Fausto Tozzi

Fausto Tozzi

Рождение : 1921-10-29, Roma, Italy

Смерть : 1978-12-10


Fausto TozziFausto Tozzi (29 October 1921 – 10 December 1978) was an Italian film actor and screenwriter. He appeared in 70 films between 1951 and 1978. He wrote the script for The Defeated Victor, which was entered into the 9th Berlin International Film Festival. He also directed one film, Trastevere. Born in Rome, after graduating in accountancy Tozzi made several humble jobs, including peddler and bird taxidermist. He was introduced in the cinema industry by Sergio Amidei, for whom he worked as a stenographer. Through Amidei, Tozzi met Renato Castellani, with whom he collaborated as a screenwriter for Professor, My Son (1946) and Under the Sun of Rome (1948, based on a Tozzi's original story). In the early 1950s, he also started working as an assistant director and as an actor, sometimes being cast in main roles. His typical roles were of hardmen and villains. He was also active on stage, where he is best known for the role of Gnecco in Rugantino, and on television, in which he is well known for his performance as Menelaus in L'Odissea. Tozzi died of respiratory failure, aged 57. Source: Article "Fausto Tozzi" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Fausto Tozzi
Fausto Tozzi


Черный скакун
Rescue Captain
Отправившись в морское путешествие со своим отцом, Алек и не подозревал, что судьба приготовила ему совсем не детское испытание. Корабль, на котором они путешествовали, помимо пассажиров перевозил великолепного, черного, как южная ночь, арабского скакуна. Внезапно корабль терпит крушение, выжить после которого удается только Алеку и жеребцу. Они попадают на необитаемый остров, где, испытав на себе все прелести жизни вдали от цивилизации, они становятся неразлучными друзьями. Когда же Алека находит поисковая команда, он забирает своего друга домой, где они начинают готовиться к участию в самых престижных скачках против лучших скакунов планеты.
Fear in the City
The film focuses on Murri; the token maverick cop. He is called in after a bunch of criminals pull off a successful prison break and spend the night picking off various informers and people they don't like. Murri investigates; hooking up with one of the criminal's nieces along the way. He uses his own methods; which mostly involve breaking all the rules, and thus comes under a lot of scrutiny from his superiors who don't take too kindly to the cop's way of working.
Big Pot
Mark Lemmon
Eurocrime/Poliziotteschi movie from 1976
Street People
Luigi Nicoletta
A Mafia boss is enraged when he is suspected of smuggling a heroin shipment into San Francisco. He dispatches his nephew, a hotshot Anglo-Sicilian lawyer, to identify the real culprit. The lawyer also enlists the aid of his best friend, a grand prix driver with an adventurous streak.
Oh, Serafina!
Carlo Vigeva
Augusto Valle is a successful young industrialist who weds Palmira, the girl working in his factory, and the two have a child despite the infant's uncertain legitimacy. Scheming to control her husband's fortune, Palmira has affairs with both the mayor and the judge to have Augusto committed to a mental institution. While there, he falls in love with Serafina Vitali, a young woman who was also put away.
The Left Hand of the Law
brigadiere Giulio Costello
After a couple of 'special squad' cops are gunned down while chasing some kidnappers, the head of the squad takes it really personally! His violent path to find the kidnappers leads him to the upper echelons of the government. Now, the powers-that-be don't want to be found out and decide it's time to kill one more cop...
Те, кто всё решают
Don Ricuzzo Cantimo
После автомобильной аварии выявляется шокирующий факт: сицилийская мафия перевозит наркотики в телах умерших детей. Эта новость потрясает не только общественность и полицию, но и боссов мафиозных кланов. На всеобщей сходке дону Кашеми поручают разобраться с произошедшим, поскольку беспредел творится на подконтрольной ему территории. Кашеми в свою очередь привлекает к решению проблемы надёжного человека – киллера Тони Анианте, долгое время жившего в Америке и недавно вернувшегося в Италию...
Crazy Joe
The rise and fall of a Mafia gangster, based on the life of murdered New York gangster "Crazy" Joey Gallo.
Побег из камеры смертников
Пытаясь прибрать к рукам международный наркобизнес, гангстер Аннунциата безжалостно уничтожает всех своих конкурентов. Последним на его пути стоит Фрэнк Диомеде по-прозвищу Фрэнки Дио.
Кони Вальдеса
Чино Вальдес – ковбой, в одиночку разводящий лошадей. Он выбрал жизнь отшельника отчасти добровольно, а отчасти из-за косых взглядов, которые бросали на него в городе. Ведь в его жилах течет кровь как белых людей, так и индейцев. В поисках работы и крыши над головой к нему приходит Джимми. Чино разрешает ему остаться и обучает своему ремеслу. Но пройдет много времени, прежде чем они притрутся друг к другу…
The Funny Face of the Godfather
Tony Malonzo
The Godfather Don Vito Monreale knows, by chance, the Italian-American singer Nick Bouillon. Since the two are alike, Don Vito decided to exploit this similarity in his favour.
The Bloody Hands of the Law
Nicolò Patrovita
When a crime boss is murdered while in hospital, a young woman sees the killers, but her room mate convinces her not to tell the police, fearing the consequences. Unfortunately the murderers realize that they have been seen, and kill both women. Catching the killers proves difficult as anyone who knows anything dies in unexplained circumstances. It becomes evident that a large and powerful criminal organization is behind the murders, and that they have links within the police force. It is up to Lt. Carmine to see that justice prevails, using any means necessary.
The Sicilian Connection
Don Vincenzo Russo
A small time hood smuggles drugs from Turkey to Italy in an effort to make it into the big time, but along the way everyone has to have their cut.
The Terror with Cross-Eyes
Original Music Composer
To gain fame quickly - three actors - Mino, Giacinto and Mirella, stage a fake murder (Mirella is the "victim"), then plan to find the "body" at the most opportune moment. Unfortunately, a real murder takes place in Mirella's apartment when a young woman named Margaret is killed. Having left abundant clues to the fake murder, Mino and Giacinto realise the only way to save themselves from jail is to find Margaret's killer. Despite the intrusions of a stupid police inspector, the two men discover she was killed by a mysterious "organization". Although every witness they try to question is killed by a hitman, they eventually unravel the mystery...
Коза Ностра
Albert Anastasia
Целых тридцать лет Джо Валачи был послушным солдатом нью-йоркской мафии и ее крестного отца — печально известного гангстера Вито Дженовезе. Начав с мелкого уличного воришки, в конце своей долгой карьеры он занял должность личного шофера Дженовезе. Попав на склоне лет в тюрьму, он решил покончить с прошлым и рассказать все, что знает о внутренней структуре «Коза Ностры». Приговоренный к смерти своим бывшим хозяином, назначившим за его голову награду в 100 тысяч долларов, Валачи понял, что отступать уже поздно. И на потрясенных слушателей пролился настоящий поток крови — бесконечные гангстерские войны, устранение конкурентов, казни провинившихся, жуткие убийства, совершенные со невероятной жестокостью, постоянная грызня между заправилами мафии.
Himself at St. Maria in Trastevere (uncredited)
Trastevere is a 1971 Italian comedy film. This is the first and only film directed by actor and screenwriter Fausto Tozzi. The film was heavily cut by producer Alberto Grimaldi, who cut off the roles of Umberto Orsini, Martine Brochard and Riccardo Garrone.
Trastevere is a 1971 Italian comedy film. This is the first and only film directed by actor and screenwriter Fausto Tozzi. The film was heavily cut by producer Alberto Grimaldi, who cut off the roles of Umberto Orsini, Martine Brochard and Riccardo Garrone.
Trastevere is a 1971 Italian comedy film. This is the first and only film directed by actor and screenwriter Fausto Tozzi. The film was heavily cut by producer Alberto Grimaldi, who cut off the roles of Umberto Orsini, Martine Brochard and Riccardo Garrone.
Between Miracles
Benedetto is a child who came out of an accident uninjured on his first communion's day. The people of his village attribute that to a miracle and made him undergo a strict religious upbringing. That fact will determine his life, which will be affected by inner torment caused by the confrontation between sexual desires and sacrifices of faith, sin and grace.
Mazzabubù... quante corna stanno quaggiù?
Il marito eschimese
During a monologue on the theme of adultery, a man reviews a series of famous and anonymous cases of conjugal betrayals ...
The Deserter
A young cavalry officer finds his woman tortured by the Apaches and blames the Army for not properly protecting the outpost, so becomes a deserter and an avenger, stalking and killing Indians without warning.
Человек по прозвищу Кувалда
Maximum security prisoner
После совершения ограбления среди его участников разгорелся спор при дележе добычи. Новичок в банде решил спор в свою пользу. Прибрав все, он скрывается вместе с золотом. Остальные отправляются на его поиски, которые приводят их в один из городков Мексики…
The Demise of Father Mouret
Serge Mouret is a frail and devout young priest in a tough country parish. When he falls down and loses his memory, he is nursed back to health by Albine, the beautiful carefree niece of the outspoken atheist Jeanbernat. After Serge and Albine fall in love, Serge recovers his memory and realizes the grave sin he has committed.
Адвокат Федерико Фенди подозревает, что его жена Карла — самая высокооплачиваемая проститутка в Риме. Федерико решает пролить свет на правду.
Приключения Одиссея
Фильм рассказывает об основных эпизодах поэмы Гомера, посвященной долгому путешествию Одиссея: пожар Трои, встреча с колдуньей Цирцеей, бегство от Полифема, зов Сирен, любовь юной Навсикаи, возвращение в Итаку и встреча с сыном Телемахом и верной женою Пенелопой, и борьба с ее поклонниками. В фильме, как и в поэме Гомера, главные герои люди. И боги, вмешивающиеся в человеческую жизнь, чтобы подчеркнуть невозможность отдельно от них контролировать свою жизнь.
The Man Who Killed Billy the Kid
Pat Garrett
This spaghetti western presents a fictitious version of the often filmed legend of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Billy becomes innocently an outlaw while protecting his mother, but then turns into a trigger happy killer. When he falls in love he tries with the help of Pat Garrett, a fatherly friend, to change back. However, circumstances force Billy to become violent again and it is Garrett who is credited with the killing.
Кровь за кровь
Кровожадный генерал армии Харальда становится претендентом на трон после того, как сам король Харальд ушел в море и не вернулся. Жена Харольда со своим сыном Моки пытается скрыться, после того как ее вызывают для брака с Хагеном. Опасаясь незнакомцев, она прогоняет от своего дома нищего. Но тот, узнав о ее беде не уходит и остается ее охранять. Он спасает ее от двух вооруженных бандитов. В результате Рюрику позволяют остаться. Он берет мальчика к себе в ученики и преподает ему искусство выживания. Но вотРюрик узнает, что Карина — это королева, которую он изнасиловал годы назад в ее свадебную ночь в качестве мести Хагену за убийство своей жены и сына. Понимая, что Моки может быть его собственным сыном Рюрик старается забыть о своей мести королевскому семейству и начинает воспринимать их как свою собственную семью. И вот в наконец Рюрик и солдаты Хагена сходятся в смертельном поединке.
Муки и радости
События фильма относят нас к периоду пика Высокого Возрождения. Фильм рассказывает о конфликте итальянского скульптора, живописца, архитектора и поэта Микеланджело и римского папы Юлия II.
Сокровище ацтеков
Benito Juarez
Немецкий ученый Карл Стернау по поручению президента Авраама Линкольна едет в Мексику, чтобы поддержать Бенито Хуареса в борьбе против французских оккупантов. Он оказывается вовлечен в поиски легендарных сокровищ ацтеков, за которыми охотятся банда головорезов капитана Вердохи и хитроумный граф де Родриганда.
The Spy
Darvis (uncredited)
По пьесе Фридриха Дюрренматта "Визит старой дамы". Эксцентричная миллионерша спустя много лет возвращается в родные места, чтобы взыскать с земляков старый должок. Она приняла решение пожертвовать городку, пришедшему в упадок, огромную сумму. Но при одном условии: мужчина, который когда-то соблазнил и бросил ее, должен умереть...
В 809 году Карл Великий направил посольство к Багдадскому халифу Гаруну аль Рашиду во главе с рыцарем Рено де Виллекруа (Жерар Баррэ). Они прибыли в порт в Сирии Искандер (Искендерун, Александретта), а затем стали пересекать пустыню. Гарун аль Рашид (Антонио Вилар) пригласил в Багдад красивейших принцесс исламского мира, чтобы выбрать себе жену, в числе приглашённых была Шахерезада (Анна Карина) из Искандера. Рено спасает Шахерезаду от разбойников. Они влюбляются друг в друга с первого взгляда. Рено отказывается бросить всё, отречься от исполнения своей миссии, своих друзей и своего мира ради того, чтобы бежать с Шахерезадой, не понимая, что их имена уже занесены в книгу Судеб, где стоят рядом. Ему чужд восточный фатализм. Лишь потеряв Шахерезаду, он понимает, что не сможет жить без неё…
Самый короткий день
Soldato combattente (uncredited)
Два простака завербовываются в итальянскую армию во время Первой Мировой войны и по чистой случайности умудряются помочь выиграть важное сражение.
A French Foreign Legion commander is told to assemble a unit and capture an Algerian rebel leader. He gathers in his old unit, most of whom are no longer in top form. One is having nightmares of past indiscretions, another is now drinking, another has lost his nerve. He takes them in captures the leader, but then is unable to make it to the pick up. He encounters a rebel patrol and is trapped unless they can escape before their water runs out.
The Swordsman of Siena
A 16th-century Spanish overlord hires Thomas Stanswood (Stuart Granger) to protect his, less than eager, fiancee (Sylva Koscina) from rebels. Thomas finds himself drawn to both the fiancee and the rebels side.
Тысяча и одна ночь
Grand Vizier
По мотивам арабской сказки "Аладдин и волшебная лампа" из цикла "1001 и 1 ночь". Бедный молодой человек находит волшебную лампу и выпускает из неё джина, который даёт своему освободителю три желания.
Эль Сид
Африканский эмир Бен Юсеф, пытаясь завоевать Испанию в 1080 году, сталкивается с великим воином Родриго Диасом Де Бевара, известным в истории как Эль Сид Повелитель. Он поднялся над религиозными распрями и объединил христиан и мавров против общего врага. Борьба Эль Сида с завоевателями стоит в центре картины, но не менее важной сюжетной линией является нелегкая любовь героя к Химен, прекрасной дочери знатного графа.
Saint-Tropez Blues
Nino Trabucci
With her parents away, Anne-Marie drops her studies to spend eight days in Saint-Tropez with her friend Jean-Paul. They are soon caught up in the Saint-Tropez whirlwind. Jean-Paul is seduced by a wealthy woman while Anne-Marie ends up alone with a young man she meets along the way.
Константин Великий
Константин I Великий - римский Император, создатель Второго Рима, прекративший кровавые гонения на христиан и установивший свободу исповедования христианской религии. История его любви, пути к власти и борьбы за новый справедливый мир, мир без тирании, угнетения и религиозной нетерпимости.
Возвращение доктора Мабузе
Warden Wolf
Злой вдохновитель доктор Мабузе использует заключенных с промытыми мозгами для совершения преступлений, но немецкая полиция с помощью агента ФБР идет по его следу.
Questo amore ai confini del mondo
Argentinian-Italian western features a rancher and landowner who makes a common mistake - he marries the wrong woman, a dazzling showgirl.
Questo amore ai confini del mondo
Don Claudio
Argentinian-Italian western features a rancher and landowner who makes a common mistake - he marries the wrong woman, a dazzling showgirl.
The Night of the Great Attack
In 15th century Romagna rules violence and fright. Cesare Borgia wants to incorporate the duchy of Catherine Sforza. But in between is the independent county Fabis, which he wants to bring into his possession.
Dagli Appennini alle Ande
Marco's father
A young boy travels by himself to reach his sick mother.
Un uomo facile
The changing fortunes of two boxers are explored in this interesting drama by Paolo Heusch, seen from the point of view of the women the boxers love. One of the pugilists is a rookie on the rise and his sister has married the reigning champion. Now the champ is getting older and less able to hold his own against the newcomers -- including his brother-in-law. As his fortunes begin to decline, his wife whom he married while affluent is slowly forced to deal with the difficulties of poverty. This Italian drama was an entry in the 1959 Berlin Film Festival.
Un uomo facile
The changing fortunes of two boxers are explored in this interesting drama by Paolo Heusch, seen from the point of view of the women the boxers love. One of the pugilists is a rookie on the rise and his sister has married the reigning champion. Now the champ is getting older and less able to hold his own against the newcomers -- including his brother-in-law. As his fortunes begin to decline, his wife whom he married while affluent is slowly forced to deal with the difficulties of poverty. This Italian drama was an entry in the 1959 Berlin Film Festival.
L'amico del giaguaro
A grown man named Augusto escapes from an orphanage and after several unsuccessful attempts at holding down a job, decides to start a gang and make a living by stealing from the rich.
Il cielo brucia
The Tanks of El Alamein
Capt. Valerio Bruschi
Italian move on the battle of El Alamein
Castle of the Banned Lovers
Olimpio Calvetti
The beautiful Beatrice Cenci, daughter of the noble Francesco, falls in love with Olimpio. But she has to face the jealousy of his violent and morbid father, and the hostility of his stepmother Lucrezia, who has a relationship with her other stepson, James. The stepmother and stepson-lover plan to kill Francesco. And when the latter dies accidentally, they decide to put the blame on Beatrice and Olimpio.
The Red Cloak
Luca de Bardi
Cosimo de' Bardi is assassinated by a gentleman called the Flemish. Time passes and at some point a masked knight wearing a red cloak enters the scene. He is the son of the killed. These and the Flemish are also rivals in love. In the final duel the Flemish will be eliminated.
La ciudad perdida
Rafa, a Communist Republican exiled after the Spanish Civil War, returns to his hometown to carry out an attack against the imposed tyrannical regime, but the mission fails and, in his attempt to escape, he kidnaps a lady of high society.
La ladra
Whistle is an orphaned boy, raised in an environment unsuitable for a budding child and thief. A shady lawyer, an accomplice of thieves and fences, entrusts him to Nino, the leader of a gang that is preparing a particularly valuable coup.
Songs from all over Italy
Divisione Folgore
Sergente Turchi
In the summer of 1942, during the Second World War, a group of young paratroopers from the Folgore Division, after having been subjected to a long and tiring training in Italy, was transported by air to the Libyan desert to cover the Italian-German front.
Casta diva
Gaetano Donizetti
As soon as he graduated from the Naples Conservatory, Vincenzo Bellini meets Maddalena Fumaroli and immediately falls in love with her.
Дом Рикорди
Arrigo Boito
История семьи Рикорди, самого престижного музыкального издателя во всей Италии.
I cinque dell'Adamello
The odyssey of 5 Alpine soldiers who died during the First World War because of an avalanche. Their bodies were found several years later.
In the Eddy of Sin
Alberto Valli
After years of detachment Alberto Valli returns to the home of Margherita, his widowed mother, with his mistress Germaine.
The Hunt
Marco / Musoduro
The Hunt
The Bandit of Tacca del Lupo
In 19th century southern Italy (near Melfi, Basilicata), a small force of soldiers fight in the hills against the bandits who are holding their country to ransom.
The Bandit of Tacca del Lupo
Luogotenente Magistrelli
In 19th century southern Italy (near Melfi, Basilicata), a small force of soldiers fight in the hills against the bandits who are holding their country to ransom.
Девушки с площади Испании
Три девушки-швеи работают в центре Рима в известном доме моделей. Каждая из них мечтает выйти замуж. Мариза ссорится со своим женихом, когда тот запрещает ей работать манекенщицей. Елена, разочаровавшись в любви, стоит на грани самоубийства. К счастью, она встречает прекрасного парня, городского таксиста, который помогает ей переосмыслить жизнь. Лючия после долгих поисков жениха принимает любовь жокея, который давно её любит…
Brothers of Italy
Capodistria, 1915. Captain Nazario Sauro, an officer in the Autrian Navy, is one of those patriots who militate for Italy to enter World War I. When he is about to be arrested by the Austrian authorities he chooses to desert. Once in Venice he enlists in the Italian Navy and becomes an officer in a submarine where his perfect knowledge of the coast of Istria proves particularly helpful. But when his submarine runs aground near the island of Munje, he is captured by the Austrians, sentenced to death for high treason and hanged in 1916.
The City Defends Itself
Luigi Girosi
Four criminals commit a robbery at a soccer stadium, and then split up to try to hide separately from the police.
Women Without Names
Women Without Names (Italian:Donne senza nome) is 1950 Italian drama film directed by Géza von Radványi and starring Simone Simon, Vivi Gioi and Françoise Rosay.[1] It is set in a displaced persons camp after the Second World War. It was made at Cinecittà in Rome.
Heaven Over the Marshes
Assistant Director
Unlike most Italian films of the 1940s, Augusto Genina's Cielo Sulla Palude opened in Venice rather than Rome. The film's American title was Heaven Over the Marshes, and indeed most of the story is set in the disease-ridden Pontine Marshes on the outskirts of Rome. This was the home of Maria Goretti, a pious young girl who was murdered by her would-be seducer. For reasons elucidated in the course of the film, Maria's short time on earth made her worthy of Sainthood, which was actually bestowed upon her shortly after the release of this film. Maria Goretti is well-played by Ines Orsini. Cielo Sulla Palude served as the comeback feature for director Augusto Genina, whose previous pro-fascist films had caused him to be blacklisted after WW II.
Heaven Over the Marshes
Unlike most Italian films of the 1940s, Augusto Genina's Cielo Sulla Palude opened in Venice rather than Rome. The film's American title was Heaven Over the Marshes, and indeed most of the story is set in the disease-ridden Pontine Marshes on the outskirts of Rome. This was the home of Maria Goretti, a pious young girl who was murdered by her would-be seducer. For reasons elucidated in the course of the film, Maria's short time on earth made her worthy of Sainthood, which was actually bestowed upon her shortly after the release of this film. Maria Goretti is well-played by Ines Orsini. Cielo Sulla Palude served as the comeback feature for director Augusto Genina, whose previous pro-fascist films had caused him to be blacklisted after WW II.
Under the Sun of Rome
A lovely, incisive portrait of adolescents in the crowded San Giovanni quarter of Rome during the last years of WWII.
Under the Sun of Rome
A lovely, incisive portrait of adolescents in the crowded San Giovanni quarter of Rome during the last years of WWII.
Professor, My Son
First Assistant Director
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.
Professor, My Son
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.
Professor, My Son
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.