Svea Holst

Рождение : 1901-04-20, Björskog, Västmanlands län, Sweden

Смерть : 1996-04-28


På palmblad och rosor
Real estate broker Oskarsson visits a cabin deep in the woods. There he finds a bedridden and mute old woman who seems well cared for. There has recently been a fire in the stove, there is food in the fridge, but no trace of who cares for her.
Happy We
Three friends who haven't seen each other for seventeen years reunite and have a lot to tell about what has happened in the meantime. The film follows the friends for some time afterwards and then moves another twenty years in the future...
Фанни и Александр
Miss Ester
История семьи Экдаль, увиденная глазами двух детей — сестры и брата Фанни и Александра. Пока семья едина и неразлучна, дети счастливы и без страха могут предаваться чудесным мечтам. С потерей близких людей в них растет чувство горечи и неприязни к миру. Но там, где Фанни пытается сохранить чистую душу, Александр замыкается в тёмном и жестоком внутреннем мирке.
Broken Sky
Maternal grandmother
Erika is 13 years and lives with her parents and her grandmother in the far north of Sweden in the 1940's. The family is depressed and disappointed in life. Erika dreams of a separate being in another world.
История о приключениях мальчика Расмуса, сбежавшего из приюта, и его друга — странствующего поэта Оскара. Действие происходит в Швеции в начале XX века. Расмус — мальчик, который живёт в приюте. Не выдерживая тюремных порядков и придирок управляющей фрекен Хёк, он убегает из приюта и присоединяется к бродяге и барду по прозвищу Оскар Перекати-поле. Они начинают вместе путешествовать по стране. Ему предстоит пережить немало неожиданных и таинственных приключений и наконец обрести счастье домашнего очага. По мотивам одноименной повести Астрид Линдгрен.
Sally and Freedom
Sally's Grandma
About choices in life and responsibilities. Sally has decided to have an abortion. It seriously affects her relationship with her partner Jonas, and their daughter Mia.
Elvis! Elvis!
Anna-Rosa's Great Grandmother
The adventures of a small boy (Elvis), his mother and a male friend.
Verner's Wife (uncredited)
Расставшись с женой, Андреас Винкельман уезжает на остров. Он ведет замкнутый образ жизни, пока случай не сводит его с соседями: архитектором Элисом, его супругой Эвой и их подругой Анной. Между ними складываются доверительные отношения, которые в скором времени перестают быть просто приятельскими. Эва становится любовницей Андреаса, а Анна – его новой подругой. Чем глубже связь Андреаса с женщинами, тем сложнее ему контролировать свои чувства и поступки...
The Heist
The Lady in the Subway
Four young criminals are planning a heist against a racecourse and in order to obtain a seed capital they rob a gambling den. They celebrate the successful heist by throwing a party but it turns out to be a lot of disagreement within the group.
On a Bench in a Park
Sales woman
Sam Persson is released from a mental hospital. He goes to Stockholm to meet a man he hates, theater manager Stig Brender. In Brender's office they get into a fight...
Flottans överman
Miss Svensson
Fabian Bom has been sent by the Export Association to promote Swedish export to Spain. He travels with the navy's cruiser to Barcelona, but his jealous fiancée Gullan has followed him in secret to keep an eye on him. In Barcelona the usually strict and virtuous Bom is surrounded by the local women and has a ball. He meets the young and zestful Linnea from Sweden. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Tarp's Elin
Elin Tarp is an unmarried mother with three children who lives a hard life in the countryside.
Pettersson i Annorlunda
Swedish propaganda film for the Social Democrats.
Ljuset från Lund
Mrs Wallin
A horse wanders from town to the countryside. Here lives Sten Stensson Steen, a bachelor at law and philosophy. He is writing a social psychological report on the youth problem.
Улыбки летней ночи
Dresser (uncredited)
Стареющий адвокат Фредрик Эгерман мечется между добродетелью и вожделением. Он боготворит свою юную жену Анну, но втайне ищет встреч со своей бывшей возлюбленной – актрисой Дезире Армфельт. Его сын от первого брака учится на богослова и скрывает свой интерес к неискушенной мачехе. Еще один соперник Фредрика, воинственный любовник Дезире – единственный, кто не испытывает угрызений совести. Однако и его положение победителя уязвимо. Пока мужчины состязаются друг с другом, женщины решают восстановить разрушенное счастье…
Taxi 13
A collection of human stories from the streets of Stockholm. Taxi 13 becomes the link between them. One night a taxi driver disappears.
Storm over Tjurö
Karl Oskar Bohm looks back at his life, his estranged daughter Augusta and his wife Sofia.
Woman knitting
Two twins, separated at birth, meet again by chance many years later. One is a progressive but insensitive mayor of a small town, the other a clown at a circus.
Åsa-Nisse på semester
Åsa-Nisse is visited by cousin Doris from the United States. Nisse, Klabbarparn and Doris will travel to Stockholm, but Nisse and Klabbarparn lose track of Doris, who get into a hands of a Casanova. Nisse and Klabbarparn instead ends up at the Nordic Museum, where Åsa-Nisse turns out to have unexpected qualities in the art of imitating a mannequin. After that they had found each other is Doris robbed and it leads to a wild brawl that it sparkles and sputters on.
Hård klang
A small Swedish village has transformed to an industrial center with exports to Germany. A German opened a quarry some 50 years ago, after realizing the value of granite. Now WW1 begins.
Фрёкен Юлия
Дочь состоятельного графа Юлия влюбляется в лакея отца и решает уйти с ним из дома родителей, чтобы избежать гнева окружающих.
The White Cat
Eksell's maid
A man comes to Stockholm's central station. He does not know who he is or where he has been. He has some keys and a phone number. Perhaps he is the escaped sex maniac the police are searching for. A waitress at a café tries to help him.
Girl with Hyacinths
Dagmar's maid
Dagmar Brink, a young female pianist, dies by suicide in her Stockholm apartment. She leaves all her belongings to her next-door neighbors, an author and his wife. Perplexed and curious, they investigate the girl's reasons for taking her life. As they visit Dagmar's friends, acquaintances and former boyfriends, her story unfolds. She stands out as loner, a woman no one could really grasp, always in want of something that nobody she met could make out.
К радости
Nurse at the maternity ward
Фильм повествует о молодой паре молодоженов, которые вместе играют в шведском оркестре и пробуют найти общий язык, несмотря на две противоположности, которые они представляют.
Anna Andreasson
Britt Malm gets hit by a car on a Stockholm street and is taken to hospital. She is badly injured and must undergo surgery. While the anesthetic takes effect she sees hallucinatory images. This turns into a flashback of what happened Britt before the accident.
Little Martin Returns
Maid (uncredited)
Sture Letterström and Kurre Svensson take on the task of rescuing a secret document during World War II from a group of Swedish Nazis. Since both of them are known by the local Nazis, Sture takes on the role of Miss Märta Letterström, and Kurre also has to make use of his feminine side as well as a dress.
Музыка во тьме
История ослепшего музыканта и его любви к добродушной девушке Ингрид.
Railroad Workers
The north of Sweden in 1902. A team of railroad men are building a rail road from Luleå at the Bay of Bothnia to Narvik at the Norwegian Sea. One of the newest workers, Valfrid from the south of Sweden, is not accepted by neither Stora Ballong, the informal leader of the workers, nor the others. They refuse to talk to him but instead Valfrid gets help from the sworn enemy of the railroad workers: the greedy drugstore owner Blom.
Корабль идет в Индию
Моряк Юханнес Блум возвращается домой после семи лет в море и узнает, что жизнь Салли, о которой он думал все это время, идет плохо. Этой ночью Юханнесу предстоит вспомнить, что же случилось семь лет назад…
Kristin Commands
Woman outside Gaffelgränd 4
Translator Vilhelm and his young wife have a child, as well as a grumpy housemaid who doesn't hesitate to give her opinion on how they behave as parents. In secret Kristin arranges a scholarship for Vilhelm so he can go back to his medical studies.
Нелли, воспитанная приемной матерью, знакомится со своей настоящей матерью, которая берет ее в Стокгольм. Там девушка знакомится с ее молодым любовником и внезапно попадает в любовный треугольник.
Försök inte med mej...
Edit, mrs Jenner's maid
Björn Norell, a bookish assistant to an art dealer, is fired because of his inability to find the third of a trio of Buddha statues. In order to get his job back, Norell, goes on a hunt to find it in order to get his job back. Meanwhile, the art dealer has sent his daughter Ulla after him to retrieve the statue. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
To Help the Lady of the House
Ingrid Eriksson, a social worker, decides to find out something about the problems facing housemaids and gets herself a job as one at the home of John Willman's family. John's son, Åke, falls in love with her and numerous complications arise before the course of true love runs smoothly.
Rena rama sanningen
Shop assistant
Bertil Dahl deals with bonds at a bank. He dislikes that his colleagues are lying to customers to sell more bonds and pledges to tell the truth for 24 hours. But the social life is smoothed by using white lies and Bertil's truth-telling is making everybody upset. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
The Norrtull Gang
A collective of office girls and their tribulations in the male world, female solidarity, the place of women in the labor and civil rights struggles and the conflict between love and work.