Samuel Guillaume


On the Bridge
Women and men board a mysterious train that takes them onto a bridge suspended between the land and the sky. Each in their own way experiences this threshold of walking on the edge of a dream, as though on a rite of passage heading to a certain end.
On the Bridge
Women and men board a mysterious train that takes them onto a bridge suspended between the land and the sky. Each in their own way experiences this threshold of walking on the edge of a dream, as though on a rite of passage heading to a certain end.
Not the Same and Yet
The Fox & the Bird
A solitary fox finds itself improvising fatherhood for a freshly hatched baby bird. Two paths cross and a family is formed, until fate reminds each of the life it is meant to lead. (IMDb)
La nuit de l'ours
In a city of disconcerting nature, homeless animals are looking for shelter for the night. They take refuge in the Bear's house, creating an ephemeral community that will dissolve with the first rays of sun. A tale of exclusion as recounted by crossed destinies out of sync.
Макс и его компания
С раннего детства Макс знал, что когда он вырастет, обязательно найдет своего знаменитого отца, Джонни Бигуда, который бесследно исчез вскоре после его рождения. Годы пролетели, а Макс не забыл своей давней мечты, и однажды он отправляется в путешествие. На пути к заветной цели мальчика ждут удивительные приключения и новые верные друзья.
Une petite leçon d'animation
Une petite leçon d'animation
Scenario Writer
Une petite leçon d'animation
Bonne Journée, Monsieur M.
Mr M's main problem is that he snores. The pigeon family would certainly not dispute this fact!