Bruce Leung Siu-Lung

Bruce Leung Siu-Lung

Рождение : 1948-04-28, Hong Kong


Often called Bruce Leung for Bruceploitation purposes.


Bruce Leung Siu-Lung
Bruce Leung Siu-Lung


Enter the Clones of Bruce
Get ready to play a game of death … and another … and another. The wild documentary Enter the Clones of Bruce dives into the Bruce Lee exploitation craze.
The Whirlwind of Sword and Fairy
A hundred years ago, in a war between the immortals and the devils, the ancestor of the Immortal Sword Sect fought for seven days and seven nights against the leader of the devilish race, the Emperor You, and ended up in a terrible defeat. A hundred years later, Zhang Zhilin becomes the new head of the Immortal Sword Sect and uses the Purple and Green Swords, which can kill the Demon King, as bait to lure the Emperor to show himself.
Invasion of the Mermaids
Hard Hit
Fire Cloud Evil God 2: Eighteen Dragon Palms
Rakshasa will usher in the election of the new and old evil gods. Unexpectedly, the old evil gods were injured by the design of the black feather, and the little evil gods are also in danger. The little evil god came to the dragon house to find a way to save his life.
Fire Cloud Evil God: Mask of Chaos
Stop! Thieves
Lao Longtou
Kung Fu Town
Lao Li
Shaolin monk Dalong obsessed with martial arts and competes for strength and the seat of the Dharma Academy disciples.
Сокровище всей жизни
Uncle Dragon
Жизнь в доме престарелых протекала скучно и монотонно, пока туда на работу не устроились двое агентов под прикрытием, цель которых — снести обитель.
Лига кунг-фу
Qiao Shan-Hu
Современный молодой человек случайно призывает из прошлого четырех мастеров кунг-фу. Знаменитый Ип Ман, Вон Фэйхун, литературный персонаж Чен Чжэн и Хо Юаньцзя заставят молодое поколение вспомнить традиционные китайские ценности и научат хорошим манерам.
Жетоны ярости
Liu Jinshui's Uncle
Когда через Гонконг проносится волна жутких убийств, дело поручают двум проблемным полицейским. Это молодой баламут Ван и умудрённый опытом Хуан, который по горло сыт безрассудностью младшего напарника, постоянно втягивающего их обоих в неприятности. После того, как выясняется, что все жертвы были бывшими парнями честолюбивой и перспективной молодой актрисы Лю, их расследование заходит в тупик, и детективы должны начать смертельно опасную игру — чтобы выманить убийцу, одному из них придётся выдать себя за возлюбленного Лю.
Тай-Цзи - Ученик мастера
Master Dong
Первая часть о юности Яна Лучаня, мастера Тай Цзи. Он стал легендарной личностью еще при жизни и о нем сохранилось множество историй. По мотивам одной из них и снят этот фильм. Невзирая на то, что все считали Яна Лучаня местным дурачком, его мать сумела разглядеть в сыне великий талант и прочила Яну славное будущее. Ян Лучань стал изучать боевые искусства. Спустя 10 лет усердных тренировок и бесстрашных сражений, он отправляется в отдалённую деревню Чэнь обучаться стилю Чэнь Джа. Однако жителям деревни запрещено раскрывать аспекты стиля чужакам. Юному Яну предстоит не легкая задача - расположить к себе местных жителей и убедить их обучить его стилю Чэнь Джа.
Jeet Kune Do
"Jeet Kune Do" tells the story of a Bruce Lee obsessed country bumpkin (Chen Tien-Xing) who practices Jeet Kune Do all day long, much to the dismay of his father (Bruce Leung), who had hoped his son would perfect the family's own martial art style, the Chen fist. Chen Tien-Xing travels to the city to enter a Jeet Kune Do competition. This experience makes him learn the true meaning and spirit of Jeet Kune Do.
The Adventure Of The King
Commander Chan
From the director of “72 Tenants Of Prosperity” comes a period comedy movie about an emperor (Richie Ren) who disguises himself as a commoner and later falls in love with Phoenix (Barbie Hsu), the lady boss of an inn.
Master Law awakes from a 30-year coma without memories, but his martial arts skills are intact. His renowned kung fu academy is now a teahouse, and greedy developers are trying to steamroll it to make way for condos
Ещё один ящик Пандоры
Fire Cloud Devil
Странствующий проходимец Цинг встречает девушку с мечом, намертво вложенным в ножны. Совершенно случайно ему удается достать ее меч, и девушка извещает его, что это знак — теперь он должен на ней жениться. Однако в планы Цинга это не входит, поэтому он удирает он невесты в прошлое, во времена Троецарствия, воспользовавшись легендарным Ящиком Пандоры.
Поварское кунг-фу
Wong Bing-Kei
История традиционной китайской культуры длинна и обширна. Китайская кухня столь красочна и многогранна. Деревенский повар Вонг Е обучает молодого Чена Кинга, для поединка с главным поваром в «Имперском дворце», за звание старшего повара.
Перевоплощение легендарной серии о женщине-мстительнице, заключенной № 701 aka Скорпион. Мэйко Кадзи заменена заслуженной мстительницей всея Азии Мики Мидзуно. На сей раз Нами Мацусима подставлена группой наемных убийц, целью которых был отец ее жениха Хэй Тая, профессор Лам. Наемники предоставляют Нами выбор: либо она убивает сестру Хэй Тая, либо Хэй Тай отправляется вслед за своим отцом. Став, таким образом, соучастницей убийства, Нами попадает в тюрьму. Ее жизнь разрушена, Хэй Тай желает ей смерти, тюремная жизнь — ад. Однако Нами удается бежать из тюрьмы; волею судеб она попадает к таинственному Собирателю трупов. Видимо, давно скучавший Собиратель, находит себе развлечение и обучает Нами боевым искусствам. Теперь Скорпион обрела силу и готова мстить. Но не слишком ли долго подогревалось блюдо под названием месть?
Uncle Yeah
Молодой парень по имени Маник приезжает в Шанхай в поисках своего отца. Найти человека в большом городе, все равно что отыскать иголку в стогу сена. Чтобы свести концы с концами,Маник устраивается работать рикшей возле небольшого трактира. Как то раз он переходит дорогу одному из криминальных авторитетов Шанхая. И теперь его преследует банда отморозков. И тут неожиданно приходит помощь в лице постояльцев трактира. Они все, от мала до велика, в совершенстве владеют кунг фу...
Kensuke Mochizuki
Ryo Narushima is a student who has served prison time for killing his parents. Once he is released, he trains to become a professional kick-boxer.
Разборки в стиле кунг-фу
The Beast
Действие фильма происходит в Китае 40-х годов и разворачивается вокруг неудачливого гангстера, который мечтает стать членом легендарной группировки «Топоры». В то же время лидер группировки начинает терроризировать один из районов, местные жители которого оказываются не так просты и оказывают ему достойный отпор в разгорающейся войне. Все это приправлено юмором, знакомым нам еще со времен «Убойного Футбола».
Double Crossed
Shaw Brothers movie.
Bless This House
Jumping Buddha
Building designer Bill Chang (Bill Tung) and his family move into a seemingly wonderful house after getting a promotion. However, they were not aware of the house's sinister past involving its previous owner - an abusive, handicapped actor who torched his home, killing him, his wife and two daughters. After the Chang family settled in, the actor's restless ghost wants to reclaim ownership of the house and the people that inhabit it.
Ghost's Hospital
Because of a hospital hex, whenever a certain patient sleeps he visits a supernatural world of hopping zombies and warring priests.
Vampire vs. Sorcerer
action/horror/comedy with ghosts and hopping vampires.
Vampire vs. Sorcerer
action/horror/comedy with ghosts and hopping vampires.
Eight Diagram Cudgel
Fifth brother is separated from his kin whilst fighting the marauding Lao, and is nursed back to health in a monastery. He is befriended by Grinder, a monk whose job is to mill wheat. Fifth brother assumes the name of Ming Sau, and works on improving his fu. He is alternately helped and distracted by pretty Yue Lan. Meanwhile, the treacherous Lao continue their plans for conquest.
The Fung-shui Master
Hong Kong fantasy comedy film.
Gang Master
Zhang Hua (Chang Hua)
It has to do with a young clan member, Zhong Yuan, who is promoted to chief of the Dragon Gang after his adoptive father dies, only to be expelled when a letter arrives revealing him to be of Mongol birth, an awkward bit of news at a time when the Dragon Gang is actively fighting Mongol occupiers. In fact, Zhong soon learns that the Mongol general leading the anti-rebel campaign is actually his real father. Still, he persists in trying to get back into the good graces of the clan, eventually helping to ferret out a traitor in their midst.
Shaolin Fighters vs. Ninja
The Monk
After her father, Golden Rings, is killed by the Deadly Blade, the Moon Goddess sends out invitations to all the top fighters in the region to try and lure out the Deadly Blade and force him to kill his own son. However, things do not go according to plan.
Modern Heroes
Ah Ngau
A young still relatively unknown Chow Yun Fat stars in this low-budget critically panned police action-comedy. Fresh out of the academy, straight-laced and obtuse rookie cop Chu quickly lands in hot water when his integrity and by-the-book manner gets his colleagues in trouble. When he accidentally exposes his British boss' illegal gambling ring, the humiliated now ex-cop sends a gang of roughguards after Chu.
Bruce And The Iron Finger
After the murder of two kung fu experts, Bruce, a Police Inspector from New Zealand, decides to get involved in the case despite only being on vacation in Hong Kong. At the scene of the most recent murder, the victim managed to tear off a Buddha pendant from the killer. The link between the two murders is the strange markings on the victims neck. Bruce retraces the victims final footsteps and the search leads him to tracking down experts in Iron Finger Kung Fu.
My Kung Fu 12 Kicks
This film adds a sense of humor to the normal Kung-Fu battles as our hero fights in a most unusual and funny manner (something Jackie Chan as well made use of in many films). This film is clearly one of many imitators of Drunken Master. Although a little slow moving, Bruce Leung shows his stuff in this one. He gets trained from three masters who wants revenge on the villain that cripples them. But, as good as they train him, he still isn't good enough. So he finds out that his roommate knows the Tan Tao style. Bruce Leung is very good to watch in this one. An invincible villain in the end tops off this genuine classic.
Iron Fisted Eagle's Claw
A policeman escorting a murderer to jail must contend with the criminal's accomplices, including a shadowy figure with an iron claw for a hand.
The Tattoo Connection
Martial Arts Choreographer
When a diamond is stolen in Hong Kong, the company insuring the diamond sends a former CIA agent to Hong Kong to retrieve it. Meanwhile, one of the thieves begins to have a change of heart because his girlfriend wants him to leave his criminal organization.
Великолепные телохранители
Три специалиста по боевым искусствам соглашаются на опаснейшее задание — сопровождать девушку и ее больного отца в так называемые Штормовые Холмы, где находится лекарство для него. По дороге они встречают огромное количество тех, кто не хочет, чтобы они попали в Штормовые Холмы, причем почти со всеми из них героям придется сражаться…
Ten Tigers of Shaolin
Tiger Chu Tai (tiger)
The noble Ten Tigers, one woman and nine men, protect their Cantonese region the villainous Lord Yung and his underlings. When Yung kidnaps the wife of one of the Tiger's students, the Tigers disguise themselves as a Princess and her followers in an attempt to gain access to Yung's palace on his birthday.
Showdown At The Equator
An undercover detective uses a restaurant targeted for harassment by a criminal gang to infiltrate the gang and arrest its members.
Broken Oath
Chen Bang / Chang Pang
Lotus never had a chance. Her mother seethed with anger at being unjustly imprisoned for turning her attemped rapist into a cyclops. Mother repeatedly asked her good friend and fellow prisoner, Pickpocket, to urge Lotus to take revenge for her as an adult. Lotus is given to a monastery and grows up there, but twenty years of peace and love make no impression on Lotus, who skips classes to practice pole and sword skills. Joining forces with Pickpocket and Big Rat, Lotus gets her chance at revenge.
The Four Shaolin Challengers
Devil Kick Chi
Lin Che Jong, A student of Wong Fei Hung stands up to gangsters from the local crime family,and opens a Kung Fu school in town. The gangsters take revenge by killing students and destroying the school.The town is run by a local crime lord named Shao Pei Lee, a notorious fugitive. Shao Pei Lee in turn enlists the help of a group of villainous fighters known as "The Yangtze Four" to battle Lin Che Jong and his brothers as they try to expose the corrupt officials and rid the town of Shap Pei Lee
The Dragon Lives Again
Martial Arts Choreographer
Everyone's favorite martial artist ""Bruce"" winds up fighting for his life and soul in hell against an evil Warlord intent on making him mincemeat - and he has recruited some of the 1970s most iconic B-movie characters to help dispatch the great one. But when that won't do the trick, he uses monsters, mummies and beautiful women to get the little dragon at any cost.
The Dragon Lives Again
Everyone's favorite martial artist ""Bruce"" winds up fighting for his life and soul in hell against an evil Warlord intent on making him mincemeat - and he has recruited some of the 1970s most iconic B-movie characters to help dispatch the great one. But when that won't do the trick, he uses monsters, mummies and beautiful women to get the little dragon at any cost.
The Star, the Rogue & the Kung Fu Kid
Bruce is an action director at a famous Hong Kong TV station, the lead actress falls in love with him much to the disgust of a Triad big boss, who then hatches a plot to bring the lovers back down to earth.
Black Belt Karate
Hsieh Kwong
Young man travels to Indonesia to visit relatives and learns the art of karate.
Kidnap In Rome
Martial Arts Choreographer
After the son of a wealthy family is kidnapped by a group of ruthless criminals, a group of policeman and a Chinese waiter desperately try to solve the crime.
Kidnap In Rome
Shi Wu
After the son of a wealthy family is kidnapped by a group of ruthless criminals, a group of policeman and a Chinese waiter desperately try to solve the crime.
Little Superman
World War II Japan...the Japanese military learn that the Chinese government has stolen some secret military plans and that they will attempt to send them to Hong Kong via Macau. When a respected Chinese officer is ambushed, he must rely on his old friend (played by 'Bruce Liang' ) to help him overthrow the Japanese and successfully send the plans to Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Superman
Hong Kong Superman is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung.
Gambling For Head
When his brother-in-law loses his head in a gambling den, kung fu master James Nam sets out on a one-man vengeance trail on the villains who pushed his brother to the limits and resulted in his horrific death. Non-stop foot-to-face action kung fu the way you like it!
Call Me Dragon
Inspector Big Dragon
Golden Sand City is filled with brothels and casinos funded by drug lord Yim Kung Ho (evil Mr. Yem) and policed by the iron fist of his henchman Panther (Leopard Head). Vigilantes Inspector Big Dragon (Bruce Liang), Little Mouse, and Black Cat plan to bring Yum Kung Ho and his evil empire to its knees, but face fierce opposition in the deadly Panther, who has the stolen pearls sought after by Big Dragon and his new ally Mei Ling.
Little Godfather from Hong Kong
Martial Arts Choreographer
Bruce Liang plays a Chinese Kung Fu movie star, who during his free time carries on a one-man crusade against drug dealers. The villains trick Liang into signing up to appear in a new martial arts movie. The plan is to kill Our Hero while the cameras are running, and make it look like an accident.
Little Godfather from Hong Kong
Wang Liu
Bruce Liang plays a Chinese Kung Fu movie star, who during his free time carries on a one-man crusade against drug dealers. The villains trick Liang into signing up to appear in a new martial arts movie. The plan is to kill Our Hero while the cameras are running, and make it look like an accident.
Seven to One
In contemporary China, hip and sexy Ting, in flare polyester pants and platform shoes, seeks revenge for her father's murder, and is on the run from the hooligans who want to take the seven diamonds' ring she inherited. A suave male singer shows up to help her when things get to hand-to-hand fighting - which is aplenty.
The Rendezvous of Warriors
Everybody wants the skin of Paul Chun ... Film released in French in VHS under the title Operation Black Belt
The Thunderbolt Fist
Gin Chi's follower/Japanese
A small village is taken over by the nasty Japanese, who kill the town's top kung fu fighter in order to scare the populace into submission. Escaping the wrath of the Japanese, the son of the master flees into the hills, where he trains with a group of rebels led by Gam Kei-Chu. Fast-forward ten years, and Chuen returns to the village armed with his father's secret technique of the Thunderbolt Fist with the hopes of killing the leader of the Japanese.
The Yellow Killer
A martial artist who makes his living as a syndicate hit man finds himself the quarry of both the police and the mob.
The Fugitive
Siu Lao (Lieh) and Ma Tien Piao (Feng) are bandits who ride from town to town holding up banks and killing anyone who tries to stop them using their superb and rapid fire shooting skills. When a holdup goes wrong, Siu sends Ma away with the cash and tells him that if he is caught to try and rescue him later. Siu is tortured and as time passes he realizes his sworn brother isn't coming for him instead setting up a bandit gang to carry on with murdering and banditry. Sui manages to escape and heads for Ma's encampment to settle some scores.
Black List
Two brothers, one wrongly accused of a crime, go on a mission of vengeance to find the men who framed him.
The Imperial Swordsman
Chuan Yuan is the noble, powerful hero and Shu Pei-pei, one of Shaw’s top swordswoman, is a reluctant bride who comes upon a rebellion plot. They are joined by a large cast of expert fighters and actors all keeping the intrigue and adventure foremost in the film. There’s even a nice surprise ending amidst all the action.
Etudiant bourré de Balck Bear
Времена японской оккупации Китая. Три ученика школы Хапкидо (Анджела Мао, Картер Вонг и Саммо Хунг) обучаются в Корее у мастера этого стиля (Чжи Хан Чже), но приходит время возвращаться и, прибыв в Китай, они организовывают свою школу Хапкидо. Впрочем, этому совсем не рады мастера японских школ, в частности, школа Дзюдо, ученики которой постоянно устраивают погромы в городке. Попытки установить с ними мирные отношения ни к чему не приводят, и героям приходится с кулаками отстаивать свой стиль.
Apple thief
Instructor Lin who is home from training the imperial troops for several years. He meets his wife and runs into his brother who has become a monk at the local temple. His superior Lord Gao, strangely decides to rape Lin's wife in the temple but Lin interrupts the crime. His brother is enraged and tries to kill Gao but Lin stops him with the help of Lin's training brother and old friend Lu who works for Gao. Lin is loyal to the Commissioner and will not do anything to harm his son. Once back at the Commissioner's house, Gao and Lu hatch a plan to discredit and eventually kill Lin all with the Commissioner's approval. The plan is put into motion and Lin is unjustly arrested for trespassing on imperial property.
Instructor Lin who is home from training the imperial troops for several years. He meets his wife and runs into his brother who has become a monk at the local temple. His superior Lord Gao, strangely decides to rape Lin's wife in the temple but Lin interrupts the crime. His brother is enraged and tries to kill Gao but Lin stops him with the help of Lin's training brother and old friend Lu who works for Gao. Lin is loyal to the Commissioner and will not do anything to harm his son. Once back at the Commissioner's house, Gao and Lu hatch a plan to discredit and eventually kill Lin all with the Commissioner's approval. The plan is put into motion and Lin is unjustly arrested for trespassing on imperial property.
Lady with a Sword
Feng Fei Fei, an excellent swordswoman, seeks revenge with her nephew for the murder of her old sister, who got killed by some rogues on her way home. She soon finds out that the murderer is the son of her father's best friend and her future husband.
Беспощадный клинок
Странствующие воины Танг и Чен разыскивают бандита, убившего всю семью Танга. В своих поисках они встречают опытную воительницу Хо по прозвищу Безжалостный Клинок, которая зачем-то устраивается на службу к принцу Кваю. Как подозревают друзья, Хо что-то знает о том, где сейчас убийца родни Танга, но они не догадываются, что Хо ищет того же самого человека – он убил ее отца.
The Invincible Eight
Whip-wielding henchman
Everyday when General Xiao and his men ride through the Imperial City, inhabitants have to scatter around in order to keep out of their path. One day when Lei plans to assassinate Xiao but gets hurt, another three fighters He, Jiao and Feng come out boldly to help him out. With the help of Zhu, a cook, He succeeds to escape whereas the other three are seized. Later on, He acquaints himself with the girl Gui. Along with another two girls, Hai and Jiang, these eight youngsters are the descendants of the late patriotic generals, who have been recently murdered. Gui suspects that Hai and Jiang are controlled by Xiao and sneaks into his manor. She meets the girls successfully, but she is seized. When Wan, Xiao's butler, urges his master to kill Hai and Jiang, Jiang overhears their conversation and tries to rescue all her friends. At last, the eight are united and try their best to fight against General Xiao and his men.
The Lady Hermit
Black Demon's thug
A young Kung Fu student seeks a reclusive teacher so that she may learn to defeat the evil Black Demon. She doesn't realize that the servant woman she befriends is actually the kung fu master she seeks. After Black Demons henchmen attack, the master reveals herself and eventually takes on the student to train her so that they may both defeat the villian. A love triangle complicates things when another student asks for training as well.