Simon Apostolou


No Shade in the Desert
Sound Designer
In Tel Aviv, Ori, an Israeli man who just failed in an attempted suicide, bumps into Anna, a French writer, at the trial of a suspected Nazi war criminal. He is shocked to recognize the love of his life, whose memory has haunted him since they fell madly in love in Turin twenty years before. But Anna maintains that they have never met. Maybe in the desert things will become clear.
The Peace and Love Process
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Marie and Simon, a couple with two children, are deeply in love despite constant fights in their paired life. To save their marriage, they come up with a chart of Ten Rules to seek love and peace.
Summer Scars
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Brothers Tony and Noé pass the long sweltering summer days playing games of chance and death… until the accident that will change their lives forever. Ten years later, now young adults and back in Royan, their paths cross that of Cassandra, their childhood love. But even after all this time, the brothers are still hiding a secret…
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Белорус Алексей сбегает из родной страны. Пытаясь похоронить прошлое и получить европейское гражданство, он вступает во французский иностранный легион и вместе с сослуживцами отправляется в Африку. В дельте Нигера он встречает вооружённого повстанца Джомо, который всего лишь пытается защитить близких. Ещё одна бесполезная война навсегда переплетает судьбы мужчин.
The Dam
Sound Mixer
Merowe Dam in North Sudan. Maher works in a traditional brickyard fed by the waters of the Nile. Every evening, he secretly wanders off into the desert to erect a mysterious construction made of mud. Despite a disturbing wound in his lower back that seems to be eating away at his skin, he continues his labor day after day. While the Sudanese people rise to claim their freedom, his mud creation starts slowly to take a life of its own.
The Dam
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Merowe Dam in North Sudan. Maher works in a traditional brickyard fed by the waters of the Nile. Every evening, he secretly wanders off into the desert to erect a mysterious construction made of mud. Despite a disturbing wound in his lower back that seems to be eating away at his skin, he continues his labor day after day. While the Sudanese people rise to claim their freedom, his mud creation starts slowly to take a life of its own.
Tomorrow is a Long Time
Sound Mixer
Acts of violence bring repercussions for exterminator Chua and his son Meng, who has been under pressure from bullies. Military service offers Meng escape into the jungle, an unknown world which could bring him closer to understanding his own nature.
Sound Mixer
After breaking up with Boris, Lara returns to her hometown Barcelona. There, her friends, lovers and the Catalan traditions of the ’castells’ will change her dreams and desires.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Since the death of Jesus, Mary Magdalene has withdrawn from the world. Her hair has turned white, she eats berries, drinks water from the rain and sleeps among the trees. Alone in the heart of the forest, she remembers her lost love. She looks for a way to find him.
Atomic Summer
Recording Supervision
Victor, in his early 20s, works at the town hall and lives with his girlfriend Charlotte, who is expecting their first child. When an incident happens at the nearby nuclear power plant, he and his high school friends are forced to confine themselves inside a farmhouse, whereas they should have evacuated the area. As the rain is threatening, they are keeping an eye out for the radioactive cloud. The next 24 hours will be crucial.
Sound Mixer
Two men meet around a camera: the old man recounts a lost love to the young director. To remember this love, the old man reads his texts, one of which alludes to a place that holds special memories: Ostend. The director then summons a third man and in turn creates the pictures of a lost love, in a shift towards fiction.
Кровавые апельсины
Sound Mixer
В одно и то же время во Франции происходят следующие истории: пара обремененных долгами пенсионеров пытается победить в танцевальном конкурсе, министра подозревают в уклонении от уплаты налогов, девочка-подросток встречает сексуального маньяка. Наступает долгая ночь. Собаки спущены с цепи.
Sound Mixer
Sahar tirelessly travels the forgotten plains and cliffs of his native island to prospect for a rare mineral. Suddenly, a voice upsets his search, his relationship with the world, and our Milky Way.
Dead Flash
We see a succession of scattered glam images: beat-up figures on lucid papers and dreamlike landscapes, until the (apelike) apparition of a model and her photographer. Together, they will play martyr and demiurge. They will attempt to achieve grace in a world of moving surfaces.
Tightrope Walkers
What is the thickness of the wall that separates us from insanity? No one knows what it's made of and no one knows what it can weather. Aube, Yoan, Marcus, they have crossed the threshold. They live on the other side of the mirror; they have created their own world.
The Last Bath
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A nun is called upon to adopt her 15-year-old nephew, and as a consequence religious, familial and sensual love become entangled.
The Lamb of God
Sound Mixer
The summer festivities of a Portuguese village are suffused with sensuality and violence in this enigmatic portrait of a tightly knit family.
Return to Toyama
Takumi left Japan to go live in France despite his father’s disapproval. After a long absence, he returns to his hometown Toyama, a small port in decline on the north coast of Japan...
Which Is Witch ?
Sound Mixer
Louis II de Barrière has been petrified in the ice since the dawn of time. We find him in a forest, luckily he is alive ! Three witch sisters try to defrost it and unravel its musical mystery. We are propelled with them in a colorful and surreal fairy tale.
Which Is Witch ?
Sound Editor
Louis II de Barrière has been petrified in the ice since the dawn of time. We find him in a forest, luckily he is alive ! Three witch sisters try to defrost it and unravel its musical mystery. We are propelled with them in a colorful and surreal fairy tale.
Alterations – Kō Murobushi
A film that comprises in itself a form of dance – rather than a film about dance; an encounter between film and dance – rather than a film about a dancer. A documentary exploring Kō Murobushi’s dance and inner worlds, with purely cinematic means.
Neither Sun nor Death
Mixing Engineer
Parisian Life
Mix Technician
She had been a director. He had been a film critic. Lockdowned in their flat, rue des chaufourniers, he begins to carry out household chores, which she would take charge of criticizing.
Нечто большее
Sound Mixer
Images of crowd simulation are faced with testimonies from Liverpool Football Club’s supporters who recall their experience marked by a tragic event: the Hillsborough stadium disaster in 1989, which changed the nature of the game of football.
Strike or Die
Sound Designer
In October 1995, Forbach witnessed one of the most violent strikes in the history of contemporary France. A thousand or so miners took to the streets for a merciless struggle against a reform in their rights. Twenty years after the mines shut down, people’s will to fight is still alive, just hidden away somewhere.
Cosmic Candy
Sound Mixer
When a young girl's father suddenly disappears, her weirdo neighbor - an eccentric supermarket cashier - is forced to take care of her.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
13-летний Энрике сбегает в лес в попытке спрятаться от наказания за совершённое преступление.
In the Dusk
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Lithuania, 1948. War is over, but the country is left in ruins. 19-year-old Untė is a member of the Partisan movement resisting Soviet occupation. They do not fight on equal terms, but this desperate struggle will determine the future of the whole population. At the age of discovery of life, Untė discovers violence and treachery. The lines are blurred between the burning passion of his youth and the cause for which he is fighting. He will invest himself wholeheartedly, even if it means losing his innocence…
Дети Айседоры
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
После смерти двоих детей в 1913 году легендарная танцовщица Айседора Дункан сочинила прощальный сольный танец под названием "Мать", в котором в момент нежности мать в последний раз обнимает и укачивает своего ребёнка, прежде чем отпустить его. Спустя столетие четыре женщины сталкиваются с этим потрясающим танцем.
Sound Editor
A heroic-fantasy musical.
Электрический лебедь
Sound Mixer
Масштабная (для сорокаминутного фильма) фантасмагория о здании в Буэнос-Айресе, которое двигается по собственной воле, и нескольких его обитателях. Гречанка Константина Коцамани, снявшая фильм в Аргентине, уверенно вписывает бытовые сценки в мир, существующий по ее собственным правилам. Потенциала этой дадаистской истории про неожиданные отношения человека с неодушевленными предметами хватило бы, кажется, и на сериал.
Sapphire Crystal
Sound Designer
Three places, three moments of a night with Geneva’s jeunesse dorée.
Sound Editor
No es (It isn’t) is a cumulative poem by Mariano Blatt, whose constant writing process extends over a lifetime. The text of the poem, to which verses are added over days, months and years, can cover anything: images, people, memories, landscapes, phrases, ideas, etc. Having that list of “what seems to be but isn’t” ringing in his head, Eduardo Williams’ film Parsi observes in a perpetual movement the spaces and people to create another poem that is caressed, crashes and spins next to No es.
Sound Mixer
One year after the death of her mother, Elena, a young French woman of Greek origin, returns to her holiday home on the island of Lesbos. She is accompanied by her friends Nassim and Sekou, two young suburbanites more used to the benches of the city than the paradisiac beaches.
Во время уборки в доме покойной бабушки молодой Жан неожиданно поднимает полузабытую историю о любви и убийстве.
София-Антиполис — это технопарк на Лазурном берегу, место, где должны сбываться мечты. Но внутри него скрываются страх и отчаяние. Под обманчивым солнцем пять жизней отражают жуткую историю молодой женщины Софии. «Что связывает юную красавицу, которая хочет увеличить грудь и уговаривает хирурга сделать операцию немедленно, одинокую вдову из Вьетнама, вступающую в секту, которой руководит умелый гипнотизер, и чернокожих охранников, организующих фашиствующий отряд гражданской самообороны?
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1970-е. Незнакомец заходит в ресторан небольшого провинциального городка и начинает оскорблять знаменитого местного адвоката Клаудио. Горожане заступаются за правозащитника и выгоняют чужака. Это лишь начало для череды убийств и загадок, связанных с Клаудио.
Sound Mixer
1970-е. Незнакомец заходит в ресторан небольшого провинциального городка и начинает оскорблять знаменитого местного адвоката Клаудио. Горожане заступаются за правозащитника и выгоняют чужака. Это лишь начало для череды убийств и загадок, связанных с Клаудио.
Treasure Island
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A summer on an island of leisure in the Paris region. Land of Adventures, dredge and transgression for some, place of refuge and escape for the other. Its pay range to its hidden nooks, the exploration of a Kingdom of childhood, in resonance with the bustle of the world.
Apocalypse After
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
An abandoned seaside resort. The shooting for a fantasy film about the end of an era wraps up. Two women, both members of the film crew, one an actrice, the other a director, Apocalypse and Joy, are on the verge of concluding their love affair.
Sound Mixer
Kabwita, a young man living with his wife and daughters in Kolwezi, a town in the southwest of the Democratic Republic of Congo, dreams of buying land to build a house. To do so, he produces charcoal (makala), extracted from the ashes of a mighty hardwood tree. Carrying the sacks of charcoal on the back of his bicycle, he embarks on a dangerous journey to sell them on the market.
Saule Marceau
Sound Mixer
A lonely horseman arrives in a far away country, looking for a land to settle down. Clement is my older brother. He became a farmer in France, far from the suburbs of Paris, where we grew up. Since then we went on distant ways. I suggest to make a film together.
Fantasy Sentences
Borrowing its title from an experimental text by Walter Benjamin. Many years ago, the cities by the river were gripped by a contagion. Things started to change and everything slowly became something else. It was not clear if transformation was a symptom of the disease or a way to escape it. The contagion touched everything and everyone: animals and plants, stones and soil, men, women and children, their thoughts, their dreams, their memories. An old woman once told me how all memories turn into trees, I could hardly make out what she was saying. She said she could hear the trees singing: To be a body, to be any body. After the years of contagion ended, the cities appeared untouched. One had to look hard to see the traces of the previous time. If one could listen to the trees, what would they say? A way out, a way out?
Young Men at their Window
Sound Mixer
Two graphic designers at work, by mistake, start playing with an empty scanner's possibilities. They venture into assumptions, eventually open up to each other, and let go of the strange images, until they let go of themselves.
Дикие мальчишки
Sound Mixer
В начале 20 века на острове Ла-Реюньон пять подростков из хорошей семьи, одержимые оккультизмом, совершили жестокое преступление. Голландский капитан берет их в вынужденный круиз на своем ветхом паруснике. Измученные порядками капитана, пятеро мальчиков готовятся к мятежу. Их цель — сверхъестественный остров богатый флорой и колдовскими силами.
Дикие мальчишки
Sound Editor
В начале 20 века на острове Ла-Реюньон пять подростков из хорошей семьи, одержимые оккультизмом, совершили жестокое преступление. Голландский капитан берет их в вынужденный круиз на своем ветхом паруснике. Измученные порядками капитана, пятеро мальчиков готовятся к мятежу. Их цель — сверхъестественный остров богатый флорой и колдовскими силами.
Istanbul 2016. As the city rumbles with the noise of explosions and the voices of ghosts from the war become deafening, a man tries to get to sleep.
В постели с Викторией
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Виктория пытается начать новую жизнь — взять себя в руки, разобраться с любовниками, больше спать и лучше питаться. Только вот бывший, обратившийся к ней за помощью, не помогает навести порядок. А другой возлюбленный, возомнивший себя популярным писателем, посвящает всю сеть в подробности ее интимной жизни.
All the Cities of the North
Sound Mixer
It’s like almost all is lost. Yet still they are here – abandoned bungalows, an artificial lake, dirty plastic bottles, lost donkeys and stray dogs, draining pipes running over fields of salt, deserted factories, statues of revolutionaries, concrete playgrounds covered with weeds, rotten fruit, folded T-shirts, pop songs, decades of forgetting, a single room with a blue tent inside. And it felt like a kiss.
The Seaweed in Your Hair
In this shapeshifting essay film by French-Greek filmmaker Daphné Hérétakis, we visit the streets of Athens in July 2015 and the wake of an austerity referendum, finding friends and strangers, pop songs and poetry, fallen monuments and hopes for the future. It is a lyrical sketch of a time of personal and political transition – culminating in an image of liberating, apocalyptic possibility.
Any Virgin Left Alive?
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
According to an English legend, Joan of Arc never died at the stake. Her eyes were seared with hot pokers and she was deflowered by an English stud. She was then sentenced to wander on the battlefields, like a vulture, on the look-out for life and searching for any virgins left alive.
Our Lady of Hormones
Sound mixer
Two actresses rehearse a play during a week-end in a country house. But one of them digs up a strange thing from earth while walking in the woods. A creature the size of a seal, without any holes nor members. The mass of flesh and skin, covered with hair, breathes loudly. The creature becomes an object of lust for both women. The relationship between the two actresses becomes tense. Both women are desperate to own the thing. This leads to a series of burlesque and violent situations. The two actresses have no idea that they have unearthed "Notre-Dame des Hormones"
Calamity Who?
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Documentary about a woman who claims to be Calamity Jane's daughter.
Sound Editor
This story takes place in a far distant time, a time of violence. All throughout Europe, a war was spreading. In a city there lived two sisters...
Boro in the Box
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
From its epic conception to its film death, the fantasized and fictitious portrait of the film-maker Walerian Borowczyk : Boro-in-the-box discovers a cruel and obscene world, crosses commonplace and colorful adventures, from Poland to Paris, caressing erotic birds and organic cameras in a phantasmagorical alphabet primer.
History of Fear
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A hot summer. A private district with an enormous park. An abandoned plot of land in the suburbs and an uncontrollable wave of smoke spark uncertainty and chaos.
My Conversations on Film
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
This distinctly personal journey into the artistic possibilities of independent film is not to be missed. Jonas Mekas, Jean-Pierre Gorin, Robert Kramer and many other visionaries and mavericks of the silver screen – as well as a book seller, a critic and a psychoanalyst – discuss what cinema has meant to them, what it is and what it could be and, implicitly, how it has changed over the 18 years in which this film was shot. Director Boris Lehman leads the charge, drawing in moments of absurdist humour and inventive camera work; he keeps things raw and spontaneous. His encounters with the now much-missed Jean Rouch and Stephen Dwoskin are particularly touching and stand testament to their personal playfulness and candour. An engaging, absorbing, epic odyssey of a movie.
Age of Panic
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
May 6, 2012. Cable news reporter Laetitia is covering the French presidential elections, while Vincent, her ex-husband, demands to see their two young daughters. It's a manic Sunday in Paris: two agitated girls, a frazzled babysitter, a needy new boyfriend, a grumpy lawyer and France cut in half!
S... Sa... Salam... Salammbô…
The old Salammbo lives alone on a northern island, in total destitution. Haunted by her memories, Salammbo is mistreated by the phantom of her youth, which sometimes taunts, sometimes bends her back so that she no longer sees the blue of the sky.
Mixing Engineer
Jeanne is interned in a psychiatric hospital. She claims to be Joan of Arc.
The Mutability of All Things and the Possibility of Changing Some
Sound Editor
The Mutability of All Things and the Possibility of Changing Some explores our human adaptability in light of catastrophe by way of seminal literature passages implying a transitory social body.
The Mutability of All Things and the Possibility of Changing Some
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The Mutability of All Things and the Possibility of Changing Some explores our human adaptability in light of catastrophe by way of seminal literature passages implying a transitory social body.
Sound Designer
Beautifully shot, alternately joyful and horrifying, Alma captures the ecological, and even spiritual, cost of meat, dairy, and leather production in the Amazon.
Lack of Evidence
Sound Mixer
In Nigeria, to be a twin can be a blessing or a curse. The father of O is the village chief, a witch doctor who believes in the curse of twins. One day, this witch doctor tried to kill his two sons during a ritual ceremony: O managed to escape but saw his brother being murdered. Having fled across his country, he succeeded, by chance, in leaving Nigeria and going into exile in France.
La Nueve, the Forgotten Men of the 9th Company
Sound Mixer
The story of the Spanish Republicans of La Nueve, the 9th Company of the Régiment de marche du Tchad, part of the French 2nd Armored Division, known as Leclerc Division, whose troops were the first who entered Nazi-occupied Paris on August 24, 1944.
Sound Designer
Her name is Green, she is alone in a world that doesn't belong to her. She is a female orangutan, victim of deforestation and resource exploitation. This film is an emotional journey with Green's final days. It is a visual ride presenting the treasures of rain forest biodiversity and the devastating impacts of logging and land clearing for palm oil plantations.
Alterations and Repairs
Sound Mixer
Portrait of Richard Kenigsman by Boris Lehman.
Aditi Singh
Additional Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In the office of Mumbai University, Aditi, a nineteen years old secretary writes a letter to the office's head, Rajiv, to know his intentions toward her.