong.
Sun Yat-sen
The Soong family was a political dynasty in China that reached the highest levels of power. This film follows the lives of the three Soong daughters, who were educated in America and returned to China. Ai-ling married a wealthy and powerful businessman. Ching-ling married Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary founder of modern China. Mei-ling married Chiang Kai-shek, China's leader during World War II. The sisters captured the world's fascination for their brilliant marriages and their strong influence on their nation.
Chen Siming
The Chen family contagiousness extends to taking on an extra-marital affair. Gua Ah-leh is at the movie's centre: she shines as Lung's wife, who finds she has a thing or two to learn from the gigolo after Lung blithely. Lang Hisung plays old dentist for broad comedy he is sixty years old.
Yu Jane, a high school teacher and Xiang Guo-Chen, a successful industrialist, are secretly having an affair outside of his marriage. Xiang is on his way to a political career. His campaign advisor wants him to break off his relationship with Yu so to present himself as a candidate with an untarnished image.
Cop action movie clumsily inter-cut with slapstick. Dumb cop befriends triad guy who wants to go straight but is being set up by his unscrupulous drug dealing colleagues.
Ever-changing life in a busy modern metropolis brings both ecstasy and sorrow: One night, 24-year-old A Rong by chance helps A Min, a beautiful woman, defending her from group of harassers on the street. A Rong takes A Min sleep in his house, while he himself goes to a friend's house to sleep on the sofa. The next morning, A Rong arrives home to find A Min gone; he does everything he can to find her and ask her to marry him.
Li Zhao
Yu Lei plays an orphan Xiu Xiu, who is married to a foreign land when she was 3. Her husband, a hunter (Lau Hok Yin), doesn't know how to love her. So a passionate affair is unavoidable when she meets up with a military doctor (Winston Chao).
A woman stops waiting for her med student boyfriend and marries a rich man so she can pay her grandmother's medical bills.
Tung Zhenbao
Chronicles the love life of a man, Zhenbao. He has a steamy fling with the wife of a friend, the saucy and exciting Red Rose. Even though he feels happy with her, he knows he will not end up with her. To maintain his reputation, he marries an antiseptic, frigid but classy lady of a prim and proper background (White rose). Dissonance abound when he finds his bride irritating.
Li Kai
В крупном тайваньском городе живут три сестры. Одна работает учительницей, другая — стюардессой, а третья трудиться в забегаловке «Макдональдс». Отец девушек — вдовец Чу — работает поваром дорогого ресторана, но у него с дочерьми сильно разнится отношение к приему пищи. Для Чу, представителя старого поколения, это целый ритуал, близкий к искусству и священнодействию. А девушки-сестры так заняты, что предпочитают питаться фастфудом — закусил и побежал дальше. Отношение к еде определяет взгляды на мужчин, семью, детей и жизнь в целом. «Ешь, пей, мужчина, женщина» — номинант на премию «Оскар», «Золотой глобус» и награду Британской академии.
Wong Man Fai
Three flatmates share a luxury flat. A philandering hairdresser meets his match. A young stockbroker meets his boss's soon-to-be-ex-wife. A pregnant lady unsure over the identity of the baby's father.
Wai-Tung Gao
Китаец-эмигрант Вай уже пять лет живет в Америке со своим бойфрендом Саймоном. Но Вай боится признаться родителям, что он гомосексуал, а они постоянно присылают ему анкеты брачных агентств. И вот Вай находит выход из сложившейся ситуации - он решает оформить фиктивный брак с Вей-Вей, которую собираются депортировать из США. Но всё выходит из-под контроля, когда на свадьбу приезжают родители жениха.
Master Tai Yi
Nezha gets into trouble and implicates his parents, who get punished by the heavens along with him. He bravely steps up and admits his fault, which touches the heavens, and his effort comes to fruition. The family of three finally reunites in the end.