Patrice Coquereau

Patrice Coquereau


Patrice Coquereau


Мафия Инкорпорейтед
Me Jean Varèse
Анри Гамаш – владелец небольшого ателье в Монреале. Он одевал семью Патэрно на протяжении долгих лет. Винсан решает не продолжать дело своего отца. Он начинает работать на Фрэнка и вскоре доказывает свою эффективность. Винсан мечтает достичь вершины преступной империи крестного отца.
Неисправимый лжец
Симон – патологический лжец. Однажды он просыпается в параллельной вселенной, где вся его ложь сбылась. В этой новой реальности он должен иметь дело с русскими шпионами, покорить сердце любимой девушки и спасти планету от ядерной войны. Единственный, кто может ему в этом помочь – это его брат-близнец.
Father Son Therapy
A cop and his son have to put away their differences while undercover on a therapeutic trip.
Vote Bougon
Gratien Therrien
Paul Bougon ignites social media networks and public opinion after his brief participation in a television program. Having become an instant celebrity thanks to his outspokenness, he decides to go into politics and founds his own party. With the help of his devoted entourage and at the head of the PEN (Parti de l’Écœurement National) [National Disgust Party], he wins the elections and becomes Premier. The challenges of his new career place him in front of heartbreaking choices.
Чувство юмора
Pierre Lebel journaliste
Люк и Марко — юмористы, которые гастролируют по деревенским барам. В начале каждого представления они выбирают одного зрителя, над которым потом шутят весь вечер. Во время визита в деревеньку Анс-о-Пик они знакомятся с Роджером, застенчивым шеф-поваром закусочной. К сожалению для них, он оказывается серийным убийцей, который не любит быть униженным перед лицом своих коллег. Роджер в отместку за публичные насмешки похищает Люка и Марко и запирает их на своей ферме. Чтобы обрести свободу, комики предлагают учить Роджера чувству юмора, чтобы он мог защитить себя, когда его дразнят коллеги, а также завоевать сердце женщины, которую он тайно любит.
The Child Prodigy
Jacques de la Presle
On the keyboard, the young hands fly rapidly and the melody rises. For the child, nothing is easier; he hears the sounds in his head. These hands belong to 6 years old André Mathieu. He won his audiences and fired up concerts halls in London, New York, Paris and around the world. Adulated, hailed, praised, the child prodigy seemed to have everything to succeed. From the top of his vertiginous successes, to depths of torment, the life of the "Little Canadian Mozart" blends into his music. A romantic and passionate composer wishing for happiness, his story is nevertheless played on tragic notes.
Отец полицейского
Père Mou - Langis
Отец и сын – главные герои картины «Отец полицейского» (De père en flic). Они оба полицейские и работают в команде. Жак и Марк расследуют дело о похищении полицейского бандой байкеров. Чтобы подобраться вплотную к банде, они завязывают контакт с Чарльзом Берюбе, являющимся официальным представителем байкеров. Фильм «Отец полицейского» (De père en flic) сочетает в себе сильные стороны классического фильма о полицейских с уморительным учением об иррациональных отношениях между отцом и сыном.
Six people, some more depressed than others, living through the worst day of their lives.
Shooting Star
Four talented women become finalists in a singing competition.
Dans une galaxie près de chez vous, le film
The movie chronicles the long, futuristic voyage of a team of Québécois space explorers looking for a planet capable of sustaining life, in the year 2034, after the destruction of the ozone layer through excessive human pollution, prompting the need for a new planet to welcome humankind. The seven crew members venture outside their own galaxy to explore other star system in search of a new planet large enough to sustain 6 billion people. The few habitable planets encountered are ultimately abandoned either because they are already occupied (emphasizing the wrongdoing of invading other civilizations and cultures), or because upon closer inspection they are found to have other problems (cow-sized mosquitoes, high radiation levels, dog overpopulation, unsuitable living environment, ...).
Les Immortels
Les Immortels, a group Paul formed with his friends Katia, Éric and Benoît, wins a contest organized by record company Cosak, and the grand prize is a contract to record their first CD. Although Giroux, Cosak’s owner, believes in the talent of Les Immortels, that’s not the case with his associate, Patrice Dubois, who makes things difficult for the young musicians.
Alice's Odyssey
After reading a bedtime story to her daughter, Alice Tremblay leaves her daughter's room and enters her own fairytale. After battling a sexy big, bad wolf and saving Red Riding Hood, she encounters Prince Ludwig who helps Alice return to her world in exchange for her teaching him how to kiss so that he can pass his final exam to become Prince Charming. Along they way they meet every familiar fairytale character, though in a decidely different form or personality.
Heads or Tails
Contrôleur Carbone 14
A heterosexual man pretends to be gay in order to keep his career in the world of art, which causes many misunderstandings with his wife, and mother.
The Escort
In this melodramatic French Canadian comedy-drama, a sexy male escort sashays into the living room and life of a gay man and proves to be the catalyst for turmoil. Until Steve showed up to strip as a birthday present, the life of lovers Jean-Marc and Phillipe had settled into a comfortable but passionless rut. Jean-Marc is alone at the time and has sex with Steve. Later that night, Steve tries to change a light bulb and falls, causing his friends to jump to the conclusion that he tried to kill himself. Soon Phillipe too gets involved with Steve. Finding Steve a tonic to his doldrums, Phillipe begins pursuing a real relationship with him. Steve then proves to be a troubled character who is involved secretly with another man who has been diagnosed with HIV. The problem stems from the fact that the mystery lover is none other than Phillipe's dearest friend. Matters are complicated by Nathalie -- who secretly loves Phillipe -- and by his recently divorced mother.
An Imaginary Tale
In this tragicomedy, Toni is the director of a staged rendition of Othello in Montreal. It is a pet project of his, financed by his loving mafia uncle. Unbeknownst to him, the audiences are also rounded up (and paid) by the same uncle. Some of them have seen every performance of this tragic play, and are understandably bored, so when the backstage romantic shenanigans of the actors result in absurd situations onstage, the audience is delighted. There are a huge number of romantic situations going on in this film at the same time. One of them involves Gaston a somewhat world-weary jazz musician, and Florence, a glamorous middle-aged woman who has been pining for him for years. Another involves to members of the musician's jazz trio. Yet another involves the play's Desdemona, Soledad, the girlfriend of the man playing Othello, who can't keep his hands off his (female) dresser.
Scale Model Sadness
Jeannot has Down’s Syndrome. Living in a claustrophobic suburban setting, he is treated like a child by his parents and denied any responsibilities of his own. Things change when a young woman named Pauline is hired to take care of Jeannot, and his world opens up beyond the restrictive one imposed upon him.