A group of friends from Bangkok decide to visit an abandoned house inhabited by a spirit who has the power to grant wishes, if promised the appropriate offering. With their graduation getting closer and closer, most of them pray for decent grades, but one of them, a skeptical girl called Moss, makes a mocking pledge that she will do anything in return for the satisfaction of her friend's desires. while their friends are careful to make sure they provide the promised offerings as their wishes are fulfilled, Muay, Pin, and Moss are not so diligent. Before long all three are subjected to a series of bloody manifestations, courtesy of an angry and vengeful spirit determined to collect what is owed.
While animal hunting, Wittaya and Lokrai inadvertently offend Nang Ta-Kian, the guardian spirit of the forest, who then kills Lokrai. Vittaya is forced to take care of his friend's son, Tong Kam. As a young man, Tong Kam falls in love with Vittaya's daughter Porn but Vittaya prefers Trai, a civil engineer who came to their village to coordinate the building of a dam. When the dam was completed, the village flooded and Wittaya was tasked with clearing every tree, including a big Ta-Kian tree. As he set about his task, awful events began to befall everyone close to him, including his daughter who became a permanent sleeping princess. Wittaya decided to re-plant the tree stub again in order to appease the soul of Ta-Kian and hopefully break the sleeping spell on Porn. However, hidden threats still lurk in the forest.
After waking up in a hospital to discover that she has been pregnant for ten weeks, a drug addict begins to experience vivid hallucinations.
Associate Producer
Three young hipster men who share an apartment in Bangkok are each chasing after a woman, but are unaware that it's the same woman they are after.
Действие фильма начинается в небольшой деревушке Нагпраду, расположенной на северо-востоке Таиланда, жителей которой постигает несчастье — пропала голова статуи Будды по имени Онг Бак. Для того, чтобы вернуть статую, требуется человек, обладающий не только умом, но и физической силой. Единственный, кто отвечает этим требованиям, — это Тинг перенявший искусство Муай Тай (тайский бокс) у почитаемого в деревне монаха.
Associate Producer
Все люди чего-то хотят… но зачастую они хотят получить это максимально быстро и не затрачивая при этом никаких усилий. Именно поэтому с древних времен в фольклоре всех народов присутствуют самые различные «исполнители» этих самых желаний… В современном мире, где гиподинамия рулит и педалит, мы можем получить всё, что захотим, не вставая с дивана: достаточно только позвонить по таинственному номеру 999-9999. Но люди всегда забывают, что за всё приходится платить…