Luz Cipriota

Luz Cipriota

Рождение : 1985-09-06, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Luz Cipriota
Luz Cipriota


Voy a pasármelo bien
David and Layla, two teenagers who really like "G-Men" and they like each other too, but everything he does to win her over ends badly. Thirty years later they meet again and realize that the feelings have not completely disappeared.
Isabela Ribero
Фестиваль Рифкина
Reporter at Hotel
Самый красивый город на берегу солнечной Испании, романтическое настроение и престижный мировой кинофестиваль, сияющий кинозвездами – именно за этим тысячи людей ежегодно отправляются в Сан-Себастьян. Однако для одной супружеской пары магия кино оказывается реальной. Их затягивает в водоворот соблазнов и приключений, где жанры стремительно сменяют друг друга словно эмоции влюбленных.
Periodista TV
Unable to land a job as an airline pilot, Leonardo takes a job as a fumigator pilot at a farm in the countryside. On his very first night, he discovers the town harbors a deadly secret that will put everyone in danger.
Короли интриги
Мара Ортис, забытая всеми кинозвезда «золотой эпохи» ведет затворнический образ жизни в старинном особняке в пригороде Буэнос-Айреса. Свой кров актриса делит с экстравагантной компанией бывших свидетелей ее увядшей славы — влюбленным в нее супругом-актером эпизода, язвительным сценаристом и режиссером-циником. Отношения этой четверки далеки от совершенства: они балансируют между обожанием и неприязнью. Однажды в поместье появляются нежданные гости — молодая пара, положившая глаз на звездное поместье. Они притворяются поклонниками Мары и убеждают актрису продать дом. Однако на пути «акул бизнеса» встают мастера дьявольских интриг. Смертельный поединок начинается…
Eva Perón
Story of Porfirio Rubirosa, the Dominican playboy and suspected spy.
27: The Cursed Club
Mujer De Negro
One night in the hottest summer in 20 years, Leandro De La Torre, famous punk singer, shoots out of a window and hits the roof of a car. It is the day of his 27th birthday. Paula, a young fan of twenty-one years old, records everything with her cell phone. Far from knowing that in that video is the key behind the murder of the musician. Martín Lombardo, a staunch supporter of Racing, is the detective in charge of investigating the case. Along with Paula you will discover the conspiracy behind the deaths of all famous rockers at 27 years old. Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Sid Vicious and Leandro De La Torre have a lot in common: in fact, they were all murdered. Paula and Lombardo can be the following. Persecutions, impossible action scenes and completely unexpected twists make up the plot of 27.
Onda su onda
Gilda Mandarino
Two under-appreciated artists meet while traveling to Montevideo, where one will give a concert. They initially dislike each other but eventually build a relationship as a means of finding a way out of their existential loneliness.
Partners By Accident 2
One more time Matias ans Rody become partners by accident when their clumpsy translator is involved in a conspiracy against the Russian Prime Minister during his visit to their city
Still Life
In a town of Argentina, "the country of barbecues", people linked to the cattle industry start to disappear. A journalist start to research; soon she'll find out a dark secret.
Love Film Festival
Filmed over six years in four countries: Portugal, Brazil, Colombia and United States, this romantic drama tells the story of Luzia, a Brazilian screenwriter, and Adrian, a Colombian actor, that fall in love during a film festival in 2009 and will live a fragmented love story while competing in different film festivals around the world.
Partners By Accident
Matías is a Russian-language translator. Rody, an Interpol agent who requires his services to clarify a case. A series of unforeseen events envelop them in a desperate run to protect their lives.
Carla is 19 years old, she grew up without a father and with an absent mother. His world of parties, friends and emotional swings is invaded by the sudden return of his mother to Buenos Aires. The forced coexistence will bring to light a relationship, at times hilarious, between a mother who wants to live as a teenager and a daughter who wants to grow.
Love Stories Only Last 90 Minutes
In Lapa, Rio de Janeiro, the idle aspirant writer Zeca has been living with Arts Professor Júlia for five years. He is stuck on page 50 of his novel for a long time and Zeca claims lack of inspiration to conclude the plot. He leads a comfortable life from inheritance left by his mother and administrated by his father Humberto. When Zeca sees Júlia alone with her best friend Carol in his flat, he believes that they are having a love affair and becomes obsessed with Carol, following her. Júlia travels to São Paulo with work giving Zeca the perfect opportunity to have an affair with Carol. So begins his complicated life: while Júlia works and studies for her doctorate, Zeca has sex with Carol during the days and with Júlia during the nights. Zeca plots a scheme to stay with either Carol or Júlia but his plan does not go as he hoped.
Кризисный день из жизни Кристобаля — избалованного парня из состоятельной семьи, который решил закатить вечеринку на вилле родителей. Однако веселье — лишь ширма, скрывающая множество реальных проблем.