Arguably one of the most fateful and resonant events of the last half millennium, the Pilgrims journey west across the Atlantic in the early 17th century is a seminal, if often misunderstood episode of American and world history. The Pilgrims explores the forces, circumstances, personalities and events that converged to exile the English group in Holland and eventually propel their crossing to the New World; a story universally familiar in broad outline, but almost entirely unfamiliar to a general audience in its rich and compelling historical actuality. Includes the real history of the "first thanksgiving".
Eve's Tutor
In Highgate London, five young teenagers hoping to witness Pagan activity, camp in historic Queen's Wood on Halloween but soon discover they are part of the ritual when a mysterious Biker hunts them down.
В дом, купленный американским банкиром, приезжает дизайнер со всей своей семьёй, с заданием привести его в исходное состояние. Но им было не известно, что дом был заброшен не просто так…
Отряд викингов бредёт через бесплодную землю после боя, окровавленные и раненые. Их вождь близок к смерти. Он собирается передать власть своему сыну, когда на них обрушивается армия совершенно другого рода.
Governor of Bengal
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose: The Forgotten Hero (also known as Bose: The Forgotten Hero) is a 2005 film directed by Shyam Benegal and starring Sachin Khedekar, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Rajit Kapur, Arif Zakaria, and Divya Dutta. The movie depicts the last five years of the life of the Indian independence leader "Netaji" Subhash Chandra Bose. It starts out at the point where Bose resigns from his position as the president of the Indian National Congress (I.N.C.) to the meeting with Italians by crossing Afghanistan's rugged terrains and entering into Europe, to romancing his German secretary and appointment with Adolf Hitler in Berlin, to his inspiring of the Indian P.O.W.s (Prisoners Of War) of the 'Punjab Regiment' (British Army) for fighting against the British forces in India, to the patriotic speeches.
Three young Muslim men, part of a terror cell, are making a bomb in a London flat, when they get a call to vacate immediately with their gear. The police have been alerted and they are under suspicion.
1893 год. Индия изнемогает под гнетом британских колонизаторов. Жители маленькой бедной деревушки Чэмпэн, страдающей от засухи уже много месяцев, подают прошение полковнику Расселу, управлявшему сбором налогов, отсрочить день уплаты. В ответ высокомерный британец, решив поиздеваться над несчастными, предлагает им пари: просьба будет удовлетворена, если местные жители смогут переиграть его в крикет. Гордый Бхаван принимает вызов, хотя не имеет ни малейшего представления об этой игре. Но сестра полковника, красавица Элизабет, возмущенная жестокостью брата, решает помочь Бхавану овладеть правилами…
Pontefract Referee
Former players and associates of third division club Bostock Stanley gather for a celebratory dinner to commemorate their famous FA Cup victory twenty-five years previously during which a shocking truth is revealed.
Man at Tea Dance
Салли, режиссёр и сценарист, испытывает творческий кризис. Недовольная тем, каким вышло её новое творение, она, решив взять паузу в работе, едет в Париж, где знакомится с Пабло, танцором танго. Салли становится буквально одержима танцем и предлагает Пабло роль в своем новом фильме в обмен на уроки танго.
Bank Clerk
Rachel discovers she is pregnant. Just as she is about to break the news to her stockbroker boyfriend Bill, he dumps her. Heartbroken and angry, Rachel takes Bill's cherished sports car, clears out their joint bank account and heads off to the country and to her dysfunctional family's farmhouse. By trying to sort out her own family's problems Rachel hopes to come to terms with her own predicament. But Bill discovers her whereabouts and is on the warpath.
Mime Troupe Member
Aegeon of Syracuse has come to Ephesus to seek his son, who went in search of his missing twin and mother months ago. Too bad that Ephesus has just declared war on Syracuse, and will instantly put to death any Syracusean found within their borders unless a ransome's paid. Meanwhile, the son, Antipholus, and his servant, Dromio (also an identical twin), keep running into strangers who seem to know them...