Zlata Adamovská

Zlata Adamovská

Рождение : 1959-03-09,


Zlata Adamovská


Sladký život
Za vším hledej ženu
O kouzelné rybí kostičce
Můj svět je tvůj
O vánoční hvězdě
Женщины в бегах
Вера прожила с Индрихом прекрасную жизнь и решительно намерена исполнить его последнее желание – пробежать марафон! Энергичная мать трех дочерей не считает, что при этом могут возникнуть сложности. Она и ее дочери поделят маршрут на четыре части и преодолеют 42-километровую трассу как семейную эстафету. Конечно, то, что никто из них раньше не пробежал ни одного метра, вовсе не проблема. До начала соревнований еще три месяца, а тренер Войта подготовил великолепный фитнесс-план. Главное – быть настойчивыми и не сдаваться, когда финишная черта вне досягаемости…
Korunní princ
Královna Kateřina
Čtyřlístek ve službách krále
magistra Stříbrná (voice)
Ад с принцессой
královna Viktorie
Когда принцесса Анет и принц Йероним были маленькими, их отцы заключили соглашение, что их дети поженяться, как только достигнут брачного возраста и тогда король Бедржих, отец Йеронима будет защищать королевство короля Леопольда, отца Анетт. Но Анет не хочет выходить замуж и тогда ее отец придумывает уловку, что сам Люцифер хочет взять в жены принцессу...
Svatba na bitevním poli
Poslední kouzlo
O Šípkové Růžence
Slečna Guru
Lovers & Murderers
Zita Gráfová
Lovers & Murderers is about the ongoing war between those who have and those who want to have what the others have. The have-nots see themselves as poor victims trying to get for themselves what is justly theirs. But when the have-nots become haves, they continue to see themselves as victims of the hordes baying for what is justly theirs, and they have neither the energy nor the security to enjoy what they have obtained. The movie takes place in the microcosm of a small apartment building. The principal goal of the young people who share rooms in the building is to move into their own room and, some day, a real apartment. They scheme to get what they're after: form short-lived alliances, petition, frighten, marry, become pregnant, anything that might work. Lovers & Murderers presents Páral's vision of mankind caught in a cyclical process in which ideology pales before the pettiness, cruelty, and self-justification of human nature.
Hodina tance a lásky
Gertruda Kleinburger
Brouk v hlavě
Naše děti
Comedy about former lovers.
Ani svatí, ani andělé
Paní Piperová zasahuje
Tajemství mořské panny
Genij vlasti
O vílách Rojenicích
Angelic Eyes
Charming, witty and smart men represent a fictitious insurance company who soon fall for an innocent-looking young woman smarter than she seems.
Král a zloděj
Pohádka o touze
Víla z jeskyně zla
Sedm bílých plášťů
Milada Prokešová
Antonín Dvořák
Démantový déšť
Putování po Blažených ostrovech
Lion with a White Mane
The film tells the exciting life of the great Czech composer Leos Janácek (1854-1928), also known by the thick silver hair that crowned his head and his strong character, which could overcome the adversities of fate.
Vltavská víla
Země úsměvů
Zázračné dítě
Hlava plná slunce
Noc smaragdového mesíce
This downbeat, grim drama about three brothers who are reunited at their mother's funeral is actually visually as dark as its story, making it difficult at times to clearly distinguish a scene. These brothers are not particularly exceptional as people go, but at least they have branched out into separate vocations in their lives. One brother is a doctor, another is a criminal, and the third is a bus driver. Like others in Europe, they suffered through World War II, yet no matter what their backgrounds and experiences, their interpersonal relationships are not exactly gripping drama.
Another Love
Marta Vlachová
A story of a young student of medicine, who arrives in a small mountain village after being accused for carrying out illegal abortion. The film reflects the moral decline of the society, where stealing in secret and making compromises against one's beliefs make up mundane reality. The filmmakers went to perhaps the furthest possible limits in terms of allowed social criticism in the 1980s. The negative picture is enhanced by its rural setting, since the Slovak village had been traditionally associated with strict morals and conservative values.
Růžový Hubert
Má láska s Jakubem
Člny proti prúdu
Když rozvod, tak rozvod
Něco je ve vzduchu
The urn supposedly containing the remains of Alice's grandfather falls out of the window and breaks. To Alice's great surprise, the urn is empty and the girl learns that the grandfather didn't die but disappeared under mysterious circumstances on the 2nd September 1946 in the town of Telc. Her grandmother claims that a mysterious young man with dark glasses was implicated in her husband disappearance. Alice is determined to solve the mystery. Grandmother's story leads Alice to a shoemaker who hands her Professor Jeník's - her grandfather's - invention, called the Force-fields Accelerator. Alice tells her boyfriend Petr about the device and the young man creates a time machine following the professor's instructions. The young couple then travel back to 1946 and there they indeed meet Alice's grandfather, and his daughter Blanka, who will later be Alice's mother.
O stříbrném a zlatém vajíčku
Love Between the Raindrops
Věra Bursíková
Set in Prague during the years leading up to World War II, this family saga tells the story of a cobbler named Vincenc Bursik (Vladimir Mensik), who uproots his clan from the country to the city, only to suffer the loss of his wife and the failure of his shoe business within months. When his daughter moves away to go live with a wealthy businessman as his mistress, Vincenc is left to take care of his two sons, who spend their days in a secret garden vying for the affections of a teenage girl.
Payment in Kind
sekretářka Zuzana
In an unusual, apolitical approach, director Jaromil Jires has fashioned a standard drama that features an older lawyer with failing health who goes to practice in the countryside. His series of odd court cases reveals more about the human condition than about law. In one of these litigations a wayward nephew has cheated his elderly aunt out of her savings. In court, the nephew insists the money was a gift, but his aunt explains she only gave him the money as a loan. Although the lawyer technically wins the case, everything of value seems lost in the meantime. His services are paid for in rabbits because the aunt has no currency, and in the end, the nephew cons his aunt into parting with her savings anyway. Other cases expose similar types of petty corruption.
Принц и Вечерняя Звезда
У принца Велена было три сестры - Хеленка, Еленка и Ленка. Они стали женами трёх братьев, трёх могущественных королей - Луны, Солнца и Ветра. В их сестру по имени Вечерняя Звезда безнадежно влюблен сам Велен. Но чтобы добиться руки прекрасной принцессы, Велену предстоит пройти через сложные испытания, приготовленные её братьями. Не помогут принцу ни волшебство, ни сверхъестественные силы. Всё Велену придется делать самому. Выполнить все задания и отыскать Вечернюю Звезду очень нелегко - злой колдун Мракомар хочет помешать планам Велена. И лишь храбрость, ловкость и доброе сердце помогут принцу…
The Young Man and Moby Dick
Good-looking Edita Beningerová (Jana Brejchová) arrives at a chemical factory in the North Bohemian town of Ústí nad Labem together with her young assistant Nada (Zlata Adamovská). She is hoping that her ex-husband, outstanding practical chemical engineer Vik Panc (Eduard Cupák), will help her conduct an experiment to validate her proposed theoretical method of isolating cholesterol from lanolin. The success of Edita's invention is crucial for her career at the Prague Institute of Chemistry. Vik's roommate from his hostel Bréta (Ivan Vyskocil) is thrilled. He will finally meet the mysterious and fascinating Edita about whom he has learned so much from Vik.
Svatební skandály slečny Juliány
Podivný výlet
Běž, ať ti neuteče
Smrt mouchy
Robinson Girl
Blazenka likes to imagine she is on a desolate island and has to find a way how to survive. After the death of her mother she stays together with her baby brother and has to take care of the family. In this difficult situation, she plays this role-game that helps her to deal with the sudden loss of her mother.