Thelmo Fernandes

Thelmo Fernandes

Рождение : 1966-09-07, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Thelmo Fernandes (Rio de Janeiro, September 7, 1966) is a Brazilian actor. He is known for Elite Squad (2007), Rock Story (2016) and (2011).


Thelmo Fernandes
Thelmo Fernandes
Thelmo Fernandes


Nas Ondas da Fé
Apóstolo Adriano
Hickson lived off the books, running from one place to another to make a living. His only great achievement in life had been to win over his wife Jéssika, an evangelical hairdresser and his girlfriend since childhood. The two lead a life without great prospects in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro until Hickson gets a job at an evangelical radio station. With luck, talent and the help of Jessica, he soon becomes a pastor and has a meteoric rise in the church. But with fame and money comes envy. What now Hickson?
Eike: Tudo ou Nada
In 2006, when the Brazilian economy was taking off due to the discovery of oil in the pre-salt layer, Eike Batista decided to create the oil company OGX and hired the best men from Petrobras to participate in the pre-salt auction. But megalomaniacal plans and a series of misguided decisions and alliances cause their empire to crumble as spectacularly as it had grown. And Brazil watches, perplexed, the fall of Eike, who loses all his fortune, power and prestige. Inspired by the book by journalist Malu Gaspar.
Get the Grift
After a botched scam, Clóvis bumps into Lohane, his estranged foster sister. In a bind, they soon realize the only way out is to band together.
Gilda, Lúcia and The Goat
The special brings the continuation of the plot starring Gilda and Lúcia in the series 'Amor e Sorte'. After a period of forced coexistence due to social isolation, they face a new reality.
Antônio Ramos
В 90-е годы Рио-де-Жанейро потрясла волна похищений. Силовики призывают скандальных агентов помочь спасти город не только от бандитов, но и от самой полиции.
Em Frente
A nostalgic pianist must face his most bittersweet childhood memories in order to move forward in his music and life.
Chacrinha: O Velho Guerreiro
The story of José Abelardo Barbosa, narrated from the time of his youth, when he was at medical school, and dropped everything to become a radio announcer. After that, we follow the transformation of his life and the creation of his alter ego, Chacrinha.
Rio de Janeiro, 2016: the city simmers in anticipation of the Olympic Games. Lawyer Ana defends the interests of residents of homes to be replaced by stadiums, roads and luxury hotels. Is the heat affecting her perception or is the struggle becoming visible on her skin?
20 years after running away together, Julio and Noeli have raised a family and run a successful business together. However, their marriage seems to be failing, so Noeli files for divorce. Both will do whatever it takes to win their legal battle.
The Dreamseller
Parente Heitor 1
The main actor believes that true success is the attaining WHAT money can't buy and encourages people to follow their dreams. He forms a huge following which becomes cult like following. Officials start feeling threatened and conspire to kill him.
Under Pressure
Capitão Botelho
Over a tense day in the emergency hospital, we follow the surgeon's work Evandro and staff in three cases that require risk surgery: a drug dealer, a military police officer and a rich family child, all injured during a shootout in a slum next to the hospital.
Как украсть Кубок
Luiz Gustavo
Абсурдно смешная версия похищения Кубка Жюля Риме, произошедшего в Бразилии в 1983 году. В кино похитителем оказался один неудачник, который одним махом попытался решить проблемы с долгами и назойливо хотящей замуж возлюбленной. В реальности судьба национального футбольного трофея осталась до конца не выясненной.
Ninguém Ama Ninguém por Mais de Dois Anos
"No one loves anyone for more than two years" is an adaptation of Nelson Rodrigues' work about five couples that live in Brazil in the early 60's, who are seen by the society as conventional people, but whose intimate lives turn out to be morally questionable.
A Esperança é a Última que Morre
Major Leandro
The Duel: A Story Where Truth Is Mere Detail
Américo Antunes
Commander Vasco Moscoso de Aragão entertains the small town of Periperi with the stories of his many adventures travelling around the world as a captain of the merchant navy. Stubborn Chico Pacheco is the only one in town who doesn't believe his tales.
Giovanni Improtta
Giovanni Improtta is a criminal who wants to climb the social ladder and become a law-abiding citizen. To achieve it, he commits some more crimes He is betrayed, and ends up under the spotlight of the media and the radar of the police, falsely charged for murder.
Inspetor Gomes
After a shooting assignment, Henrique is mugged by two armed motor-bikers who steal his camera and speed off. Seconds later, he watches both get hit by a pickup truck driven by a self-appointed avenger, someone weary of feeling defenseless against the urban violence, and who decided to take action. Henrique recovers his stolen equipment and leaves, feeling avenged. But he goes back to find the memory card, with the photos, lost during the crash. From that moment, he is trapped in a situation where he is now the criminal for failing to rescue a victim, who had been his aggressor. Going from the murder scene to the police station, and then to the emergency ward of the public hospital, he attempts to clear himself.
Exposed by his girlfriend through a video on the Internet, Bruno tries to revive his reputation, but all he can do is get into a series of traps (Cilada, in Portuguese). is a comedy about love and betrayal that shows the power of the Internet to transform small intimacies and slips in fame and constraints globalized.
Malu de Bicicleta
Luiz Mario, a São Paulo night-club impresario and a classic "bon vivant", is also an avid collector of love affairs. He is surrounded by all types of women, with whom he has torrid flings, but he is never able to emotionally involve himself. Until one day, while passing by Rio de Janeiro, he falls head-over-heels for the carioca Malu, who practically runs him over on her bike while riding down Leblon's beach bike path. The couple's fervent romance is abruptly thrown into disarray when an enigmatic love letter is discovered. From then on, the story between the two lovers is turned upside-down. Luiz Mario is consumed by jealousy and his emotions slowly seep into his relationship, destroying everything.
Muita Calma Nessa Hora
Three young friends, Tita, Mari and Aninha decide to change their situations and travel to a beach place for a weekend. On the road, they meet Estrella, a hippie that wants a hide to try to find her unknown father. Together, they will live hilarious, absurd and moving situations. More than a change the air, they change themselves.
Элитный отряд
Sgt. Alves
В 1997 году, перед визитом Папы Римского в Рио де-Жанейро, капитан Насцименто из БОПО (Батальона особых полицейских операций) получает задание устранить опасность, исходящую от наркоторговцев, действующих в опасных трущобах поблизости от резиденции Папы. Капитан Насцименто ищет человека, способного заменить его, так как жена капитана беременна, и он собирается оставить БОПО и стать наставником новобранцев. Тем временем, два друга-идеалиста Нето и Матиас начинают службу в военной полиции, рассчитывая стать честными полицейскими и бороться с криминалом. Однако они сталкиваются в военной полиции с коррупцией, недостатком профессионализма и бюрократическим идиотизмом. После серьёзного инцидента в Моро да Бабилония они решают вступить в ряды БОПО.
Conceição - Autor Bom é Autor Morto
A group of young people is in a bar to drink, and they are trying to choose a story for the movie they are decided to make, but their characters are not very satisfied with the results of it.
Фильм, основанный на реальных событиях, рассказывает историю коммунистки Ольги Бенарио-Престес (1908-1942). Ольга Бенарио, еврейка из Германии, с юности увлеклась коммунистическими идеями. В 16 лет она порывает со своей буржуазной семьей, оставляет Мюнхен, где родилась, и приезжает в Берлин. В столице становится активисткой компартии. Преследуемая полицией, она спасается бегством в Москву, где проходит военную подготовку. В 1935 году ей поручают сопровождать бразильского коммуниста Луиса Карлуса Престеса в Бразилию, где он должен возглавить коммунистическую революцию. В пути она влюбляется в него. Революция проваливается, Престес и Ольга арестованы.
Circular Capital
Dono da Oficina
In the streets of Rio de Janeiro, survival is the name of the game where the protagonist is an imported 'hot' car. People, from all social levels, will do anything in order to possess it, if only for a few minutes.
O Vestido
Ulisses has failed in his professional life, but leads a happy life with his wife Ângela and their two daughters. Until the day he is introduced to Bárbara, a very beautiful woman living in Rio de Janeiro. Ângela becomes her friend and gives her the dress Ulisses had given her. From then on, marital problems arise, and he becomes increasingly attracted to Bárbara.
Lost Zweig
Orson Welles
The life of Austrian writer Stefan Zweig in Brazil. He wrote the famous book "Brasil, País do Futuro" (Brazil, Country of the Future). He and his wife Lotte, in a mysterious death pact, decided to kill themselves in the week following 1942 Carnival, in Brazil.
Fotógrafo da Passeata
The life of Brazilian actress Odete Lara, muse of the movement called Cinema Novo in Brazil, who exchanged stardom for a quiet and religious life.