Andrew Marton

Andrew Marton

Рождение : 1904-01-26, Budapest, Austria-Hungary (now Budapest, Hungary)

Смерть : 1997-01-07


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Andrew Marton  (born Endre Marton, 26 January 1904 Budapest, Hungary - 7 January 1992 Santa Monica, California) was a Hungarian-American director, producer and editor. In his career he directed 39 films and television programs solo, and 16 as an assistant director. Description above from the Wikipedia article Andrew Marton, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Andrew Marton


День Шакала
Second Unit Director
Фильм, действие которого происходит во Франции в начале 60-х годов, основан на реальных событиях. Картина воспроизводит историю покушения на жизнь президента Франции Шарля де Голля, предпринятую ультраправой террористической организации ОАС. Исполнителем воли преступников стал опытный наемный убийца по кличке Шакал, согласившийся выполнить эту работу на полмиллиона долларов.
Уловка 22
Second Unit Director
Антивоенный крестовый поход против тех, кто наживается на войне, имеет место в Италии во время 2-ой мировой войны. Главный герой отчаянно пытается получить свидетельство о том, что он сумасшедший, чтобы более не участвовать в боевых вылетах.
Битва за Рим. Часть 2
Продолжение киноэпопеи о борьбе римлян за освобождение города, захваченного варварами в 526 году нашей эры. Кульминацией войны стала победа Византийской Империи над римлянами и готами.
Битва за Рим. Часть 2
Second Unit Director of Photography
Продолжение киноэпопеи о борьбе римлян за освобождение города, захваченного варварами в 526 году нашей эры. Кульминацией войны стала победа Византийской Империи над римлянами и готами.
Битва за Рим
Племена готов завоевали Рим в конце IV века нашей эры. На фоне грандиозных потрясений разворачивается драматическая борьба римлян за освобождение города от варваров.
Africa: Texas Style!
Two American cowboys are hired by a British rancher to oversee his estate in Kenya. Shot on location in Africa, this film led to the TV show Cowboy in Africa starring Chuck Connors.
Africa: Texas Style!
Two American cowboys are hired by a British rancher to oversee his estate in Kenya. Shot on location in Africa, this film led to the TV show Cowboy in Africa starring Chuck Connors.
Birds Do It
Melvin Byrd, who dreams of being a scientist, is a Cape Kennedy "miniscule molecular particle surveillance monitor" - in short, a janitor. His job is to keep a major rocket project completely dust-free, and this he does with his own hilariously fantastic inventions - including a literal attack on dirt by a "knight on a white horse". In his work, he meets Judy, a chimp involved in a top-secret project, which leads Melvin into the one room strictly off-limits to him. Not until he has entered the project room does Melvin learn that any man entering it will be negatively ionized - making him fly like a bird.
Вокруг света под водой
Спокойствие нашей планеты часто нарушают внезапные разрушительные землетрясения. Атомная подводная лодка «Hydronaut» отправляется в плавание с целью установления предупредительных приборов на дне океана. Дуг Стэндиш и Крейг Мосби, сконструировавшие лодку, становятся во главе экспедиции. Рутинный, хотя и опасный вояж внезапно прерывается приказом с земли. Им необходимо поставить сенсорный датчик возле недавно обнаруженного подводного вулкана. Но когда «Hydronaut» приближается к пункту своего назначения, начинается извержение, и подводную лодку засыпает камнями. Члены экипажа должны приложить максимум усилий, чтобы остаться в живых…
Вокруг света под водой
Спокойствие нашей планеты часто нарушают внезапные разрушительные землетрясения. Атомная подводная лодка «Hydronaut» отправляется в плавание с целью установления предупредительных приборов на дне океана. Дуг Стэндиш и Крейг Мосби, сконструировавшие лодку, становятся во главе экспедиции. Рутинный, хотя и опасный вояж внезапно прерывается приказом с земли. Им необходимо поставить сенсорный датчик возле недавно обнаруженного подводного вулкана. Но когда «Hydronaut» приближается к пункту своего назначения, начинается извержение, и подводную лодку засыпает камнями. Члены экипажа должны приложить максимум усилий, чтобы остаться в живых…
Clarence, the Cross-Eyed Lion
When a native village is apparently terrorized by a Lion, the local sergeant enlists the help of a veterinarian working at a nearby animal study center. It is soon discovered that the Lion has a unique problem, it has double vision due to the fact that it is cross eyed and therefore cannot hunt. The Lion is taken back to the study center and is soon adopted by the vet's daughter. Meanwhile, a dangerous criminal is planning to capture young Gorillas and sell them on the black market...
Crack in the World
Dr. Steven Sorenson plans to tap the geothermal energy of the Earth's interior by means of a thermonuclear device detonated deep within the Earth. This experiment causes a crack to form and grow within the Earth's crust, which threatens to split the earth in two if it is not stopped in time.
The Thin Red Line
Set during the Allied invasion of the island of Guadalcanal in the Pacific theater during WWII, this film is based on the novel by James Jones. Keir Dullea is Private Doll, who dreads the invasion and steals a pistol to help him protect himself. Sergeant Welsh (Jack Warden), a caustic, battle-scarred veteran, hates Doll, whom he considers a coward. In battle, Doll kills a Japanese soldier and is filled with remorse, which further angers the sergeant. The next day, an emboldened Doll wipes out an entire enemy machine gun post and begins to feel as sadistic as Welsh. The two must work together to clear away some mines, but as they do, their platoon is surprised by a Japanese raid.
The Best of Cinerama
A selection of excerpts from the first Cinerama films.
Second Unit Director
Прекрасная Клеопатра, знаменитая царица Египта, готова на все ради сохранения величия своего народа. Соблазняя великих правителей Рима — Цезаря, Марка Антония — она мечтает об объединении Египта и Рима в одну большую империю.
Самый длинный день
Картина повествует о знаменитой высадке в Нормандии, легендарном дне «Д» — 6 июня 1944 года. Ранним утром того дня армада из 5 тысяч судов армии союзников, сосредоточенных на Британских островах, пересекла Ла-Манш и начала высадку экспедиционных сил на побережье Нормандии. Как для союзников, так и для немцев это был самый долгий день…
It Happened in Athens
In 1896 it is announced that the Olympic Games will be revived in Athens. A young shepherd, Spiridon Loues, decides to enter the 26-mile marathon. Once in Athens, he meets Christina Gratsos, a young woman from his hometown who is now the personal maid of Eleni Costa, Greece's most glamorous actress. Though he has arrived after the qualification date, Spiridon's athletic prowess so impresses Coach Graham of the American team that he is permitted to enter the contest. Eleni informs the press that she will marry the victor, confident it will be her lover, Lieutenant Vinardos.
Wa Islamah
Set in the 14th century. Under their leader Timur, the Tartar hordes invade the Middle East and take over areas as widespread as Persia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Syria. A lowly woman from a harem (Lubna Aziz) rises to lead the Egyptians against the invaders.
Underwater Warrior
Based upon the life of Commander Francic D. Fane (USNR), UnderWater Warrior follows the evolution of the US Navy's Underwater Demolition Unit from its inception near the end of World War II through its acceptance and finally successful utilization in Korea. Landmark underwater camera work makes Underwater Warrior a milestone in cinematic history.
Seven Wonders of the World
Seven Wonders of the World is a 1956 film in Cinerama. Lowell Thomas searches the world for natural and man made wonders and invites the audience to try to update the ancient Greek list of "Seven Wonders of the World."
Зеленый огонь
Райан Митчелл обнаруживает в Южной Америке месторождение изумрудов. Однако, не успевает он начать разработку, как его начинают преследовать. Вместе со своим партнером Виком они все же едут на месторождение. Там они знакомятся с владельцами кофейной плантации Кэтрин и Дональдом Ноуландами. Райан влюбляется в Кэтрин и оказывается перед сложным выбором...
Men of the Fighting Lady
M-G-M presents the heroic story of what happened to the MEN OF THE FIGHTING LADY
Prisoner of War
American soldiers, captured by North Korean's, are periodically brainwashed into giving up their capitalist ways to join the communist movement.
Gypsy Colt
In this trans-species remake of Lassie, Come Home, a faithful horse undertakes a perilous journey to return to the family it loves.
The Devil Makes Three
Jeff Elliot is an American GI investigating a black market gang in Munich.
Storm Over Tibet
During World War II, David Simms pilots supplies between India and China over the Himalaya Mountains.
The Wild North
In the Canadian mountains, a trapper goes on the run accused of a crime and is pursued by a rugged and determined lawman of the Royal North-West Mounted Police.
Копи царя Соломона
Занимательные приключения белого охотника, ведущего отряд через Африку в поисках пропавшего мужа леди. Он пропал, когда отправился на поиски легендарных алмазных копей царя Соломона. Великолепные съемки в живописных уголках черного континента, много действия — удовольствие для всех и сейчас. Поставлен фильм по мотивам романа Хенри Райдера Хаггарда…
Ребро Адама
Second Unit
Настырный и упрямый прокурор ведет в зале суда обвинение против клиентки его жены-защитницы. Женщину обвиняют в попытке убийства из-за того, что та, которую она хотела застрелить, встречалась с ее недобропорядочным и лживым мужем. Адвокат, защитница прав женщин, решительно настроена доказать, что точка зрения прокурора отражает сексистские двойные стандарты и что мужа обвиняемой за подобные действия даже и не судили бы. Это возмущает консервативного прокурора. В течение процесса брак блюстителей закона трещит по швам, а судебные препирательства продолжаются и дома…
Gallant Bess
Marshall Thompson stars in this MGM drama about a young soldier's devotion to a horse he rescues during WWII. (Not to be confused with "Adventures of Gallant Bess", another film released two years later.)
Gentle Annie
The Goss family live on a farm they call the dust bowl where the wind blows during the day and the coyotes howl at night. When the train is robbed, everyone thinks that Cotton and Violet were the ones that did the job, but no one has any proof. US Marshal Lloyd Richland comes into town in disguise to find the truth and he finds that the sheriff is corrupt and that the Goss family is gosh darn nice. They take in Richland and a stranded woman named Mary without any questions. Cotton believes that Sheriff Tatum shot their pa in the back, and the sheriff is now trying to plug the boys. Richland is looking for the train robbers, and at the same time is keeping an eye on Tatum and the lovely young Mary.
A Little Bit of Heaven
A child from the New York tenements sings on a radio quiz show and is eventually hired to a big-bucks contract, which allows her and her family to move into a posh apartment, with all the usual problems that accompany sudden wealth.
School for Husbands
A couple of lonesome wives, Marion Carter and Diana Cheswick fall for philanderer Leonard Drummon, and arrange to get their husbands, Geoffrey Carter and Morgan Cheswick, off to Paris so they can be free for one night of fun and frolic. The husbands are all for this as they think it will cure their wives of being infatuated with this man-about-town. And they might run into some fun in Paris. Actually, the philanderer is the one who put the idea in their heads to go away so the coast will be clear for his marauding raid party, with no intentions of curing anybody of anything.
Secret of Stamboul
A man travels to Istanbul to try and prevent a revolution.
Secret of Stamboul
A man travels to Istanbul to try and prevent a revolution.
Miss President
The young, immature Zsuzsa Várkonyi becomes the president of the Várkonyi Textile Factory. When the managing director proposes to her, she tells him she is in love with a young engineer who she doesn't really know anything about.
Demon of the Himalayas
Movie about an expedition in search of a mythical demon in the Himalaya mountains.
Nordpol - Ahoi!
Film by Andrew Marton.
The Rebel
A young medical student returns to his Tyrolean home to find out that Napoleon's troops have taken over the area and that his mother and sister have been murdered.
Five from the Jazzband
By pure chance, Jessie and his four jazz musicians are hired to play at the cabaret theatre “Trocadero”. Unfortunately, she knows nothing about music and it doesn’t help that all four musicians are in love with her. Jessie doesn’t reciprocate their feelings, because she has a thing for Martin. Unfortunately, Martin believes that Jessie stole his car … and so, right before the premiere at the cabaret, she ends up in jail.
The Night Without Pause
When Julius Seipold's wife Regine becomes suspicious that he is having an affair after discovering incriminating evidence, Julius manages to convince her that it is his innocuous assistant Max who is having a relationship.
Excursion into Life
Felix Bressart, later one of the most delightful members of the Ernst Lubitsch "stock company," plays the title character in the Austrian comedy Hirsekorn Greift Ein (Hirsekorn Does Something About It). It's a typical worm-turns affair, as a mild-mannered provincial actor ends up working as a chauffeur for a scatterbrained female novelist. Slapstick is the order of the day, except in the scenes involving heroine Charlotte Susa. Guiding the actors through their paces was Rudolf Bernauer, a stage actor-manager of vast experience. Critics in 1931 felt that Hirsekorn Greift Ein was too thin to be stretched to 90 minutes.
Shadows of the Underworld
I Go Out and You Stay Here
Weimar era screwball comedy about a floor model who is required to go out evenings to escort VIPs while her boyfriend has to wait at home.
The Merry Wives of Vienna
Sound Editor
A dance teacher helps his ten well-bred student sisters when they leave home as a protest against their father's intended wedding. They form a café group called Die lustigen Weiber aus Wien (The merry Viennese girls).
The Song Is Over
Das Lied ist Aus (The Song Is Ended) is a typical early-talkie German musical in every respect, save one. The story, concerning the lives and loves of show folk, ends unhappily -- and surprisingly so. The doleful denouement didn't seem to have much effect on the film's box-office appeal, since Das Lied ist Aus proved a major moneymaker.
A Tango for You
Sound Editor
Jimmy Bolt, a singer and dancer (and occasionally as a waiter) works at a varieté. The man may be talented, but he’s not exactly a big success, and things get complicated when a young orphan girl falls in love with the voice of another singer but then mistakes Bolt for him…
The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg
A young prince falls in love with a beautiful barmaid while at university in old Heidelberg.