Две сестры вместе со своими бойфрендами отправляются на выходные за город кататься по живописным каналам на барже. Они и не подозревают, что в мутной воде и на заросших берегах их поджидают голодные и злые создания.
Man i tunnelbana
Kelvin is an average teenager with an extraordinary talent - parkour. After his detective father is shot, Kelvin is forced to question his moral boundaries: how far will he go for family and friends?
Молчание и одиночество - вот ключ к истории двух сестер в вымышленной стране, в несуществующем отеле, в загадочном поезде. Три близких человека - сестры и сын одной из них - скучают, ждут перемен и пытаются услышать хоть что-то сквозь молчание.
A Farmer
Из мести гном сильно уменьшает Нильса Хольгерсона, и мальчик совершает увлекательное путешествие на гусе из Швеции в Лапландию и обратно.
An agent on the brink of bankruptcy finds a reluctant singing talent on a TV quiz show.
Staffan Stolle becomes the sole heir to a rich and noble family when he is just a little boy. Early on he is engaged to be married to a girl he finds he does not love. Instead he flees the country only to return under a false name, looking for true love.
A comedy mystery involving the composer and cartoonist Hubert Yrhage, the journalist Gary Lundberg, anticartoon campaigner Lena Lett, the mysterious Jens Myskovich and music publisher Darling Karlsson. Yrhage receives his manuscripts from an 11 year-old whose inspiration comes from the mysterious events at a boarding house where several of the characters stay.
Bob and Bernard serve as lieutenants on a cruiser. They intend to enjoy themselves.
Gus and Holger, two students in Uppsala, have problems with the rent. They are waiting for money from their uncle, but instead of money they are reached by the news that he has gone bankrupt.
Дочь состоятельного графа Юлия влюбляется в лакея отца и решает уйти с ним из дома родителей, чтобы избежать гнева окружающих.
Две горькие истории балерины Рут и вдовы Виолы. Первая возвращается с мужем домой в Стокгольм после путешествия по Италии, вспоминая трагичное прошлое. Тем временем вдова противится попыткам психотерапевта и школьной подруги-лесбиянки соблазнить ее.
Swedish comedy from 1940. Kurre Karlsson, a simple man of the people, will be called up for military training given by an anti-aircraft units at sea. He does not like the military and will do anything to get away. One day he steals a wallet and in it finds his paper suggesting that a spy is on the move who think stealing trade secrets about the weapons factory in Granefors.
Police inspector's secretary
Swedish movie from 1939. In summer Stockholm live the unemployed musician Nisse trying to sell the songs to music publishers. One day the treasurer of a prominent publisher is arrested, on suspicion of theft of 10,000 crowns from a cash box. Nisse has, however, seen something suspicious.
Ingrid Eriksson, a social worker, decides to find out something about the problems facing housemaids and gets herself a job as one at the home of John Willman's family. John's son, Åke, falls in love with her and numerous complications arise before the course of true love runs smoothly.
A travelling theater-company performs Offenbach's "The Beautiful Helene" when an officer in the audience notices the similarity in appearance between the leading actor Leonard Pettersson and the king Charles XV.With Pettersson dressed as the king and the other actors as the royal suite, they all go to Herrsunda castle where the officer is trying to make an impression on his fiance.
Gäst på festen
John Smith is an accountant at a stockbroking firm, where the firm ends up in the liquidity crisis because of his managerial speculation with the firm's money. The bank wants John to take over leadership of the company.
Man at the train station (uncredited)
The ladies man Georg is finally about to get married, but a misunderstanding lead to his new wife break up the wedding.
A man goes from the tough life as a hired worker all the way into the Swedish government.
Helga Breder is a young, spoiled girl. To her beloved Jörgen she says that she, as a modern young woman, is multi-talented and can do whatever she likes. Jörgen bets that she can't work as a house-maid but, if she manages it, he will buy her a diamond ring. Helga becomes a house-maid at Vinger Mansion and falls in love with an inventor, Bertil Frigård, who lives there.