Знаменитый молодой писатель, сделавший когда-то неверный выбор, застрял в эмоциональной ловушке, из которой не может найти выход. Талантливая актриса, страдающая нарколепсией, заперта в свом роскошном доме и подозревает мужа в измене. Наконец, начинающий врач не может выбраться из-под опеки родителей и зажить на свой лад. Стечение обстоятельств приводит к тому, что их дороги пересекаются. Каждый под влиянием импульса снова пробуждается к жизни и начинает в очередной раз искать собственный путь, на котором опять могут случиться любовь, ненависть, предательство, смерть… всё.
Following the death of his mother in '80s Poland, 12-year-old Wojciech has taken the brunt of his stressed father's frustrations with him; the boy frequently gets punished via belt. Wojciech's father occasionally tries to, instead, bond with him, but soon snaps back to his short-fused habits. Apart from Wojciech's friend Bartek, no one does anything to help. Jump to present day, Wojciech is a furrow-browed journalist who spends most of his spare time spelunking alone. Just like his father, he has serious anger management issues. Fellow caver Tania feels inexplicably attracted to him, but the love of a good woman may not be enough.
In Srebrenica the Serbs killed ten thousand Muslim boys and men. Some of their remains have not been identified and buried with honour yet. Doctor Elvira Klonowski puts the bones into skeletons. She puts them in bags and onto the shelves. They wait there to be identified.The Bosnian women wait to check them- after so many years they still wear colourful shawls over their heads as in the Koran mourning is not allowed before a funeral. Only those who were recognised and buried are promised eternal life. These ageing Antigones are full of hope that one day they will fulfil their duty and carry out God’s will. In her moving film Magdalena Piekorz tells the story many of the Bosnians would be glad to forget.