Jesper Sundnes


Jesper Sundnes is an actor and writer.


Kurt Josef Wagle og mordmysteriet på Hurtigruta
The crazy fisher man Kurt Josef, an early pensioner, and his odd musical friend Rock Fjellstad has landed a job at Hurtigruta, only to discover that someone has killed off a famous artist, the former M2M-member Marion Ravn.
Операция «Мертвый снег» 2
Nazi Doctor
После встречи в горах с нацистами-зомби лишь Мартину удалось добраться до цивилизации, в то время как все его приятели погибли. Однако парень забыл о маленьком подарке, который он получил от своей возлюбленной Ханны, — золотой монете, которую та нашла в старом доме. Эта монета — часть клада, который подчиненные штандартенфюрера Герцога собирали для своего фюрера. Но даже после смерти немцы не намерены никому отдавать свои сокровища…
You Said What?
Glenn has been dumped by his girlfriend. He is lonely, and terribly difficult to deal with. To cheer him up, his buddies get a brilliant idea. How about organizing a fakte audtion for a non-existing feature film?
Stylist Jan Thomas has a secret identity. Through his alter ego Fanthomas him, and his boyfriend Christoffer fights everyone that comes in his way.
Two narrative threads- one is an emerging love story between two awkward teens, Jens and Lisa, who are having sex for the first time and the other is an eventful quest of Simon the Semen and his friends to reach the golden goal, the Egg.