Little Brother and Sister's new mother is not at all as humble and kind as she pretends to be, they are mistreated by their wicked stepmother and their new stepsister, so much that they decide to run away from home, after she poisoned their father to inherit his money. But the stepmother, who is also a witch, enchants the streams of the forest where the children are wandering, so that drinking from them would turn them into animals.
Ziege, Häschen and Max have now moved to Berlin for studying. They ain't got no money till the mystic plant reappears. Soon they have enough money for champagne, a penthouse and a nice car. But everyone's got private problems. Häschens girlfriend Valerie is in Sevilla, Max is too shy to go into Berlin's gay-clubs and Ziege is in love with the girlfriend of a manager of a big company. But being very boyish they don't just sell the SexUp pills, but also use them for themselves. Of course the old problems reappear.
Берлин, 1942 год. Шестнадцатилетний Фридрих получает лестное предложение стать учеником НАПОЛЫ, где элита завтрашнего дня штудирует «Нибелунгов», бегает кроссы, охотится с боевым оружием на русских пленных... Но вскоре первоначальные восторги уступают место сомнениям...
1927 год. Германия времен Веймарской республики. Юные друзья Гюнтер и Пауль решают основать клуб самоубийц. Они дают клятву, что попрощаются с жизнью в тот момент, когда больше не будут чувствовать любви, и заберут с собой тех, кто отнимет у них эту любовь. Два летних выходных дня за городом в обществе Хильды, сестры Гюнтера, и их многочисленных друзей становятся настоящей проверкой серьезности данного друг другу обещания…
A 16 years old boy from Germany runs away from a boring birthday party and follows a few graffiti artists to the station. When police arrives he escapes in a train and gets over the border to the Czech Republic. There he meets a wild Czech girl and falls in love with her. Together they try to go to Berlin without having money. A fine road movie about two young people trying to find their way.